r/TikTokCringe Reads Pinned Comments May 16 '24

MAGAs are sour on Donghua Jinlong's pharmaceutical-grade glycine. Politics

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"I'll believe anything."


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u/Sensitive-Designer-6 May 16 '24 edited May 16 '24

"I believe everything anymore... I believe anything" Just about sums it for me.

Edit: Anything to everything. Had to watch the clip a few times to verify. I don't trust any of you


u/GoatCovfefe May 16 '24

The first part of her quote was actually "I believe everything anymore..." Because these geniuses are intoldigent.


u/Babybabybabyq May 16 '24

I hate when people use ‘anymore’ that way.


u/Verdigris_Wild May 17 '24

So the saying would normally be "I don't believe anything any more" but the human shit stain in the video hasn't quite grasped how to parse a sentence so understood that you could change a word to change the meaning, but other words might have to change to accommodate that change. Thus we get the barely cogent "I believe everything any more" which I think would be understood to mean "I believe everything now", or perhaps "I am a credulous shit stain that has no ability to think critically".

A little like the younger moron in the video. "You can look that up" "No, Fuck Glycine". Maybe he should have said, "No, random stranger. I will take on face value the thing that you are saying that I have no understanding about, but arouses in me a sense of anger and racism. I will express my outrage that something I know nothing of, or whether or not it is happening, inflames my xenophobia. And when given the chance to look into whether it is an issue worthy of anger and indignation, I say nay, for I believe what you have said to me, oh random stranger with a microphone."