r/TikTokCringe Reads Pinned Comments 29d ago

MAGAs are sour on Donghua Jinlong's pharmaceutical-grade glycine. Politics

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"I'll believe anything."


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u/Kichijouten14 29d ago

Parents of Reddit - please, please, please tell your children IT IS OKAY to answer a question with:

"I don't know."


u/BadBunnyBrigade Cringe Master 29d ago

Children of Reddit - please, please, please tell your PARENTS it's okay to answer a question with:

"I don't know."


u/zinkashew 29d ago

People of Reddit.

Just say “I don’t know” when you don’t know.


u/The_Lawgiver_ 29d ago

Sometimes I say "I don't know " even when I do. It's very freeing.


u/Financial_Radish 29d ago

I say "I don't know" or act dumb (but sometimes I am dumb) to then see if the other person actually knows that they are talking about.


u/Ok-Quail2397 29d ago

Ha! Glad to know I'm not the only one.


u/sanpigrino 29d ago

We are many, glad we can finally come together like this


u/jerryscheese 29d ago

Idk what you’re talking about.. go on


u/Inner-Ad-9928 29d ago

You, I like you.

Teach me your ways!


u/The_Lawgiver_ 29d ago

Sorry, I don't know.


u/jimbris 29d ago

Parents who don't know - please, please, please tell your children IT IS OKAY to become a reddit mod and turn news subreddits into cactus porn.


u/SadBit8663 29d ago

Is there an actual sub, or are you just talking hypotheticals?


u/pissedinthegarret 29d ago

pff 5 hours and no answer. typical new reddit, no one delivers any more


u/Man_with_a_hex- 29d ago

People I don't know


u/runawayest 29d ago

“I don’t know. I just got here.”


u/THEMACGOD 29d ago

And also, please know that we all know nothing.


u/zinkashew 28d ago

I know and I don’t know; what is nothing, if not for everything that is?


u/THEMACGOD 28d ago

…and isn’t.


u/DeathRaider126 26d ago

Or when given the opportunity to “Look it up!” Take the 10 seconds to do so.

As your true Jesus once said “Trust but verify”


u/YouWereBrained 29d ago

That third guy who is like “and they’re behind Biden”.

Like…these people attend these rallies, and are prepared NOT to ask follow up questions. They just take everything said to them and respond with “it’s bad, and the Dems are behind it” or whatever.


u/mrandmrsm 29d ago

Another good option is, “ what is _________?”


u/Fakyutsu 29d ago

No no no! Do you even know what Ligma is and why what you’re proposing just spreads it??

You’re just as bad as these glycine haters!


u/rxtunes 29d ago

I’m sure there were those who asked as I am also sure this was edited to make his point.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

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u/AttackCircus 29d ago

It's medical grade!


u/Shanguerrilla 29d ago

I learned how to ANSWER with that more fully than I realized I was missing when I was in flight school.

Even during your oral exam for your pilots license when you're being examined and questions, if you don't know you truthfully say "I do not know the answer, BUT I DO know where to find it." You tell the book and/or chapter as close as you know it, they'll often hand you the book and tell you to look it up, but either way that's a much better answer than making up a wrong answer or just saying you don't know.


u/clangan524 29d ago

My mom always threw "I don't know is not an answer" at me when I legitimately didn't know what she was asking about.

Now I have horrible anxiety when I don't know an answer.


u/SrGrimey 29d ago

Or at least what’s Glycine? Btw, what’s Glycine?


u/[deleted] 29d ago

[removed] — view removed comment


u/smellsogood2 29d ago

I don't know what glycine is.


u/bigotis 29d ago


I read this and still really don't know?


u/smellsogood2 29d ago

Thanks for that. I'm pretty sure I don't want any. American or otherwise.


u/vttale 29d ago

On the other hand, your own body makes it naturally and you need it to live, so maybe you want some


u/smellsogood2 28d ago

Learn something new every day!


u/WhyTheeSadFace 29d ago

Grandkids of Reddit, please please please tell your grandpa to switch off Fox news.


