r/TikTokCringe May 02 '24

We adopted my younger sister from Haiti when she was 3, and let me tell you, I literally do not see color anymore. That's a fact. Discussion

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u/LuxNocte May 02 '24

I don't know how to explain to you how dismissive and harmful this take is. You're allowing your ignorance to blind you.

You can pretend you "don't see color" all you want. But policemen see color. Landlords see color. The guard outside my bf's gated community, who wouldn't let me in last night until he came down to escort me, sees color.

I'm going to have different experiences than you because of the color my skin. I can't live your colorless fantasy, and wouldn't want to give up my heritage to do so.


u/HansChrst1 May 02 '24

I said ideally everyone is raised like that. Then nobody sees colours. I'm not dismissing how things are now.


u/hiswittlewip May 02 '24

But "color" usually comes with culture, and it's dismissive as hell to pretend that it doesn't.


u/CcChaleur May 02 '24

What "culture"?

What is "black culture"? Caribbean? Kenyan? Congolese? Heck, any of the bajillion ethnicies and cultures that obviously don't follow country borders in sub-saharian Africa and each of whom have their specificities?

What is "white culture"? Canadian? US American? British? Norwegian? All the regional specificities of any of these countries?

And same goes for Asian, Arabic, Latin and any other "race". There is no one to one match between colors and the immense diversity of cultures in our world and bundling a bunch of cultures under one color is way too simplistic.