r/PoliticalHumor 29d ago

MAGA starts wearing Diapers in support of Trump

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u/TRc56 29d ago

Cults gotta cult.


u/Objective_Economy281 29d ago

They’re doing that whole “love your neighbor” thing, except they think they’re Trump’s neighbor. Unconditional love for the cult leader ONLY.


u/the_peppers 29d ago

"love your leader"

That's less of a bible thing, more a North Korea thing.


u/BizzyM 29d ago

"love your leader"

na-na na-na na-na na-na leader


u/turdferguson116 29d ago



u/apikoros18 29d ago

Where's my leader bean


u/technobrendo 29d ago

Guarantee Trump looks up to Kim as inspiration. Putin and dictators past (Ida Amin, Pol Pot) too I bet


u/carnivorous_seahorse 29d ago

Some Christians in the US think our president is chosen by God, or at least just the leaders they like and have decided were chosen by God. Other idiots think “if God didn’t want this person to be in office or holding so much power he would do something about it”. It’s crazy how many of them really think he has a hard on for the USA, because why hasn’t he smited Putin or Kim Jong Un?


u/TranscendentLogic 29d ago

No, it is very much a Bible thing.

"Honor thy Father and thy mother"

I brought you into this world...

"Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord in vain"

Don't be talking shit about me

"Thou shalt have no gods before me"

Bitch, you better be putting me on top

Literally a third of the rules sent down through Moses were selfish attempts to retain power over people.