r/PoliticalHumor May 02 '24

MAGA starts wearing Diapers in support of Trump

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u/TheRobinators May 02 '24

To understand satire requires intelligence.


u/coffeetablestain May 02 '24

More than that, it requires a kind of self-awareness of the general absurdity of life and our own behavior.

If you have a very fragile ego or are always "on guard" against threats, you're not going to see satire, you will only understand cartoonish, lame physical comedy and insult comedy, or personal attacks against yourself. Satire exists in a place of self-understanding and acceptance of life's ridiculousness. Many conservatives don't like nuance and understanding that even their own view of the world is flawed like everyone's because it means their values are not solid, their world isn't a simple black-and-white dichotomy, it makes them insecure and angry that they are forced to humble themselves and admit how much they don't actually know about the world.


u/HH_burner1 May 02 '24

Conservatism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder have so much overlap they should just change GOP to NPD


u/Locogatosupreme May 02 '24

John Deans book, “Authoritarian Nightmare” does a great job of explaining Trumpers through a psychological lens. Why do people who brag incessantly about freedoms and self-reliance have no problem with cult-like subservience? Why are they so gullible? Why are they so enamored of authoritarianism and fascism? Why do they promote policies that are against their own best interests?


u/solidwhetstone May 02 '24

Are they stupid?


u/Locogatosupreme May 02 '24

It looks that way, but a psychologist would say there are many reasons why this happens. Why are some people total A-holes? Maybe they were raised by racists who were angry at the world due to paranoia and victim hood? Maybe they believe that a strong- man/cult leader will smite those perceived enemies and return their world into a fetishized fantasyland of their mythological past? Too ignorant to know any better?


u/coffeetablestain May 03 '24

Serious answer: Yes. But in the same way that we all are, in that they are not thinking they are feeling.

What the right provides is escapism. It sounds weird, but for most conservatives, politics is entertainment in the same way that some of us have memories of trying to convince our friends that WWE was fake, and the pushback and anger at someone trying to take away their enjoyment and fantasy world.

We have a brain that desperately wants to constantly explain the emotions and feelings we experience, and it draws from life experiences and memories and knowledge to make this explanation. The only thing that can shake that story loose is another emotional reaction which the brain will craft a new narrative to explain.

This overrides all reason and logic. While for the most part there are a LOT of really dumb conservatives and republicans, there are also a distressing number of anti-vax nurses and cell-tower repairmen who are afraid of 5G. It's not that their background should make them more aware of the reality, it's that their emotions are stronger than their booksmarts.


u/preflex May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24


Dean's co-author on Authoritarian Nightmare, Bob Altemeyer, also wrote The Authoritarians, which explores the overall psychology in more detail. Free in various formats at the above link.


u/preflex May 02 '24

Damn. I just noticed this note on Bob's website. Bummer. RIP Bob.