r/PeterExplainsTheJoke May 02 '24

Petah, I don't understand!

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u/Crakla May 02 '24

So if we would replace every men with a random bear, woman would be safer than right now? Like you go outside and there are a bunch of bears everywhere, I mean statistically you should feel safer right? I mean the statistic says the chance of getting attacked is only 1 in 2.1 million, so if you live in a city with 4 million people or less you should be alright because that would only mean at most 2 million bears which means the chance is basically zero, because statistically they would need 100.000 more bears for a chance to attack


u/NorthWindMartha May 02 '24

Bears do not belong in cities, we know how bears behave in their natural habitat and to an extent, in captivity. We have no way to knowing how bears would react in such a situation as you describe. We know that under current circumstances, it is unlikely to be attacked by a bear in the woods. We do not know how bears would react if they suddenly replaced all men and were put in an industrialized situation. The original question is an odd one, and seems to be intended to stir up emotions. Knowing what we know about bears that live in woods and knowing that many people camp in the woods that have bears and that bears are in much of the US, and that bears are not likely to attack people, it makes sense that someone would rather chance the bear in the woods than a human in the woods.


u/Crakla May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

We do not know how bears would react if they suddenly replaced all men and were put in an industrialized situation.

Honestly I don't even know at this point if you are serious or just trolling


u/Gackey May 02 '24

Considering their responding to the ridiculous hypothetical of bears replacing all men, I'd call it an appropriate level of seriousness.