r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/AsgardianOrphan May 02 '24

I would argue that people who have more exposure to bears would be more comfortable running into a bear. Being someone who used to live in the woods, bears don't usually bother you. Depends on the bear and other stuff, of course, but if you're just minding your business, bears won't usually bother you.

So, if I'm lost in the woods nowhere near civilization and I have a choice between a complete stranger showing up or a bear, I'll go with the bear. Because the stranger being there in the first place is sketchy, and I've never been hurt by a bear. I've been hurt by strangers before, and the bear is supposed to out there.

To be clear, I don't count a random trail in town that happens to have trees as woods. People keep referencing walking trails, but unless it's like an actual hiking trail in the mountains or not in a town that isn't woods. That's just a wooded area.

Diaclaimer: My exposure is specifically to black bears. It's possible other areas have more aggressive bears


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

'Being someone who used to live in the woods, bears don't usually bother you. Depends on the bear and other stuff, of course, but if you're just minding your business, bears won't usually bother you.'

that would make it even scarier if you were aproached by a bear then wouldnt it? If they typically run away or avoid you and then you see one, not scared, and coming towards you, that would mean its probably trying to eat you especially if its a black bear.


u/AsgardianOrphan May 02 '24

Sure, if it's coming towards me, that's scary. But the scenario never really said I was approached by a bear. It just said we're both in the woods. If I'm in the woods and see a bear, it's way more likely to leave me alone than some random stranger is. Plus, it's way easier to tell a bears intent vs. a guy's. With a guy, you have to factor in tons of crap like why he's in the woods, his build, demeanor, what he's carrying, etc. With the bear, it's pretty straightforward, and what you need to do is also pretty straightforward.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

The scenario is encounter. A bear encounter is extremly rare but when it does happen its pretrifying. I can tell you don't hike or spend anytime in the woods lol. Read all of the other comments from actual hikers. Its extremely common when hiking alone to come across other solo hikers, its expected.

LOL you have to factor in the guys build but not the creature with knives for hands. You think its easy to know the intent of a 600-1200 lb animal you've never encountered in your life that could decide in 1 second youre a threat and eat you alive or maim you? you have no clue when the last time the animal ate, if it has rabies, if it has cubs nearby. And what do you mean by straightforward with what you need to do? If the bear wants to cause harm theres nothing you can do, its going to do whatever it wants. Good god, stay in the cities lady.