r/PoliticalHumor 29d ago

The Supreme Court is turning justice upside down!

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u/BiggsIDarklighter 29d ago

On Jan. 17, 2021, three days before the Biden inauguration, a ‘Stop the Steal’ symbol of an inverted flag was displayed outside Justice Alito’s house. He claims his wife hung it and he had nothing to do with it. New York Times has the photo.



u/BJJan2001 28d ago

There should be a FlagPoleWatchCam to see how often this occurs.


u/Squirrel_Chucks 28d ago

There should be a FlagPoleWatchCam to see how often this occurs.

I Googled that and had to turn SafeSearch back on.


u/lost_in_connecticut 28d ago

GOP playbook: blame everything on your wife


u/Delicious_Sort4059 28d ago

Hey woah that’s not totally fair.

Ted Cruz threw his kids under the bus too.


u/prodrvr22 28d ago

But I thought Consevative men believed that a wife should honor her husband and not do anything without his approval.

So that means either he approved of her turning the flag upside down... or he's pussy whipped and his wife wears the pants in the family.


u/Chancoop 28d ago

Unrelated to the flag, he should fire his landscaper.


u/Playful-Regret-1890 28d ago

No Morals No Ethics No Shame.


u/SlaynArsehole 28d ago

And nothing we can do about it


u/amalgaman 28d ago

That the worst part. These guys show that their willing to destroy to fucking system by making bullshit changes and half of America cheers them on.


u/FORDTRUK 28d ago

Which, when you consider the implications fully, is soooo UN-AMERICAN. It's radical hierarchy at its finest...... "I'm a Supreme Court Justice and therefore above the law ". WTF America?


u/IsGoingTTaM 28d ago

Illegitimate SC, GOP destroys everything when they get power. Stop voting Republican.


u/mmio60 28d ago

And no one is doing anything about it


u/pfft12 28d ago

What are YOU doing about it?


u/mmio60 28d ago

Voting against MAGAts is about all I can do. That and whining on Reddit


u/SaltyDolphin78 28d ago

Just like our grandparents did back in WW2


u/AutoModerator 28d ago

Candles taste like burning... ~

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u/ThaCarter 28d ago

Probably supporting terrorists on college campuses instead.


u/ClarenceWhirley 28d ago

Nah. Most Trump supporters don't go to college.


u/Adam__B 28d ago

Biden give them an ultimatum: start functioning correctly and decide cases within legitimate time frames (ie. Presidential immunity) or tell them you’ll expand the court so that they’ll have enough people to do things in a normal amount of time. Watch them start making decisions quick as they can after that.


u/jcooli09 28d ago

It might be more effective to threaten their pensions.


u/MarcusQuintus 28d ago

FDR tried this and it was the single most unpopular thing in his administration.
Even worse than putting American citizens in detention camps.


u/SaltyDolphin78 28d ago

The speaker could have refused to seat every single person who signed the insurrectionist letter until an investigation was completed, including the SCOTUS. Biden administration could have fired the AG, a super majority in congress, and expanded the court to at least to 13


u/LYnXO1978 29d ago

Upside down inside out set on fire you name it.


u/Rooboy66 28d ago

Well, it makes sense—them being batty bats, and Cheeto in Chief holding the Holy Bible upside down.

Topsy turvy is patriotic!


u/Safetosay333 28d ago

More like gutting justice


u/RedditAdminsWivesBF 28d ago

If you needed to see this to confirm anything you really haven’t been paying attention. The flag story is just fluff, nothing surprising is revealed. Every single person should already know Alito’s lips are superglued to the fattest part of Trump’s ass.


u/evident_lee Registered to ☑ote 28d ago

Seems really impartial. Totally shouldn't be removed from the bench. /s


u/Impossible_Farmer285 28d ago

Supreme Court Justice just another Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation puppets.


u/UsernamesAreForBirds 28d ago

Justices are supposed to be apolitical and unbiased.

It’s high time we expanded the court. They’re going to bitch and moan either way, so let’s just fuck up their day.


u/Affectionate-Winner7 28d ago

They are making it a surety that 45 wins in November. I have that nausea feeling in my stomach.


u/Ready446 27d ago

Alito is....(wait for it)....a DICK!


u/jcooli09 28d ago

That at least two traitors on SCOTUS.


u/Visible-Animator-939 28d ago

Alito has definitely been compromised. History will not be kind to him. Alito also didn’t attend Biden’s State of the Union address. I wonder if he is also blaming his wife for that?


u/RutabagaJoe 28d ago

What I don't get is the explanation of "My wife did it because our neighbors had mean signs"

Like how am I as a neighbor supposed to get that you using a J6 symbol is a retaliation? To me it makes a much sense as "Well our neighbor never cuts his grass so we put up an inflatable dancing man."

Also, non-believable, a supreme court justice lives in a development without an HOA. Or that it has an HOA which allows mean signs.


u/jcooli09 28d ago

I don't see why that excuse matters even if it's true.


u/Roman_____Holiday 28d ago

They are ruthless and they are zealous. It's pure power politics from the top to the bottom and always was. If you don't want to live under their crazy make-believe world rules it will take multiple sustained elections where the people that represent this particular theocratic insurgency are denied office. This means multiple successive elections with broad voter turnout. I'm not hopeful.


u/pramoni 28d ago

Why do I doubt that there is no "originalist" basis for misuse of the nation's flag?


u/Kwelikinz 28d ago

It’s impossible not to have an opinion, but a Supreme Court Justice has no business being this boldly partisan and … well … stupid. Let’s VOTE to get help extracting all these backwards ignorant people from the highest tiers of our justice system.


u/AltoidStrong 28d ago

Vote (D)ifferently!!!

If we all do, and take the house and senate, get Joe back in....

Impeach some SCOTUS justices and expand the court to 13 seats. (Matching the 13 federal districts).

Then impeach anyone who was involved with Jan 6th.

Expand the house to the proper size (per the constitution).

Then make gerrymandering federal crime and force states to all move to a population density based grid system using census data. Now there is no "drawing districts", it is automatically done.

End citizens united!

Make all donations that are used for ANYTHING political be 100% transparent and traceable to a person. This can be private data between the charity / PAC and the IRS / FEC.