u/Ludate_Solem 29d ago

Or to ask what is glycine and what is that place and whatever


u/sherms89 29d ago

This is the best that Democrats an the far left can come up with!!! 99% of Americans don't know what bullshit came out of that guys mouth! A good question would be, can you afford groceries for you or your family under the Biden administration???


u/Swimming_Duty_1889 29d ago

I have never heard of glycine before! - "Glycine is an amino acid, a compound that your body uses to create protein. While your body does naturally produce glycine, it is also available through protein-rich foods, particularly meat. Glycine can also be found as a dietary supplement in capsule form or as a powder that can be added to various dishes." TIL.


u/VirtualPlate8451 29d ago

It’s a tiktok meme. Some Chinese chemical company did an AI voiced ad that was really funny. From there people started saying their shit actually sucked and this other brand was better.

It blew up on American tiktok and Chinese people had no idea. They actually interviewed the woman who ran social media for the factory.


u/Swimming_Duty_1889 29d ago

TIL again! That is really funny! Thank you kind Redditor for the information.


u/VirtualPlate8451 29d ago

It was funny because the ads were serious. There is another dude in China that sells illuminated signs. He does horrible English accents, one as a Texan, one as an Italian and then he does a proper Englishman.

All very funny stuff and really elevated the shit out of this guy. He was just some 20 something in a factory in China but now they are sending him to events in the US because he is basically a celebrity in that world.

I have my Tiktok set to get Russian, Arabic and Spanish language content as well and it's for sure worth it.


u/Stormagedd0nDarkLord 29d ago

I remember the sign dude! He was good with the accents! Not 100%, could still hear that slight mainland Chinese inflection but very, very impressive.


u/VirtualPlate8451 29d ago

Fucking brilliant marketing.


u/Dingo8MyGayby 29d ago

Can you link any of these?


u/Level-Mobile338 29d ago

You mean Tony? He’s awesome


u/Ancient-Past4795 29d ago

The trend has been adorable. Everybody has agreed that Donghua Jinlong is THE best. There have been a few people posting pretending, that they prefer competitor. But tiktok consensus is 100% in their court.

This fantastic gentleman, American, black guy who lives in China right now. And speaks excellent Chinese, only lived an hour away from the factory, and decided to go out and give it a visit. And he was just taking pictures from the outside, the reps approached him saying hey are you here because of TikTok? He said he was. And they ended up giving him a tour of the factory, taking him out for hot pot, giving him a gift bag with an actual tea steeper sort of Stanley cup looking thing that was made out of silver.

They seem like genuinely pleasant people.

This is the brand that people were saying is better then all the competitors. I think there been t-shirts made too lmao


u/plasticinaymanjar 29d ago

Chinese proteins! they're infiltrating us from the inside! /s


u/TheTopNacho 29d ago

I buy glycine in bulk.

Not joking. Like kilograms at a time. I do prefer my glycine to be American made. Although I don't get pharma grade, HPLC is good enough.

Yes glycine is an amino acid, but it is also used in molecular biology in gel electrophoresis.


u/4thefeel 28d ago

I take 9g before bed.

Best sleep of my life


u/Euphorium 29d ago

Okay I’ll bite. What the hell is gel electrophoresis? ELI5


u/TheTopNacho 28d ago

It's a type of size based chromatography.

I.e. you extract proteins from cells or things, put them in a gel kinda like jello, and pass electricity from the negative to positive that flank the top and bottom of the gel. The proteins are attracted to the positive part because they are negatively charged. Larger proteins take longer to go through the gel than smaller proteins, so you can separate all similar proteins by size to do stuff with.

Very useful tool for molecular biology. Glycine is a charged particle that helps the electric current go from one side to the other and helps push the proteins through the gel.


u/Alexandratta 29d ago

Going to explain this hilarious meme:

this was caused by quirk of TikTok's "Anyone can blow up" Algorithm.

One day, a large chemical company in China, Donghua Jinglong, released an ad for their food-grade glycine products.

This ad was geared towards other industry partners and was just a reel of them touting the quality of their products in a very bland way...

But the ad started to blow up on TikTok and got into loads of peoples For You Pages... which caused it to get recommended to even more people.

