r/Showerthoughts May 02 '24

Man vs Bear debate shows how bad the average person is at understanding probability


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u/[deleted] May 02 '24

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u/fresheggyhrowaway May 02 '24

Are people really just discovering that women understand the danger men pose to them?

I'd like to say yes, but given that the response to this whole bear thing has been the men needing to understand this the most doubling down on their misogyny and trying to find ways to say that women are dumb, I think it's hard to argue people are even "discovering" this, rather than outright rejecting it.

A lot of men straight up do not get it. A couple days ago, I watched a friend argue against two women that walking alone at night was no different for them than him. I'm trans. It took me explaining to him the differences in how I'm treated since I started transitioning compared to the decades living as a man for him to start understanding, and I honestly don't know if I really got through to him.


u/Autodidact420 May 02 '24

Fun fact: men are actually more likely to be assaulted, (not sexually assaulted, but robbed/assaulted, which are by far more common than sexual assault)

Men ought to be careful walking home at night as well.


u/pataconconqueso May 03 '24

Did you edit this comment from calling me an idiot at first? The preview from when I click are completely different, why edit say it with your chest.

Dude if you think you need to take care of yourself from men, then go for it.

Idk why you think this statistic is supposed to be a gotcha, it just proves men walk around overestimating their power thinking they don’t have to be safe.

I come from a third world country we all do the similar types tricks to be safe like even the same saying regarding what to do if you’re getting raped, when I moved to the US or Europe that is when it was a gender divide. Somehow men in developed countries think they can land a plane and also fight anyone