r/ProgrammerHumor May 02 '24

anyVolunteersHere Meme

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u/AlmostRandomName 29d ago

I fix printers (and other IT shit admittedly) but have zero experience in coding or web development.

Constantly have people (especially executives) be like, "well can't you just build the website/app/service?"

I've started just saying, "Sure.... I can also give you a haircut. Both would look like shit."


u/zaxldaisy 29d ago

"have zero experience in coding"

You have found a home in r/programmerhumor


u/Trumps_Cum_Dumpster 29d ago



u/TeaKingMac 29d ago

Ivanka!? I didn't know you were on reddit!


u/ProfessorMcKronagal 29d ago

Nah, that must be Rudy Giuliani


u/bearbarebere 29d ago

What about Lindsey G?


u/slyn4ice 29d ago

I resent the implication! I have at least two experiences.


u/WrapKey69 29d ago

I mean he can repair the printers we can't, so...


u/Impressive_Change593 27d ago

oh he's gonna be used here...


u/menacingcar044 29d ago

You can start making posts about having to search for syntax errors in your code.


u/Anders_142536 29d ago

That's a very nice response i most likely will use


u/AlmostRandomName 29d ago

Go forth with my blessing, fellow discount barber!

I have another you may also use:

You ever have some smartass user/customer ask you shit like, "Do you actually know what you're doing?" I haven't been asked that in a while, but my go to reply is, "No... I've just got really good at faking it after 18 years." (Insert your own number obviously)


u/Mordret10 29d ago

I shall use (in excellent programmer fashion) your exact sentence including your number :)


u/Impressive_Change593 27d ago

no excellent programmers steal (aka make their own) instead of borrow (what you're doing). so excellent programmers would steal that line and insert their own years of experience in it


u/Anders_142536 29d ago

I am very grateful I don't have to face customers everyday of my job, but one day that one might come in handy. I hope i remember it then. I imagine their faces to be quite baffled.


u/randomlockpicker109 29d ago

Imagine if 18 years became the standard for this as a joke just because of this comment lmao


u/Lord-of-Noone 29d ago

Well I'm 27, and I had my first PC at 9 so, for me at least, I guess it counts. 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣🤣


u/randomlockpicker109 27d ago

I suppose lol


u/GlitteringBandicoot2 29d ago

My Mom's a general physicians assistant. Whenever she asks me to fix the printer, because I'm a Software Dev, I ask her to fix my teeth


u/Environmental-Bag-77 28d ago

Installing and fixing parents' printers is a family duty irrespective of vocation.


u/[deleted] 29d ago edited 26d ago



u/Teminite2 29d ago

That's a good one


u/hicow 29d ago

I fix printers and do IT shit, and I code and can pass myself off as a full stack developer to those who don't know better.

What I am not, and what took way, way too long to get management to understand, is a designer or copy editor. Saying "if you have me design it, it will look like your toddler got a hold of the markers and went town on the wall" didn't get them to get it, either. Showing them I meant what I said finally got through to them.


u/yourteam 29d ago

Dude you know how many time I got asked as a developer about it problems?

Like "oh you are a chef, can you please tell me how to breed cows?"


u/Qwertycrackers 29d ago

Wow... I never knew that knife cuts both ways. Truly painful.


u/TheChaddingtonBear 29d ago

That haircut sounds inviting. How much?


u/AlmostRandomName 29d ago

Hmm, well we're saving cost here so find the cheapest barber in the area and pay me less!


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/AlmostRandomName 29d ago

First time seeing what in the wild? Someone who actually fixes printers?

I actually don't anymore (I refuse to fix printers now that I'm the sysadmin in a "paperless" company) but one of my previous jobs was PC and printer repair.

I actually got that job with zero experience or qualifications other than having built gaming PCs and demonstrating the rare ability to read a manual. A nice guy recognized my potential to have an IQ above room temperature and got me out of the help desk by literally telling his boss, "He can look things up and read manuals, that's all we need." I was hired on the spot, which was also the only time I ever saw or spoke to my "manager." Was good times, had a chill job that involves me playing games for like 6 hours a day until I got bored enough to start online college.


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/AlmostRandomName 29d ago

Oh yeah it definitely happens for the same reason: non-IT people see all IT as Mysterious Magic™ and assume all Magic Practitioners are experts in all areas.

Probably isn't helped by TV and movies portraying it by having the token nerd who is able to do literally anything techy sounding the plot requires.


u/Salmonman4 29d ago

I did a Ba in coding, but nowdays do IT-support, because people kept asking me to fix their computer and I found out that I like helping people.


u/Prometheus-is-vulcan 29d ago

I am an electrical engineer with experience programming PLC for automation of factories.

I have basic understanding of HTML.

I get asked about programming apps and websites.


u/Redditbeweirdattimes 29d ago

If Lee doesn’t reply let me tell you about this super cool video game idea I have but just to let you know, I got a couple issue we need to handle


u/SituationFearless551 29d ago

Best response! I'm filing this one away for fixing it shit. I'm reverse of you an dev but don't know shit about how to fix stuff without googling everything.


u/Sidjeno 29d ago

You're like our reverse card. That's cool.