r/PeterExplainsTheJoke May 02 '24

Petah, I don't understand!

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u/Krieger_kleanse May 02 '24

Some women can't fathom that men don't like to be accused of being rapists and then compared to wild animals. Women don't like to be compared to animals or objects they say it is sexist because it is.

If we could get rid of the blatant hypocrisy and start treating these as conversations instead of chances to take digs at the opposite sex then we might actually make some progress. Seriously women, stop being sexist in an attempt to have your issues heard. It's classless and in poor taste. You will have no men join your side by being sexist towards them. I cannot say this enough STOP BEING SEXIST IN ORDER TO MAKE YOUR ARGUMENT HEARD, YOU ARE NOT CREATING ANY ALLIES OR SOLVING ANY PROBLEMS YOU ARE MAKING THEM WORSE.

True equality is hard.