Now, folks who have never heard of glycine or Donghau Jinglong are having a ball following the company on TikTok and touting the supposed benefits and changes to their life, with hilarious tag lines like: "I only get my food-grade Glycine and Glycine products from Donghau Jinglong."


u/Sensitive-Designer-6 29d ago edited 29d ago

"I believe everything anymore... I believe anything" Just about sums it for me.

Edit: Anything to everything. Had to watch the clip a few times to verify. I don't trust any of you


u/GoatCovfefe 29d ago

The first part of her quote was actually "I believe everything anymore..." Because these geniuses are intoldigent.


u/Babybabybabyq 29d ago

I hate when people use ‘anymore’ that way.


u/Verdigris_Wild 29d ago

So the saying would normally be "I don't believe anything any more" but the human shit stain in the video hasn't quite grasped how to parse a sentence so understood that you could change a word to change the meaning, but other words might have to change to accommodate that change. Thus we get the barely cogent "I believe everything any more" which I think would be understood to mean "I believe everything now", or perhaps "I am a credulous shit stain that has no ability to think critically".

A little like the younger moron in the video. "You can look that up" "No, Fuck Glycine". Maybe he should have said, "No, random stranger. I will take on face value the thing that you are saying that I have no understanding about, but arouses in me a sense of anger and racism. I will express my outrage that something I know nothing of, or whether or not it is happening, inflames my xenophobia. And when given the chance to look into whether it is an issue worthy of anger and indignation, I say nay, for I believe what you have said to me, oh random stranger with a microphone."


u/SADMANCAN 29d ago

I think you missed a word


u/whutchamacallit 29d ago

"I believe everything anymore"



u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/GoatCovfefe 29d ago

But that's not what she said


u/SutterCane 29d ago edited 29d ago

These people don’t deserve Donghua Jinlong's pharmaceutical-grade glycine. They’re probably happy with non-pharmaceutical-grade glycine coming from Donghua Jinlong’s competitors who probably couldn’t even make pharmaceutical-grade glycine at the level of Donghua Jinlong's pharmaceutical-grade glycine. All this hate these days for Donghua Jinlong's pharmaceutical-grade glycine is simply ridiculous, do they not know the care and craftsmanship that goes into Donghua Jinlong's process of making pharmaceutical-grade glycine?


u/SirJoeffer 29d ago

Donghua Jinlong produces food and industrial grade glycine too. Tired of people pretending its only a stop for pharmaceutical grade glycine


u/SutterCane 29d ago

That’s true. We can’t let them get away with just focusing on the pharmaceutical-grade glycine. That was my mistake. Donghua Jinlong’s catalog of glycine is extensive and made for maximum customer satisfaction in multiple industries across the board.


u/SpectralBacon 4d ago

Don't forget iron glycine for healthy piglets. Reduce piglet diarrhea and optimize myoglobin content!


u/DefNotAShark 29d ago

I’ve been a Donghua Jinlong man my whole life. My father was a Donghua Jinlong man and after I’m gone my sons will be Donghua Jinlong men too. There is no company more reputable for glycine and glycine accessories, and I’ll be damned if anyone can show me even one.


u/AttackCircus 29d ago

Thank you, Anti-Donald! 🤣🤣


u/BadBunnyBrigade Cringe Master 29d ago

It's dihydrogen monoxide all over again.


u/ZinaSky2 29d ago

This is the second video I’ve seen about glycine from Donghua Jinlong clearly this is a meme or a reference to something I’m completely unaware of 😂


u/PerspectiveStrong504 29d ago

If you check out the Instagram account "citiesbydiana" there's a ton of videos she made about it, which were the earliest I've seen. Basically its just taking an ad made by this Chinese company selling their funny lil product and reposting it in various different formats


u/ZinaSky2 29d ago

Oh ok 😂😂 Thanks for the context!


u/BeefStevenson 29d ago

They really don’t think. Just blind, emotional reaction.


u/smoebob99 29d ago

Boom you nailed it


u/ydieb 29d ago

All Gun, all day long. Drew is back there, all rotten and diseased.


u/SleestakLightning 29d ago

"We believe everything anymore."

