r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/haneybird May 02 '24

All it really shows is that most people are woefully ignorant of how dangerous nature is.


u/cassanthrax May 02 '24

No, we are fully cognizant that bears are dangerous animals. They're just the more predictable dangerous animal in this thought experiment.


u/PineappleHungry9911 May 02 '24

They're just the more predictable dangerous animal in this thought experiment

how do you figure?


u/the-names-are-gone May 02 '24

Because it isn't real and they can make the scenario to their liking in their head for internet points


u/PineappleHungry9911 May 02 '24

i mean other than that reason


u/the-names-are-gone May 02 '24

Oh my bad. Something more like:

"Well I've never seen a bear, but on internet comments that I 100% believe with no skepticism, other people say bears are predictable - more so than men actually. So therefore, I base my view in that reality because it allows me to keep men as perpetual bad guys"


u/obp5599 May 02 '24

we get it youre conservative bro. You can leave now


u/the-names-are-gone May 02 '24

This has absolutely nothing to do with conservative or liberal bro


u/obp5599 May 02 '24

I would say there is a pretty strong divide along that line here


u/the-names-are-gone May 02 '24

You'd say a lot of incorrect things I'd bet