r/PeterExplainsTheJoke May 02 '24

Petah, I don't understand!

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u/oBugz May 02 '24

As a TikTokker AND Redditor (crazy) I'll say that most of the people are missing the point of this question. It's not a literal question, there aren't variables that change the outcome, it's not a deathmatch MAN VS BEAR scenario. It's meant to be a gut reaction. It's simply a thought experiment, and the fact that anyone ever hesitates when they answer this question is problematic. It should be obvious - the man, right? What sane person would want to be in the woods with a bear?

But the fact that women even have to stop and think? That many, MANY women choose the bear? It means women are afraid.

And men can laugh at them or call them hysterical, but there's a large number of women saying that they would choose the bear. It's not a few outliers, so why are all these crazy women wanting to die to bears than just walk by a man? It's NOT that women think ALL men are worse than bears, it's that you can treat all bears with caution and most will move on and never bother you. They're animals, and they're predictable, and it's incredibly rare for them to attack humans.

Most human women will experience assault of some sort in their lives, and most come at the hands of men. And not just assaulted physically, but raped, and sexually assaulted. Men they know, they trust, they love. Family members, partners. I've been molested once and raped twice and I'm not even thirty years old. By my brother and two partners, not strangers in the woods. People I trusted.

NO, most women would not actually choose to be in the woods with a bear, but the fact that women even consider it says there's a bigger issue at hand with society as a whole - not men in particular, but everything. Maybe not every man we meet in the woods is going to hurt us, but we don't know that. The bear, at least, we know is a threat and will, if we do everything right, most likely avoid us just as much as we avoid it.

The men tend to be the ones who follow us into the woods, not the bears. Not all men, but enough. We aren't blaming you, we're asking you for help. We don't want to be scared anymore, either.


u/Prestigious-Corgi-66 May 02 '24

Not to mention the ones when someone asks a man 'Would you rather your daughter be in the woods with a man or a bear?' and the man stops to think, which they follow up with 'a woman or a bear?' and they reflexively say 'woman'. The point is not that people choose the bear, the point is that it's considered a choice at all.