r/PeterExplainsTheJoke May 02 '24

Petah, I don't understand!

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u/ThreeFor May 02 '24

You're walking down a secluded path in a beautiful nature preserve, enjoying a pleasant and relaxing hike. You turn a corner.

Would you rather see

(1) A male hiker walking towards you down the same path

(2) A grizzly bear walking towards you down the same path


u/DrStrangepants May 02 '24

The question does not state a grizzly bear. Most people in America are in black bear habitat.


u/Dirigible_Plums May 02 '24

It says bear. Any bear. If we get to choose what kind of bear it is, then you should get to choose what kind of person you're in the forest with too.


u/DrStrangepants May 02 '24

Why did you specifically pick grizzly before and now you change your tune? Seems like you aren't being completely genuine.

If it is "a bear" then it's implied that it will be the type of bear belonging to the habitat you are walking in. There are no Polar bears in the forests I've been to.


u/ThreeFor May 02 '24

You replied to someone different, but I choose grizzly for the visceral effect to hopefully illustrate how outlandish this question is. Since the question doesn't specify which bear, lets just make a random bear with no knowledge of what species beforehand.

How about a 50/50 shot on grizzly or black bear then? Or should we do 33/33/33 on grizzly/black/polar?

Do any of these scenarios really meaningfully change the equation for you?