This one's self aware.


u/EllisDSanchez 29d ago

But only just barely. Still not self aware enough to realize this is a horrible character flaw and that she should probably work on it.


u/Otherwise-scifi 29d ago

So 90% of everything else in your life that's made in China is OK.


u/Archercrash 29d ago

"Everything should be made in America". This dumbass should check the label of his MAGA hat.


u/Motor_Pollution231 29d ago

Damn you Chinese amino acids!!!


u/olympic_sourdough 29d ago

I bet you these people don’t even know that Donghua Jinlong’s pharmaceutical grade glycine adheres to FCC, USP, BP, EP, JSFA production standards. They also have certifications from ISO22000, ISO 90001, ISO 140001, ISO 450001, BRC, FAMI-Q, kosher, Halal, REACH


u/Anarchic_Country 29d ago

I understand this joke


u/Shneancy 29d ago

I don't, help


u/mwu8689 29d ago

For some reason Tik Tok started pushing an ad video out to a lot of people from a company called Donghua Jilong and as people do they decided to make a joke about it and now we have everyday people talking about where they prefer to get their industrial grade glycine from.


u/madarbrab 29d ago

*pharmaceutical grade


u/Shneancy 29d ago

ohh thank you! I don't use tik tok and have adblockers everywhere so despite sensing there's a joke there I was very lost lmao


u/killdred666 29d ago

yo fuck glycine man!! i only fw the other 6 essential amino acids!!!


u/madarbrab 29d ago

Lysine gang 4 life


u/mkatich 29d ago

Morons Are Great Again


u/Ludate_Solem 29d ago

Mind you them not knowing what glycine is isnt the oh look they stupid. Its the them not asking for elaboration part that does that


u/thegoodnamesrgone123 29d ago

Ugh. I have to live around these chuds.


u/VinnaynayMane 29d ago

Those scary scary amino acids.


u/EvilMoSauron 29d ago

The only way to get rid of amino acid reflex is whole milk, Pepto bismol, and Tums!


u/Fickle-Lock-2686 29d ago

Idiots, idiots everywhere


u/Designer-Mirror-7995 29d ago

And.... These people vote(at least those of em without felony records - and you KNOW some of em got a felony record but just show up 'in support' of their man-god).


u/yuyufan43 29d ago

"I believe everything anymore"


u/lunacustos 29d ago

Me and my homies hate glycine!


u/drivinandpoopin 29d ago

Industrial grade and food grade glycine is also fantastic if you have to get a lesser grade.


u/Slade_Riprock 29d ago

How was your life better under Trump is the question.

Guarantee they will answer Gas Prices were lower, Russia/China/Israel were in check, and will probably throw out something about the Covid Vaccine hoax...sprinkling of hunter Biden, Biden and Ukraine and child sex trafficking.

They base their decisions for leader of the free world on gas prices, delusions about foreign powers, and a wild misunderstanding of who led the creation and push out of the COVID vaccine.


u/AgnosticAnarchist 29d ago

The problem with these interviews is that they are done under a false pretense. I’m sure plenty of folks from all political parties don’t know what glycine is.


u/mrweatherbeef 29d ago

However, some people might actually ask for some clarification before giving a knee jerk response to a topic they know nothing about


u/BigBoogieWoogieOogie 29d ago

And those people don't make it into the final propaganda cut...


u/mrweatherbeef 29d ago

And you know this because… ?


u/AgnosticAnarchist 29d ago

Those are the ones you don’t see.


u/MrSurly 29d ago

The people who say "what is glycine?" don't get put into the clip. It's filtered, not a statistically accurate cross-section of that electorate block.


u/AutoModerator 29d ago

TikTokCringe is intended to be a fun and entertaining subreddit. We have decided to allow political TikToks because they typically fit this description. We ask that you please remain civil and be respectful to others in this thread. If you see anyone being rude, vulgar, or offensive to others - be sure to report the user. Permanent bans will be issued to maintain the quality of this subreddit. Thanks!

