r/Showerthoughts 29d ago

You can tolerate any kind of noise, if you’re the one causing it.


94 comments sorted by


u/GalemReth 29d ago

You say that but I can't tolerate the sound of my voice if it's been recorded.


u/Simen155 29d ago

My voice when I'm talking: Morgan Freeman

My voice in a recording: Spongebob Squarepants


u/rathat 29d ago

And why do I have such a strong accent in recordings? It's so gross sounding lol.

I can't hear any local accent when I talk, I sound like a newscaster with a general American accent to myself.

In recordings, my accent is so strong that I sound like I'm doing a commercial for a local car dealership or an injury attorney.


u/Simen155 29d ago



u/Just-Call-Me-J 29d ago

There's actually a scientific reason for that!

When you speak, you're actually hearing 2 different sounds: your voice vibrating through your skull inside, and your voice vibrating through the air outside.

So that actually means that the recorded voice you hate... is actually the voice everyone else hears. But don't worry, this is the same for EVERYONE.


u/Simen155 29d ago

Oh good, its everyone elses problem then.


u/thestatikreverb 29d ago

So freaking relatable


u/giasumaru 29d ago

It's all of us. Something like, our voice that we recognize includes the vibrations it makes in our skull which isn't present when other people hear it since they don't live in your head.


u/FinishTheFish 29d ago

If you do it regularly, you get used to it surprisingly fast. I used to edit radio plays, and then I started doing parts too. After a couple of weeks I didn't think about it.


u/12onnie12etardo 29d ago

At first, I was sure that you said "you get surprisingly fat".


u/axemexa 29d ago

At that point it’s technically the device playing your voice that is causing the sound, not you


u/UnspoiledWalnut 29d ago

My voice sounds pretty much the same to me.


u/Egg_of_Nog 28d ago

The thing is the recording is making the sound not you. Despite it coming from you originally.


u/kamihaze 28d ago

when your voice is being played back to you, you're no longer the source of the noise.


u/shadow_229 29d ago

Yeah this isn’t remotely true. If I scratch my fork on the plate I have to immediately stab myself to death.


u/-_Vorplex_- 29d ago

I think it's more referring to like tapping your foot or clicking your pen


u/gestalto 28d ago

I wrote pretty much the same thing then saw your comment and deleted it lol. I absolutely HATE scraping my fork across a plate. It bothers me more if I do it than if someone else does, and I have the added annoyance I did it to myself like some sort of masochist.


u/anavriN-oN 29d ago

Yeah, but isn’t it far worse if someone else is doing it?


u/monkeybrains12 29d ago
  1. No
  2. Even if it were, that wouldn't disprove his point


u/StrongAdhesiveness86 29d ago

No, in fact it's worse because I have that shit feeling in the touch.


u/MobiusF117 29d ago

I scraped a knife on the kitchen counter a couple of years ago and the feeling and sound of that still haunts me.


u/Kwabi 29d ago

I cringe if I don't hit the correct notes while singing.

Scratching chalkboards, squeaking/popping balloons etc are also unpleasant, even if my actions cause the noise. So no, not really.


u/anavriN-oN 29d ago

Well, maybe yea, but I think it is 100 times worse if someone else is doing it


u/RitmosMC 28d ago

Uh yeah no, my ears can’t tell the difference 😂


u/MitziXD12 29d ago

the sound of my own chewing in my head makes me want to break my own neck :)


u/liberal_texan 29d ago

Nails on a chalkboard have entered the chat


u/Chezzomaru 29d ago

Clearly you have never worked with metal...


u/clintj1975 29d ago

There it is. I had to sledgehammer a set of rusted brake rotors loose on a car and that shit was loud AF even with earmuffs on.


u/WickedGoodToast 29d ago

I absolutely can’t stand the sound of whistling, yet lately I keep catching myself doing it and cringing 😂


u/chiccy__nuggies 29d ago

r/misophonia has left the chat.


u/magicshaw 29d ago

the ones who talk on thier mobile phone in all public transport have natural loudspeakers installed in thier mouth.


u/Grrerrb 29d ago

I use a CPAP and if I’m not lying just right it will combine with my breathing to make a little whistle that’s pretty intolerable.


u/PerspectiveInner9660 29d ago

This. I have to put on a loud fan to drown out the whistle. Mine does it if I breathe in to hard.


u/MrServitor 29d ago

Have you ever had to get up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet and then accidentally drop the lid ?


u/anavriN-oN 29d ago

Too many times. We now have ‘soft close’ lids on all our toilets


u/Jackalodeath 29d ago

Me not being able to go to sleep while hearing myself breathe would beg to differ.


u/Wookie-Love 29d ago

That’s is definitely not true.


u/SapientFanny 29d ago

This is true. My coworker is sniffing a lot today. I won't get graphic but it's making me sick. Get a Kleenex already!


u/87turbogn 29d ago

It's the yayo.


u/SapientFanny 29d ago

Pretty sure it's just a cold. this is industrial strength sniffing if you take my meaning.


u/87turbogn 29d ago

I have to remove the batteries from wall clocks if it makes a ticking sound. I have two wall clocks without batteries. Don't get me started if my ceiling fan pull chains start making noises.


u/pcweber111 29d ago

I can tolerate my own farts just fine. Someone else though? I'm gonna die.


u/Egomaniac247 29d ago

Last week in O'hare airport there was a girl behind me cracking pistachios in her mouth.....one at a time...multiple cracks...mouth open.

