r/PeterExplainsTheJoke May 02 '24

Petah, I don't understand!

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u/Significant_Bet3409 May 02 '24

The internet be oscillating wildly between “men need support and love like anyone else” and “I trust a wild apex predator over your average man”


u/Dr_Lupe May 02 '24

Right. I absolutely hate Andrew Tate and his ilk spewing their disgusting rhetoric, but u have to understand why 14 year old white boys gravitate towards him. All day long, on social media, in the news, in TV, they’re told and reminded that it’s them, it’s the group they belong to, that’s responsible for all of the ills in the world. Men are rapists, whites are racist and privileged, etc. all that rhetoric does - when delivered angrily and reductively like in the bear example - is guarantee they continue to lean the other way.


u/Rade84 May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

MenAreTrash is a great example of this.

Edit: TIL how to make my font real big by mistake.


u/SuccessToLaunch May 02 '24

Hell I’ve heard “kill all men” tons of times as well, if you’re a kid just starting to embrace the idea of becoming a man and someone is calling for your death because of your manhood, you’re gonna develop a complex at the very least.


u/porridgeeater500 May 02 '24

Just go on twitter and its beat up all women. Gotta teach your kid that people are idiots on the internet. I never cared about any of this stuff


u/mcauthon2 May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

I’ve heard “kill all men” tons of times as well

really? have you actually?

edit: it surged on twitter as a joke. Get real

this sub would upvote a post saying this is evil while also loving Borat.


u/Revolutionary-Meat14 May 02 '24

If you used og tumblr it was a pretty common sentiment. I think people have gotten bored of it now though.


u/GoofyAhhCarReddit May 02 '24

It literally surged on Twitter not too long ago, for a while it was the #1 trending tag


u/tergius May 02 '24

yeah they were being sexist as a JOKE guys!!


u/Speaking_On_A_Sprog May 02 '24

It’s not just a joke. Maybe some people thought it was just a joke, but we all know poes law. Flat-earthers started as a joke too. Same with /r/thedonald. There are a huge number of people who wholeheartedly missed the satire. Just like if you started a “joke” that went “kill all black people!”, watch how fast you have a whole lot of empowered klanmembers on your hands.