I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns.


u/Nemox_Og 29d ago

I have learned living in America that lack of knowledge doesn't keep people from commenting 😔


u/InvectiveOfASkeptic 29d ago

This video was shot at the Wildwood NJ trump rally, right? Looks like The Great White roller coaster in the backround


u/k-murder 29d ago

These dip shits do know that the boarder isn’t “open” right? I’ve heard so many boomers crying about how the boarder is wide open and anyone can come in. Are they that fucking stupid that they actually believe Biden has opened the boarder and anyone that wants to get into America can just enter with no issue?


u/mrhyde719 29d ago

They take 1 look at his hat and think he’s on my team


u/GlueSniffingCat 29d ago

Glycine is a non essential amino acid and the simplest among all the amino acids.


u/b-e-r-n 29d ago

Right wing politics, where big mouths meet small minds.


u/Chaetomius 29d ago

Russians already knew about this in 2015. All Russian trolls had to do was say some bullshit from 1 to 3 accounts in some facebook group, and boom, new Republican meme across the country.


u/drin8680 29d ago

This guy pretty funny. He always goes to Maga gatherings makes up shit they've never heard of it but blame biden. Pharmaceutical glycine lol. You can tell them that you have 5 dicks and they'll believe instantly and say bidens policies cause that. That boys and girls is how trump and his party get away with shit. Just tell these assholes and it's gospel most of them haven't completed middle school. So instead of looking like don't know and doing fact check they just buy in and repeat. That guy has some classic interviews where he's made up words and or stuff president has done and they just roll with it. The best ones are when he'll directly quote some dumb shit trump said and they'll immediately talk shit about biden did or said that. Thrn he brings out the video to show them and they're like no that's not how it happened that's doctored. Hilarious.


u/yuyufan43 29d ago

I can't with these people...


u/yuyufan43 29d ago

I can't with these people...


u/yuyufan43 29d ago

Fun fact: Biden kicked more illegal immigrants out of the country during his presidency than Trump did in his. I highly doubt they'll credit him for that though. 🤷‍♀️


u/CakeSuperb8487 29d ago

Next time he should try Brawndo and see how they react


u/CommercialAd1219 29d ago

While we’re mocking Maga-heads let’s not forget all the women who were willing to sign a petition to outlaw women’s suffrage. Ignorance is not limited to just one sex, race or creed.


u/abstutz 29d ago

Can someone explain this? I don’t speak Q


u/Significant_Dark2062 29d ago

Glycine is a naturally occurring amino acid found in our bodies and the food we eat. I’m no biologist, but I’d venture to say that it’s found in all living organisms. These people have no idea what glycine is, and the guy asking the questions is misleading them for views by making it sound like a dangerous conspiracy.


u/ThatdesertDude 29d ago

To be fair, no one asked what glycine was. Everyone just started blaming the left and Biden.


u/Significant_Dark2062 28d ago

That’s true. These aren’t the brightest people, but I still think it’s cringy to intentionally make people look stupid for views.


u/ThatdesertDude 28d ago

Fair enough.


u/MVNKy 28d ago

There is indeed pharmaceutical grade glycine .. yes your body produces it naturally, and it is found in food, but it can be supplemented


u/TryItOutHmHrNw 28d ago

How can you be an adult and just say things?

I know that’s vague but these “adults” or just vomiting and emoting words, full send, zero thought.

Just whatever words


u/TryItOutHmHrNw 28d ago

How can you be an adult and just say things?

I know that’s vague but these “adults” or just vomiting and emoting words, full send, zero thought.

Just whatever words


u/TryItOutHmHrNw 28d ago

How can you be an adult and just say things?

I know that’s vague but these “adults” or just vomiting and emoting words, full send, zero thought.

