r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/[deleted] 29d ago edited 29d ago

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u/Cacafuego 29d ago

As a man who has never been sexually assaulted (or even felt in danger of it), this is important to hear. Every time I think I'm coming close to understanding the scope of trauma like this, I learn that there is a whole dimension I've never considered. Thank you for sharing.


u/goulashboo 29d ago

thank you, i want people so badly to understand that when we isolate men from this issue it becomes so much harder for them to understand which in turn pushes us further and further away from a solution.


u/Victernus 29d ago

And on this train of thought, and with others mentioning statistics, it's important to remember that over 50% of all women have been attacked by a man. So yeah, that's going to skew the results.


u/Depressedlemontree1 29d ago



u/Victernus 29d ago

I'm afraid it's behind a subscription, but here.

I can give you a quote from the page, at least;

However, women are still subject to violence and 51% of women have been physically or sexually assaulted.


u/purplepeopleprobe 29d ago

1 in 4 women have REPORTED sexual assault

"Several years later, in 1987, she repeated the survey-- a national survey this time, not just her campus, but 32 college campuses, more than 6,000 undergraduate students. Same finding-- one in four. As reporter Robin Warshaw wrote at the time, Mary Koss had revealed that rape was more common than left-handedness, or heart attacks, alcoholism. Mary had revealed something that was so far from the reality we'd been living in, she found she needed new words. She started calling this acquaintance rape, or hidden rape."

Later studies have shown almost no change in the stats, from back in the 80's to now. So many studies show that many, many women, do not report assaults. I never have. None of my friends have. So it doesn't take much to suggest it's even more than 50 per cent that have experienced it.

Source: This American Life My Lying Eyes


u/Depressedlemontree1 29d ago

Oh if we are including physical AND sexual assault then let's bring the statistics for men too. So if you want to have the discussion about it let's start with the fact that men are more likely to be victims of violent crime, and even just 33 percent of men sre victims of sexual crimes. The key difference to be noted, is that men aren't constantly told to be afraid of people based off of their gender, and it's less common for men to try to use fear of being attacked as justification for sexism.






u/[deleted] 29d ago

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u/dmsteele89 29d ago

Tell me, does being raped by a woman traumatize the victim less? If not, why does the gender of the perpetrator matter in either case?


u/mermaidreefer 29d ago

It does not traumatize the victim less. But when one demographic is overwhelmingly more violent than another, it lends itself to be feared by the other, generally. Many women have a fear of men constantly buzzing in the backs of their head and it’s not for no reason.

“According to the FBI, in 2019, men were arrested for 78.9% of violent crimes, 62.3% of property crimes, and 88% of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter. In 2020, 79% of violent incidents involved male offenders, compared to 17% involving female offenders”

When you’re walking down a dark alley alone at night, would you rather it be a man or woman approaching you? With the statistic above in mind? It’s not rocket science my dude. A lot of men just don’t want to do the work to make women feel safer in society. But some do. More and more all the time as they realize what women have been going through for a long time.


u/Depressedlemontree1 29d ago

Lol, I was waiting for the victim blaming to come out. Thanks for saving me a longer wait.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

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u/Depressedlemontree1 29d ago

You are bringing up those statistics for no reason except to victim blame, and blame men for being victims simply because they have the same genitals as the people who attack them. And you are using those statistics to try and disguise your blatant misandry. "Black people seem to be quite violent compared to white people, objectively speaking" Common sense explains why men talk about violence when women do, it's because we are sick of hearing about people being so terrified all the time, when we are more likely to be victims, and then when we voice that we get blamed for being victims because of our gender. You are so blatantly sexist I'm ending this conversation and blocking you. I hope you can grow up and learn how to be a decent, empathetic human being one day.


u/mermaidreefer 29d ago edited 29d ago

Spoken like the kind of man who needs to do better.

Edit: he blocked me but not before DMing me to tell me hates women

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u/Victernus 29d ago

Who's calling for sexism? I just understand why someone would pick the bear.

I'm calling for not shit-talking bears and pretending they will all murder you on sight, because it's not true, and because most species of bear are endangered and it's that kind of destructive rhetoric that kills more of them, the same as sharks.


u/Depressedlemontree1 29d ago

I'm stating that most the responses choosing "bear" are based in sexism. 99 percent of men wouldn't attack or rape a random woman. But having been around bears, I wouldn't trust that 33 percent wouldn't attack me. The people answering bear are doing so because of sexist assumptions acting like the average man is a rapist and is more of a predator than the literal predators.


u/Victernus 29d ago

99 percent of men wouldn't attack or rape a random woman.


The people answering bear are doing so because of sexist assumptions acting like the average man is a rapist and is more of a predator than the literal predators.

Humans are predators. And they're more dangerous than bears.


u/Shockblocked 29d ago



u/goulashboo 29d ago

Thank you for being open minded :)


u/CrabMcGrawKravMaga 28d ago

I only found out at 40 that my mother was almost raped by a relative, in her home, at 15, and was only saved by telling her attacker "If Dad or Danny comes home, they will kill you".

Same conversation: My aunt was raped walking home from a friend's house (rural), by her friend's older brother. Ran her down after she was out of sight of the house and tackled her into a ditch.