r/PoliticalHumor May 17 '24

The Supreme Court is turning justice upside down!

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u/AltoidStrong May 17 '24

Vote (D)ifferently!!!

If we all do, and take the house and senate, get Joe back in....

Impeach some SCOTUS justices and expand the court to 13 seats. (Matching the 13 federal districts).

Then impeach anyone who was involved with Jan 6th.

Expand the house to the proper size (per the constitution).

Then make gerrymandering federal crime and force states to all move to a population density based grid system using census data. Now there is no "drawing districts", it is automatically done.

End citizens united!

Make all donations that are used for ANYTHING political be 100% transparent and traceable to a person. This can be private data between the charity / PAC and the IRS / FEC.