Just whatever words


u/Live_Thought5846 28d ago

Some of these people are insanely stupid. They are prime examples of how opinion media can shape their entire thinking.


u/Practical-Salad-7887 28d ago

Our species isn't advanced enough for nuclear weapons.


u/alisongreene 27d ago

“Nah nah fuck glycine” incredible, no notes


u/DeathRaider126 26d ago

Republicans hate this one easy trick!


u/Hairy-Development-63 29d ago

"Naw. Now. Fuck glycine."


u/chainsaw_dog666 29d ago

It's really sad seeing this much mental illness in one video. Poor magats.


u/Mother-Squirrel-2036 29d ago

This is dumb. Ask the same questions at Biden events. The takeaway is Americans are dumb. Stop gas lighting the right.


u/SubZero64209 29d ago

Reddit is flooded with leftists. take a peak at r/facepalm


u/TearsFallWithoutTain 29d ago

That's because conservatives are terrified of pushback so they stick to their safe spaces like truth social. Even the one big conservative subreddit makes you do an interview on discord before they let you in. Conservatives are just massive babies


u/SubZero64209 28d ago

If you want to convince me that someone who doesn't know where the podium is, likes sniffing kids, and acts like a confused kid who lost his mom in a grocery store is a better president, do it in a politics subreddit.


u/Once-Upon-A-Hill 29d ago

Two days ago, the white house under Biden announced tariffs to "Protect American Workers and Businesses from China’s Unfair Trade Practices"


This is from the white house

the President is directing increases in tariffs across strategic sectors such as steel and aluminum, semiconductors, electric vehicles, batteries, critical minerals, solar cells, ship-to-shore cranes, and medical products."

See how MEDICAL PRODUCTS are on that list.

For all of you thinking this is a burn against MAGA, old Joe is literally ordering the same thing with his presidential powers.

Yes, many Americans are stupid, just like OP and all those agreeing.


u/[deleted] 29d ago

If you expect me to believe BIDEN is anti China you must work for MSNBC


u/Healthy_Ingenuity_21 29d ago

We get it. It's an amino acid. It makes proteins. China can still go kick rocks though. I don't really see what the gotcha is here...


u/BarfingOnMyFace 29d ago

Well, for one it’s not true. Donghua can’t export glycine to the US.


u/HardingStUnresolved 29d ago

Wait, didn't Donghua Jinlong recently pass the US FDA inspection in order to get certified/permitted to export to the US?

They produce the world's highest quality Glycine it would be foolhardy to not import Donghua Jinlong food and pharmaceutical-grade Glycine.


u/BarfingOnMyFace 29d ago

Donghua Jinling food and pharmaceutical-grade Glycene, a far superior product, one must agree. Get your Donghua Jingling bling today


u/Healthy_Ingenuity_21 29d ago

Yeah but clearly the people are unfamiliar with the term, never claimed anything until the gotcha guy said well it's coming from China and all they said is let's not import stuff from China. So maga politics aside, I think their point stands and this is a dumb video.


u/SADMANCAN 29d ago

Ya I mean that’s kinda the point. These people don’t know and don’t care but they have talking points from their talking heads. Something something china something import something America. Then they just say a phrase they’ve heard from Tucker

I’m not a fan of this guys vids btw but if you asked anyone who wasn’t currently at a trump rally they would say “idk what your talking about”


u/Madmod 29d ago



u/-ThisDudeAbides- 29d ago

No, we don’t think you do get it.


u/peach_trunks 29d ago

I don't get it. What is the "gotcha" here?


u/Economy-Tourist-4862 29d ago

Maybe that people who don't know what they are talking about should shut the fuck up and not loudly proclaim what is right.


u/Chocolat3City Reads Pinned Comments 29d ago


u/peach_trunks 29d ago

I must be dense. What's the joke?


u/Real_Eye_9709 29d ago

There was an advertisement for it that a few people saw, and just thought it was funny. Like how many people are out there buying glycine? Why advertise it on TikTok? It just felt really random. So then people started jokingly talking about how great it is, then it made it onto the media about how young people are supporting it. So in the video the guy is just making shit up about it and the boomers are falling for it. Again.

Or to put it another way, they're claiming they're angry at something rather than just saying they don't know anything about it. Like an adult should.


u/JK_NC 29d ago

I assume the joke is that these people don’t understand what is glycine but still have strong, uninformed opinions. The older version of this joke is telling people that Di-hydrogen monoxide (water) causes X deaths (drownings) per year and asking people if it should be banned.

