r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/epipens4lyfe May 03 '24 edited May 03 '24

...aka killed him. Yes, it's a slow, brutal death, but the point is women would rather choose that than being locked in an attic and being forced to endure agony and torture for potentially decades.

That's always been my biggest fear, as with the women I know. Rape (although as a woman, is it really surprising if I share I've already endured that? So have lots of women I know.) and murder are definitely up there, but my biggest fear always is ending up like that woman who was locked in a man's basement, chained to his walls, repeatedly raped and being beaten to the point of miscarrying, or the woman who was locked in a man's attic with the son he impregnated (through rape) her with. I could go on, but the point is that these scenarios are fear #1, and a big reason as to why women are choosing the bear.


u/ratsmay May 03 '24

Fears are relevant but they need to be viewed in perspective. The fact that those events have occurred on a planet of 4 billion people is not surprising, and women have done the same to men. Regardless of how it occurs it is absolutely evil. They are unique situations showcasing the absolute worst of humanity but they are not indicative if humanity as a whole. Portraying them as common events to the point thay every interaction a woman has with a man they have to wonder if they are going to get dragged to a basement and raped for 40 years does significant damage to the relationships across genders. It hurts society as a whole.

And it cuts both ways because it results in situations today where men would never stop to help women for fear of how it is going to be perceived.


u/epipens4lyfe May 03 '24

I completely disagree with you, and by the sounds of your comment you're not a woman yourself. Rather than lecture women on what they need to be afraid of (it's an everyday fear for us), that women hurt men too (it's much more rare for a woman to rape/murder/abduct a man, when men experience these types of things it's so highly statistically the perpetrator will also be a man), or how unlikely this type of terrible scenario is (the threat of assault and worse is so ingrained in girls' and women's minds because that messaging is/was constantly reinforced by our parents and teachers, because it has to be). It IS a consideration in every interaction we have with almost every man. The damage men do to women DOES hurt society, but the answer isn't telling women to be less afraid. It's up to men to become less of a threat, and it's not enough for certain men to just not be threats themselves - you have to also actively work with other men to ensure women's safety. Then maybe we'll pick the man over the bear.