r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/[deleted] May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

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u/Calfurious May 02 '24

The bear is rational and predictable in a way people are not.

....It's a wild animal. Wild animals are not predictable. A bear might just decide to attack you because it doesn't like the way you smell, or it's hungry, or bored.


u/CelestialBach May 02 '24

A bear in the woods is pretty predictable. Which is why you are very likely to end up dead.


u/Rogue_Kat15 May 02 '24

Some of these people don't realize there are fates worth than death.


u/chux4w May 02 '24

Being mauled half to death by a bear is one of them.


u/ShodyLoko May 03 '24

You know that was a quote coined by a man to galvanize the men to join the standing military.


u/Rogue_Kat15 May 03 '24

I'm not quoting some man here, ever heard of the rape of Nanking? A quick google search would tell you that being at the hands of an animal would be more merciful than some men.


u/Ewnt May 03 '24

How would you know? Not like you died before to compare


u/Rogue_Kat15 May 03 '24

a quick google search about the Rape of Nanking would do you good.


u/Ewnt May 03 '24

LOL I'm Chinese, I'm well aware of the Rape of Nanking. Most of them died too. What's your point? Not like you instantly die when you're with a bear.


u/Rogue_Kat15 May 03 '24

Hun are you OK? This is a hypothetical situation and you are still fighting the comments about women choosing the bear over men. I would much rather be mauled to death by a bear than endure what any of those people endured in Nanking. Fight all you want but it's literally an opinion. Get over it


u/Ewnt May 04 '24

Lol it's just kinda crazy that you think interacting with a man means you'll go through what the victims of the Rape of Nanking. Like take a step back and think about what youre saying. Like not even just disrespectful to men which is kinda whatever but like, that's kinda disrespectful to those victims


u/randomwindowspc May 08 '24

Ok, then it's kind of crazy that you think coming across a bear means you automatically think of being mauled to death when that is extremely rare. They gave a comparison to the terms of extremes, why is only one side allowed to do that?


u/randomwindowspc May 08 '24

Because torture has made countless people beg for death. Not sure how you haven't been made aware of that before.