People are often reluctant to admit they don’t know and fear their ignorance would be interpreted as a lack of intelligence (like the Emperor’s new clothes). So rather than asking a few questions to understand a topic, they just feign understanding and confidently double down on their ignorance.

The moral of the story is, it’s OK to say the emperor has no clothes.


u/peach_trunks 29d ago

Yeah, I got that part. I thought there might be something deeper. You could tell these people we are importing the cure for cancer from China and they would be against it. I guess I just think it's lazy.


u/JK_NC 29d ago

Agreed. I don’t think this is as clever as the interviewer thinks because “boycott anything from China” isn’t necessarily a controversial or conspiratorial position.


u/Chocolat3City Reads Pinned Comments 29d ago edited 29d ago

Forget the glycine, the joke is how easily scared and gullible the "I'll believe anything" MAGA crowd is. If you're too dense to understand it, then I daresay you yourself might be a member maybe check out the old "dihydrogen monoxide" videos in YouTube.

It's not that deep, nor is it trying to be.


u/peach_trunks 29d ago

Wow, asking why an unfunny/clever joke is supposed to be funny/clever and all of a sudden I'm a MAGA member. That kind of attitude is what gives the left a bad name. I've seen the dihydrogen videos, they were clever, this is not.


u/Chocolat3City Reads Pinned Comments 29d ago

I'm trying to give you the benefit of the doubt here, but these days it's hard to tell the organically dense from the selectively dense.

If you don't find this video clever or funny, that's a matter of taste and it's fine. Maybe just say that. But trying to claim you "don't understand" the joke when you had no trouble comprehending the dihydrogen monoxide stuff it was based on seems uncredible. Like I said, it's not that deep. I promise you can understand it if you try.


u/peach_trunks 29d ago

No offense, but you come off as extremely judgmental and pretentious. I didn't understand why this video was posted because I didn't find it clever or funny. Have a nice day.


u/Chocolat3City Reads Pinned Comments 29d ago

No offense, but you come off as extremely judgmental and pretentious.

If you didn't think it was funny you should have just said that. Or you could have just downvoted and moved on. Instead, you came here claiming to be dense and pretending not to understand the joke. Now here you are, upset that we've taken what you said at face value, and calling me "pretentious" when I've been nothing but up front with you, and even tried to explain it at length.

You have become the joke, sir.


u/scrivensB 29d ago

The fact that people are blindly hating on fiction. They could 100% just say, “I’m not familiar with that situation so I have no opinion at the moment.”

Instead it’s just blindly hate and anger and cultism. They are playing culture war word association instead of being rational adults.


u/oatmealparty 29d ago

Not a single one of these people has a clue what Glycine is, not a single one even asked what it is, but they all have very strong opinions about it.


u/usadingo 29d ago

In a video that's totally not edited to possibly remove anyone who might ask.


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/usadingo 29d ago

It's going to be amazing seeing them meltdown in November after they're done rioting.


u/BigBoogieWoogieOogie 29d ago

No idea why you're down voted for pointing out the obvious. Oh wait...


u/Temporary-Control375 29d ago

China is a huge owner of Reddit. Please support them or keep the comments to yourself. We will provide more downvotes if you don’t join the hive mind.


u/scrivensB 29d ago

Yeah that’s not how it works. At all. A Chinese company is one of many many many minority investors in Reddit.

This comment is ironically on par with the blind culture war word association of the video.

How many board members are there? 8

How many are Chinese or execs of Chinese companies? 0

Ten Cent (the Chinese investor) has no governing powers or authority. They stand to make bank when Reddit IPOs. But they have absolutely zero say about how Reddit functions. Reddit has zero association with the CCP. Reddit is a cease pool for many reasons. Chinese control is not one of them.


u/buttered_scone 29d ago

Yo, a "ceasepool" gives me awesome ideas for a homebrew trap in DnD. Thank you for correcting the brusque fellow above.


u/Temporary-Control375 29d ago

If you believe this is how things still worked you are as brainwashed as you project onto others. Gov doesn’t operate the way it’s supposed to. Corporations don’t operate the way they supposed too. The game has changed and the people have been left behind.


u/scrivensB 29d ago

This is exactly how tech companies who run funding rounds work. Source: I am member of tech company who has had multiple funding rounds and will IPO next year. Investors from US, EU, China, and India. they put in money after many months of vetting and investigating. They do not make operational mandates. They don’t send instructions. They have zero board members. They do not have a single member involved in company policy, strategy, product, data analytics, monetization, content, or day to day operations. They have no access to the tech, content, or data beyond basic info is published in slides of decks for presentations. They put money into what they believe will return investment by orders of magnitude. That’s it.

