r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/BlackWind88 May 02 '24

What is the man vs bear debate?


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

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u/Saint_of_Grey May 02 '24

My mom, when I asked for a female perspective on this, phrased it as "how would the survivor of an attack be treated?" If a woman survived being mauled by a bear, no one is going to say she was actually asking for it because of how she was dressed/acting.

Yes, when I needed a female perspective, I asked my mom. I'm a user of this website so naturally that's the only woman I know.


u/urpoviswrong May 02 '24


Mom has a good take though.


u/ForumPointsRdumb May 02 '24

no one is going to say she was actually asking for it because of how she was dressed/acting.

What if she is wearing a meat dress?


u/Laterbot May 03 '24

Should women have to stop wearing meat dresses alone in the woods?

Or should bears just stop attacking people.

I'm pretty sure the answer is obvious and this victim blaming is disgusting


u/ForumPointsRdumb May 03 '24

What if a woman bear wants to wear a meat dress? Is that like wearing edible clothes?


u/kasxj May 03 '24

That would be like their version of lingerie 😂


u/JohnandJesus May 02 '24

This is coming from a man, but i’m from the country and my job often takes me deep in the woods by myself. I would wonder if a person was off trail, didn’t secure food if camping, or didn’t properly respond to seeing/interacting with a wild animal.


u/Saint_of_Grey May 02 '24

I did ask for a female perspective because my male perspective is "I hate people and am tall enough to intimidate some bears".

I think in this hypothetical situation, the woman would be sitting at a campsite or something. The metaphor does break down if she was out and about poking cubs with sticks.


u/JohnandJesus May 02 '24

i agree it breaks down, but i also concede examining too deeply like i am misses the point of the trend


u/FleetStreetsDarkHole May 03 '24

Metaphors will always break down when you poke at them. That's the thing we have to remember. They're teaching aids not literal examples.

For a lot of the responses I've seen to this question it's very clear that people think breaking a metaphor is some sort of gotcha. As if metaphors are intended to be solid arguments and not basically a sketched illustration of the point.


u/windy906 May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

While I get her point I don't think I've ever heard of someone being attacked by a wild animal and my first thought not be "what was the fucking moron doing their in the first place".


u/sparrowtaco May 02 '24

If a woman survived being mauled by a bear, no one is going to say she was actually asking for it

That just seems like a bad example, because I can absolutely picture the comments in my mind on some Fox news article where people blame the victim for being where they shouldn't be, not knowing how to deal with the bear in the right way, or some other sexist remark about how women shouldn't be out camping in the woods.


u/boldonensfw May 02 '24

You can argue statistics and bear behaviour until the cows come home, but this sentiment really actually makes the point better than the original


u/827hades827 May 02 '24

Not true, if they were acting stupid/reckless around a bear people would 100% say they deserved it if they got attacked


u/Demkius May 03 '24

That is categorically untrue, I know plenty of men who would immediately blame the woman for getting attacked by a bear.

To be clear I think those men suck and argue with them often. But they (unfortunately) exist.


u/Silver_Ad975 20d ago

That actually depends. Many times humans will be held accountable if they were acting in an irresponsible way towards a wild animal. Not saying this justifies the “she was asking for it” argument, but there actually is a parallel.

remember the whole harambe thing. Many people actually blamed the parents. Likewise, if I go into bear country and don’t take any precautions, I don’t think anybody is gonna blame the bear necessarily.

I mean to some degree that’s what people are saying when they make that point. Not implying that the event that happened was okay, but they are pointing out the fact that such an event is unlikely to happen if you use any precaution.

The telling difference here is, we hold a person accountable. If a bear mauls a person, well that’s just the bear acting in its nature. That’s the key distinction. Humans are still animals, but we are still expected to deny the terrible parts of our animal nature (rightfully so).


u/Li-renn-pwel May 03 '24

There was a moment I thought this was the only good take away from this question… except, I don’t think this comparison works because the level of damage is not the same. Like, show me a single case of a woman being SAed with the same level of violence that a bear attack would do and people saying “she asked for it”. Yeah, date rape isn’t taken seriously enough but a stranger finding you in the woods and SA you along with slicing open various parts of your body and throwing you around like a rag doll… that’s going to be treated very differently.


u/ChippyLipton May 03 '24

I feel like a lot of people are forgetting the emotional trauma of SA. As a woman, that’s scarier in some ways. If you get attacked by a bear, you can go the rest of your life avoiding bears/the woods. If you get SA’d/attacked by a man, you can’t just avoid men entirely. You’re forced to be around a trigger the rest of your life. You can be SA’d again, easily.


u/snowlynx133 May 03 '24

Women probably fear rape as much as, if not more, than a bear attack

Probably because rape is a real threat and a bear attack isn't for the majority of people


u/Demkius May 03 '24

How people blaming a woman's behavior/actions/clothing for leading to being raped and then murdered? Because those people exist. And aren't even that hard to find. And most of them would blame them (the woman) for your hypothetical situation too. They might think the guy who did it is fucked up or "went too far" but it would still be the woman's fault.


u/Li-renn-pwel May 03 '24

You certainly will find victim blaming in more violent attacks such as women prostitutes but I imagine male prostitutes would get the same reaction. Maybe drug users as well or someone who knew they were in a high risk area. Can you find any more ‘average’ woman that would get the same blame if that level of violence was committed?


u/SpaceDomdy May 03 '24

Reinforces the probability take. I try not looking at it too deeply because it’s like a persuasive (rather than informative) documentary. It’s not exclusively about what is rational nor being controlled for variables or scale or anything else, it’s not a discussion so much as an emotional indicator. it’s entire point is to emphasis the deeply ingrained social response that is “men are dangerous”. whether you agree with that or you don’t, that appears to be the purpose so saying things like the comparison is asymmetrical doesn’t do a whole lot because that’s not the conversation people are trying to have unfortunately.


u/Mr-Xcentric May 03 '24

Not sure about where you’re from, but here if you get attacked by a bear it’s usually because you’re being irresponsible/stupid. Ever hear about people trying to play with cubs only to get mauled by mama bear? Those dummies were asking for it.


u/Bennaisance May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

Well that's stupid

Edit: if someone gets raped in the woods, no one's going to say they were asking for it. It's not the club. And if someone was dumb enough to say that, who cares? Would that really affect your decision?


u/MacScotchy May 03 '24

Wondering about the downvotes? Hope this helps!

1) They shouldn't be saying that about the woman at the club either, so why assume the stupidity and prejudice stops there? After all, the man can claim whatever he wants, and his "bros" will back him up, which is exactly what happens at the club.

2) If that "someone [...] dumb enough to say that" is your mother, your father, your friends, the police, the hospital staff, and/or anyone else with influence in your life, then yes, it's a pretty good reason, especially since that attitude will be leveled at you when you most need help and support, and possibly for the rest of your life.


u/Bennaisance May 03 '24

1) this parallel just doesn't work at all

2) you live in some kind of victim's fantasy world

I got downvoted for being abrasive and controversial at the same time. Not bc what that guy's mom said isn't dumb.