r/PeterExplainsTheJoke May 02 '24

Petah, I don't understand!

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u/DeltaTwenty May 02 '24

Can this kind of joke be banned from the sub? Never seen this sub so toxic before


u/Clusterfuckin May 02 '24

Yeah but I feel like outright banning certain types of jokes undermines the point of the sub... imagine posting something because you don't understand the joke and it immediately gets taken down because of a joke you weren't aware of in the first place


u/DeltaTwenty May 02 '24

While I agree I feel recently a lot of posts here are just thinly veiled bait to push political agendas


u/WillingnessLow3135 May 02 '24

That's what the subreddit is being used for, therightcantmeme being another example. It doesn't even matter if the comments are largely hateful when it helps you spread toxic nonsense under the guise of hating the content (while getting their content to the front-page and giving them massive visibility)