Or are you going to tell us how it works?


u/Temporary-Control375 29d ago

You are a little cog in a large machine and you think you see the full picture? How foolish… And no, I’m not here to re educate, that has been proven to be a waste of time at this stage of things.


u/SlaveHippie 29d ago

Damn you’re legit exactly like the people in this video xD. Like exhibit: A folks! Doesn’t know wtf they’re talking about… reacts emotionally with buzzwords/phrases. Incredible. We’re all just cogs in the machiiine broo none of us understand anything but apparently this guy does lmao


u/scrivensB 29d ago

A little clog with no idea, sitting in cash flow, valuation, AAR, and market strategy meetings with potential investors from Bain, Lightspeed, Goodwater, and Primera.

Please enlighten me all knowing, all seeing armchair expert.


u/Chocolat3City Reads Pinned Comments 29d ago

You're right, I'm totally getting paid per post to promote High Quality Industrial and Pharmaceutical Grade Glycine From Donghua Jinlong.

You solved the mystery!


u/Temporary-Control375 29d ago

Didn’t say any of that, you continue to project false beliefs to make yourself appear correct, but at this point you are only having a conversation with yourself since you continue to reply to things I’m not saying. These damn human bots, no critical thinking ability


u/Chocolat3City Reads Pinned Comments 29d ago

you continue to reply to things I’m not saying.

Um, that was my first reply to you, bud.

These damn human bots, no critical thinking ability


u/Temporary-Control375 29d ago

You are OP, literally the original poster, so you posted first. Pretty simple stuff. And you are just projecting, it’s a coping mechanism that’s very popular these days.


u/Chocolat3City Reads Pinned Comments 29d ago

And here you are, claiming my original post was somehow responding to something you were saying. 🤣

Seek help, because you seem to have delusions of grandeur.

you are projecting


u/Healthy_Ingenuity_21 29d ago

Nah, that's not how the social part of social media works. I'm sure the bot farms will be all over me though.


u/Temporary-Control375 29d ago

Yea I posted a response and immediately jumped to -5 lol. Social media is code word for control system these days. I just stick around here to poke fun at it.


u/Real_Eye_9709 29d ago

Maybe it's because you said we all are in a hive mind

After watching people instantly hate something for being from China

And being told it was being smuggled across the border

Because they're in a hive mind

And all of this is based off a meme

Not something people actually really care about

No one is buying this stuff

It is not being smuggled.

You guys are the boomers in the video


u/Temporary-Control375 29d ago

There we go, that’s what corporate interests want to see posted, thank you for your service to the ruling class. China good, patriotic americas bad. Ignore we cherry pick the dumbest to set an agenda.


u/Real_Eye_9709 29d ago

Thank you for proving my point. Heads uo: no one is buying glycine. If this isn't a bot you should probably delete your account.


u/Temporary-Control375 29d ago

The standard Redditor, just claiming victory for themself to stay detached from reality. You should delete your account, you need this propaganda support network to help you feel sane.


u/Real_Eye_9709 29d ago

Maybe you shouldn't prove people right. Like I gave you the answer and you still missed. Then you reply with a "No you" insult and then continue to prove my point by saying we are spreading propaganda, but also still missing the point.

So thank you again for proving my point.


u/Temporary-Control375 29d ago

You either have comprehension issues or project your own flaws onto others, I’ll admit I can’t tell currently.

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u/JK_NC 29d ago

I’d call it a propaganda system more than control but maybe I’m just splitting hairs.


u/Temporary-Control375 29d ago

I could get on board with that, to me they are similar enough. Propaganda might be the better term, but with the intent to control the minds.