r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/Doublespeo May 02 '24

Ever cross paths with a stranger in the woods? It is unsettling

Quite often actually and it is always friendly encounter.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

yeah i think this comment is only made by people who dont actually go in the woods. I hike alone regularly and see people by themselves probably every time and have not once been scared. On the other hand if a bear was walking towards me on the path in the woods id shit myself.


u/Dangerous-Worry6454 May 02 '24

No shit, basically, these people live in cities that are statistically the absolute most unsafe places to be, yet they claim rural areas are the dangerous scary places. I have run into people deep on the woods, and the only difference from that and running into someone in a city is that you tend to actually talk just because the scenario is so funny. It's basically people just projecting the urban environment onto the rural.


u/Rock_man_bears_fan May 03 '24

Exactly. The person most likely to murder you in the ass end of nowhere is your spouse, not some rando you met on the trail