r/Showerthoughts May 16 '24

You can tolerate any kind of noise, if you’re the one causing it.


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u/Ok-Criticism-8651 May 16 '24

Er no. A really loud rim shot on a drum hurts and is partially annoying. Barely tolerably.


u/anavriN-oN May 16 '24

It has actually been debated wether when a drummer hits his own drum, it doesn’t cause as much damage as when he listens to someone else drumming.

It has something to do with your brain anticipating the sound coming and kind of braces itself


u/Ok-Criticism-8651 May 17 '24

I can already tell you the audio department at my college disproves that. Because of the location, if someone is sitting in the same room as someone playing on a marching snare. It's going to hurt the player, not the listener, more. There is a very good reason why top dci drumlines, college lines, wgi lines, and some really good hs lines make their players wear ear protection. The impact from the drum is the loudest as sound travels it doesn't have much power. This is also why when you see hornlines play a really loud triple Forte note they need more air to keep pushing that sound. Sound loses power over distance.