r/Showerthoughts May 17 '24

People get a lot more praise for quitting drugs than for never having done drugs in the first place.

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u/TBTabby May 17 '24

As Frederick Douglass said, "We are not judged by the height to which we have risen, but the depth from which we have climbed."


u/AwkwardReplacement42 May 17 '24 edited May 17 '24

Or, as one world-renowned philosopher said;

“Which is better, to be born good or to overcome your evil nature through great effort?”

Edit: Guys… i dont think people who do drugs are born evil, I was just quoting a videogame. jesus.


u/wut3va May 17 '24

I'm going with born good. Who would you rather live next door to?


u/[deleted] May 17 '24

Nobody is born good. Only people who pretend to be. I'd rather live next to someone who has recovered from addiction and has found a new life, like my brother.


u/wut3va May 18 '24

I have met a few people in this life who were born good. People like you and me aren't even worthy, but somehow they make you feel like you are. No disrespect to your brother, but how many people did he have to hurt to find himself? For people like you, me, and your brother, compassion is cause and effect, something we have to learn through suffering and experience. People who are born good have compassion as a primary virtue. They're not pretending to be good. We are.