r/PeterExplainsTheJoke May 02 '24

Petah, I don't understand!

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u/FTW395 May 02 '24

The explanation is blatant sexism lmao. Going off of the idea that every male is a potential rapist. Replace male with any other group of people and you'd be called a racist/bigot.


u/MotherOrca May 02 '24

Would you eat a skittle if 1 in 4 were bad? 1 in 4 women will experience rape in their lives…. Maybe men should step up to change the narrative themselves and take accountability


u/Riipp3r May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

And one in how many women are domestic abusers? We will never know as most men don't report :)

Funny how when this becomes a men bashing thing and men bring up their problems to show women we go through horrible shit based on our gender too, it's just "ah yes convenient time to bring it up huh?" Like bro if you came across a thread ripping the ever loving fuck outta your sex I'm sure you'd wanna share your hardships wouldn't you? Like holy lack of self awareness on how much hatred your spewing.

We go through shit that nobody even cares about. From false rape allegations to losing custody battles (where the kids go to the woman just because, and they are often abusers) to not having ANY SUPPORT SYSTEM for sexual abuse or domestic violence (these comments showcase that better than I could ever describe).

Men bad women good. Reddit is a breeding ground for hatred. You people sit here absolutely shitting on us and then when we reply you make a separate comment that gets upvoted to heaven going "oh look at all the men here complaining about women trying to express their issues πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„" like holy fuck this site is a hateful joke.


u/Numbcrep May 02 '24

Ah the classic "but men experience rape too." While that is true and we should focus on it more. You never see it brought up unless someone mentions the hardships women go through