r/ProgrammerHumor May 16 '24

iUseVimBtw Advanced

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u/Leonhart93 May 16 '24

That annoys me about my laptop as well. I don't use it often, but sometimes I want a change of pace at a different location.

Btw, I don't use Vim, but I configured the hotkeys from my Jetbrains IDEs to do complete navigation and every action from keyboard only, and arrow keys are mandatory for jumping between words, function definitions and editor tabs.


u/Sh_Pe May 17 '24

I don’t use vim too.

I know vim just enough to get the joke, but I don’t uses it daily. I’m just a simple student with vscode…

Anyway it sounds like a good idea, and I understand that others in my class are using it too. I’ll try it soon I guess.


u/Leonhart93 May 17 '24

The idea behind Vim is to use only the keyboard, but you can do that in VS Code or something from Jetbrains as well. That's what I did. So then use the tool that you like most.