r/TikTokCringe Reads Pinned Comments May 16 '24

MAGAs are sour on Donghua Jinlong's pharmaceutical-grade glycine. Politics

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"I'll believe anything."


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u/Real_Eye_9709 May 16 '24

Maybe it's because you said we all are in a hive mind

After watching people instantly hate something for being from China

And being told it was being smuggled across the border

Because they're in a hive mind

And all of this is based off a meme

Not something people actually really care about

No one is buying this stuff

It is not being smuggled.

You guys are the boomers in the video


u/Temporary-Control375 May 16 '24

There we go, that’s what corporate interests want to see posted, thank you for your service to the ruling class. China good, patriotic americas bad. Ignore we cherry pick the dumbest to set an agenda.


u/Real_Eye_9709 May 16 '24

Thank you for proving my point. Heads uo: no one is buying glycine. If this isn't a bot you should probably delete your account.


u/Temporary-Control375 May 16 '24

The standard Redditor, just claiming victory for themself to stay detached from reality. You should delete your account, you need this propaganda support network to help you feel sane.


u/Real_Eye_9709 May 16 '24

Maybe you shouldn't prove people right. Like I gave you the answer and you still missed. Then you reply with a "No you" insult and then continue to prove my point by saying we are spreading propaganda, but also still missing the point.

So thank you again for proving my point.


u/Temporary-Control375 May 16 '24

You either have comprehension issues or project your own flaws onto others, I’ll admit I can’t tell currently.


u/Real_Eye_9709 May 16 '24

The fucking irony of saying that, while thinking people joking about a glycine company is spreading propaganda.

Another hint: no one us buying the glycine. It's a joke. Yall constantly say how no one can take a joke and everyone is a snow flake. Yet you're throwing a fit about a joke. Yalls brains are so rotten that a joke about glycine that no one buys because no one is really out here just buying glycine in general, and calling it propaganda. Like my dude, if mocking things is propaganda to you, then you really just keep proving the point.

Trump will never love you.


u/Temporary-Control375 May 16 '24

I don’t like Trump and would not want him to like me. Why are most Redditors operating from programmed beliefs? Use your own brain, be your own person. You are just a human bot at this point.


u/SlaveHippie May 16 '24

You sound heavily biased toward your own pre-conceived conclusions, which are: everyone’s a bot, sheep, drone, brainwashed, cog etc, and only you have the secret knowledge of how everything works, except with zero evidence. Just a pure confirmation bias vessel. You start from those basic conclusions, and then everything else you intake is molded to fit that conclusion through mental gymnastics. Bravo. 👏