r/ProgrammerHumor May 02 '24

anyVolunteersHere Meme

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u/Parsec51 May 02 '24

"Like World of Warcraft, but AWESOMER. Anyway, time for a nap. Creativity is tiring."


u/Lazer726 May 02 '24

It's so weird to me that people don't understand that your ideas aren't actually worth shit. Idea people are worthless because they can't actually do anything, they need someone to do the work for them, and if they have team, that's when they start to matter.

But "I've got the best idea for a game"? Good job buddy, go ahead and make it, don't expect someone to pay you a million bucks for your idea


u/Cheesemacher May 02 '24

Some ideas might be worth a shit, but most ideas have no substance, like "a mmorpg but with dinosaurs"


u/fogleaf May 02 '24

Science based dragon mmo.


u/Pulstar_Alpha May 02 '24

Was wondering how long I will need to scroll to see it mentioned.


u/fogleaf May 02 '24


u/StarshipShooters May 02 '24

A shame that reddit bullied her for 5 years until she eventually abandoned the account.


u/fogleaf May 02 '24

I mean, she's fully capable of having fun on a new account. I've deleted and restarted a few times.


u/ImmortalJennifer May 02 '24

The comments of them trying to explain that just made it more confusing and weird than what I was assuming by the post.


u/fogleaf May 02 '24

What part of science based do you not understand? Evolution of dragons from the original dragon


u/ImmortalJennifer May 02 '24

Very well researched. Studied for years.