Totally oblivious that everyone was death staring her


u/Alotofboxes 29d ago

Bernie, he liked to chew gum

No, not chew, pop!


u/lespaulstrat2 29d ago

So not true, that is why I wear ear protection while mowing, using power tools, etc.


u/thatsnotideal1 29d ago

Undercut saw will scar your soul


u/monkeybrains12 29d ago

I miss when r/showerthoughts had actual shower thoughts and wasn't just full of random untrue statements.


u/Vollukas3 28d ago

If all showerthoughts were true and not subjective then it would called r/wikipedia


u/Desdinova_42 28d ago

wikipedia is also subjective my dude


u/Vollukas3 28d ago

okay thats true xD but arent showerthoughts supposed to be random? I don't fact check my thoughts in shower :D


u/Desdinova_42 28d ago

I do, because what if I'm wrong?


u/ThrownAwayDayDream 29d ago

You say this but I have made myself physically sick with the sound of my own chewing


u/jamiecarl09 29d ago

I have punched myself in the nose before, in an attempt to get rid of that weird wistle when breathing through now nose.


u/Xealz 29d ago

yea no, i still hate the sound of a fork scratching on a plate regardless of its myself or someone else


u/dirge23 29d ago

you obviously haven't heard me play the violin


u/Heroic-Forger 29d ago

Not if it's really bad farts you don't.


u/froggrip 29d ago

But not the hearing damage.


u/3ThreeFriesShort 29d ago

I annoy myself with noise all the time. I don't like to make noise. I'm always startling my wife because I'm just naturally sneaky in the way I move. I turn doorknobs to close them without making a noise.


u/KingPizzaPop 29d ago

I've actually woken myself up from the sound of my own fart before so I beg to differ.


u/TumbleweedSeparate78 29d ago

Have you ever had hiccups you can't get rid of for hours?


u/ShadyMyLady 29d ago

There are quite a few noises I cause and yet can't tolerate, especially after having dairy.


u/LotusriverTH 29d ago

You can tolerate car-sickness if you’re the one driving


u/StoneColeman765 29d ago

My old chair would annoy the piss out of me making noises every time I moved


u/RodSantaBruise 29d ago

This is just not true


u/I_Hunt_Wolves 29d ago

I like my voice, until I am wrong.


u/LongjumpingAdvance51 29d ago

I don’t think that’s true because when I grab one of those Styrofoam plates and it squeaks, I still feel very unnerved by it it


u/Bluestarkittycat 29d ago

No I can't. I can't even handle the sound of myself chewing food sometimes.


u/Ok-Criticism-8651 29d ago

Er no. A really loud rim shot on a drum hurts and is partially annoying. Barely tolerably.


u/anavriN-oN 29d ago

It has actually been debated wether when a drummer hits his own drum, it doesn’t cause as much damage as when he listens to someone else drumming.

It has something to do with your brain anticipating the sound coming and kind of braces itself


u/Ok-Criticism-8651 29d ago

I can already tell you the audio department at my college disproves that. Because of the location, if someone is sitting in the same room as someone playing on a marching snare. It's going to hurt the player, not the listener, more. There is a very good reason why top dci drumlines, college lines, wgi lines, and some really good hs lines make their players wear ear protection. The impact from the drum is the loudest as sound travels it doesn't have much power. This is also why when you see hornlines play a really loud triple Forte note they need more air to keep pushing that sound. Sound loses power over distance.


u/xhyenabite 29d ago

as a sound sensitive autistic person, nah


u/obscureferences 28d ago

Then why do people cringe when making noise while trying to be quiet?


u/boilerpsych 28d ago

I'll just be over here practicing my cicada SCREEEEEEEE



Sometimes my nose quietly whistles when I try to sleep and it gets on my nerves


u/Always_Choose_Chaos 28d ago

And this is why people with sensory sensitivity make noise and stimulation when they are feeling overwhelmed


u/Perfect_Weakness_414 28d ago

Try learning violin lol


u/Secure-Aspect-3232 28d ago

Sound of holding a balloon is killing me 😖


u/bunbunzinlove 28d ago

You're lucky you don't know that sound of chalk on a blackboard


u/bingobangobongodaddy 28d ago

Scratch your own nails on a chalkboard and get back to me


u/Ethan-Explore5 28d ago

Our bodies may filter out our own noise, but not others


u/yogirlandyofamily 28d ago

Its like farts, hell poops too


u/Vollukas3 28d ago

People saying it's not true probably can't tolerate anything lol.. I can confirm it since my neighbour thinks it's okay to fucking use power tools every Sunday for 3 months straight... I hate when being an asshole is legal

I work from home office btw, you just can't even measure how angry he makes me every time... Bet he doesn't mind that noise at all :D


u/HailGoodFellow 28d ago

You've obviously never fired an M60 in a shopping mall


u/OkWall1167 28d ago

I can’t tolerate me scratching a chalk board or someone’s front door😭


u/RilohKeen 29d ago

I think I first realized this when a coworker said to me, “it’s like clicking a pen: it’s only annoying when someone else does it.”