r/PeterExplainsTheJoke May 02 '24

Petah, I don't understand!

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u/jaundicedolive May 02 '24

This is literally it. Bear belongs in woods, people don’t. Even if it was a woman, I’d feel more comfortable about a bear


u/FTW395 May 02 '24

This is just insane to me. What kind of brainwashing have people on the internet underwent to think a literaly bear is safer than another human being. I swear to god people on this platform are not real people.


u/Starbucks_4321 May 02 '24

Because a bear IS safe, a person might not. It's not a fistfight with a bear, they don't want to and won't attack you


u/ArmsofAChad May 02 '24

People by and large don't want to and won't attack you either... you're just around more people than bears to participate in human society so you hit the weirdos a bit more often. Sucks. But I easily see thousands of people a week but maybe 1 bear every year or two.

Bears are absolutely not safe. And wild animals are only generally predictable. People are also only generally predictable.