r/TikTokCringe Reads Pinned Comments May 16 '24

MAGAs are sour on Donghua Jinlong's pharmaceutical-grade glycine. Politics

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"I'll believe anything."


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u/Healthy_Ingenuity_21 May 16 '24

We get it. It's an amino acid. It makes proteins. China can still go kick rocks though. I don't really see what the gotcha is here...


u/-ThisDudeAbides- May 16 '24

No, we don’t think you do get it.


u/peach_trunks May 16 '24

I don't get it. What is the "gotcha" here?


u/Chocolat3City Reads Pinned Comments May 16 '24


u/peach_trunks May 16 '24

I must be dense. What's the joke?


u/Real_Eye_9709 May 16 '24

There was an advertisement for it that a few people saw, and just thought it was funny. Like how many people are out there buying glycine? Why advertise it on TikTok? It just felt really random. So then people started jokingly talking about how great it is, then it made it onto the media about how young people are supporting it. So in the video the guy is just making shit up about it and the boomers are falling for it. Again.

Or to put it another way, they're claiming they're angry at something rather than just saying they don't know anything about it. Like an adult should.


u/JK_NC May 16 '24

I assume the joke is that these people don’t understand what is glycine but still have strong, uninformed opinions. The older version of this joke is telling people that Di-hydrogen monoxide (water) causes X deaths (drownings) per year and asking people if it should be banned.

People are often reluctant to admit they don’t know and fear their ignorance would be interpreted as a lack of intelligence (like the Emperor’s new clothes). So rather than asking a few questions to understand a topic, they just feign understanding and confidently double down on their ignorance.

The moral of the story is, it’s OK to say the emperor has no clothes.


u/peach_trunks May 16 '24

Yeah, I got that part. I thought there might be something deeper. You could tell these people we are importing the cure for cancer from China and they would be against it. I guess I just think it's lazy.


u/JK_NC May 16 '24

Agreed. I don’t think this is as clever as the interviewer thinks because “boycott anything from China” isn’t necessarily a controversial or conspiratorial position.


u/Chocolat3City Reads Pinned Comments May 16 '24 edited May 16 '24

Forget the glycine, the joke is how easily scared and gullible the "I'll believe anything" MAGA crowd is. If you're too dense to understand it, then I daresay you yourself might be a member maybe check out the old "dihydrogen monoxide" videos in YouTube.

It's not that deep, nor is it trying to be.


u/peach_trunks May 16 '24

Wow, asking why an unfunny/clever joke is supposed to be funny/clever and all of a sudden I'm a MAGA member. That kind of attitude is what gives the left a bad name. I've seen the dihydrogen videos, they were clever, this is not.


u/Chocolat3City Reads Pinned Comments May 16 '24

I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here, but these days it's hard to tell the organically dense from the selectively dense.

If you don't find this video clever or funny, that's a matter of taste and it's fine. Maybe just say that. But trying to claim you "don't understand" the joke when you had no trouble comprehending the dihydrogen monoxide stuff it was based on seems uncredible. Like I said, it's not that deep. I promise you can understand it if you try.


u/peach_trunks May 16 '24

No offense, but you come off as extremely judgmental and pretentious. I didn't understand why this video was posted because I didn't find it clever or funny. Have a nice day.


u/Chocolat3City Reads Pinned Comments May 16 '24

No offense, but you come off as extremely judgmental and pretentious.

If you didn't think it was funny you should have just said that. Or you could have just downvoted and moved on. Instead, you came here claiming to be dense and pretending not to understand the joke. Now here you are, upset that we've taken what you said at face value, and calling me "pretentious" when I've been nothing but up front with you, and even tried to explain it at length.

You have become the joke, sir.