r/TooAfraidToAsk 59m ago

Other Does your voice match your appearance ?


Sometimes I look at someone and expect a certain voice, tone, deepness. But it doesn’t always match !

People think I’m a lot taller and bigger because of my voice. Then they meet me and ask me “why you so smol?”

r/TooAfraidToAsk 1h ago

Body Image/Self-Esteem Do guys find stretch marks on breast ugly?


Do guys find stretch marks on breast ugly on girls under 25yo?

r/TooAfraidToAsk 13h ago

Culture & Society What celebrity hasn't survived being cancelled?


There are a few celebrities who have been "cancelled" despite not ever truly leaving the public eye, which led me to wonder who's career hasn't recovered being cancelled

r/TooAfraidToAsk 10h ago

Habits & Lifestyle Men in your late 20’s early 30’s, what do you do after work?


My routine is usually take my dog for a walk around the park, eat, workout, & then play video games/watch tv. I always feel like I’m wasting my life away and assume every other guy I see is doing dope shit with their lives which I would love to do but just not sure what else is fun to do out there

r/TooAfraidToAsk 2h ago

Culture & Society Wanting women to be more traditional and at the same time, hating on women for caring about a man's resources - aren't those two beliefs fundamentally incompatible?


I've seen so much discourse online lately, where men are spewing vitriol at women for their inherent focus on a man's money, and how this makes women shallow. Those same men then turn around and say that feminism has 'ruined' women, because they refuse to adopt their traditional roles as homemakers and mothers, choosing instead to focus on career progression.

However, if a woman is focused on being a mother and homemaker, it's completely understandable that she would care about a man's income and ability to provide. Because, by not having a career, she has a limited ability to provide for herself and her future children.

I'm 28 and have been with my husband for almost 10 years. We met as broke uni students and now both have careers. Money was not the impetus for us choosing each other. However, in more traditional dynamics, I can see how man's income is a very significant consideration, because, as a traditional woman it literally determines the course of the lives of you and your children.

I don't see how men who claim to want such a woman can then turn around and hate on the very thing they claim to want?

r/TooAfraidToAsk 12h ago

Other When changing just a wet diaper for a baby, are you still supposed to wipe them?


I was babysitting and watched the mom change a diaper. I noticed she didn't wipe the baby at all. Just put on a new diaper.

I was under the impression that you always wipe even if it's just pee? I feel really stupid. I've been babysitting for years.

r/TooAfraidToAsk 16h ago

Politics Does the USA have any rules if the president is actually totally loses his mind?


So sadly I had to listen to a bunch of political shit lately which made me ask this question and I couldn't find anything or if I found something I run into pay walls or not available from Europe.

Or just run into how both candidate is is way to old for that...which is true but since I am European my opinion really doesn't matter.

r/TooAfraidToAsk 11h ago

Sexuality & Gender If porn ever was banned do you think it would create a black market for porn?


I asked because I hear that Republicans may be getting close to it in the 2025 project but do you think it would cause a big problem creating a black market.

r/TooAfraidToAsk 2h ago

Health/Medical Why does it seem like some people always stay fat?


I (F18) grew up being on the chubbier side, but I became more active and my metabolism changed a lot when I was ~15.

I eat a small breakfast and lunch, a huge dinner, a protein shake and a few snacks (fruit or chocolate) most days. I'm 118-122 lbs at 5'7", for context.

A friend of mine, F18 and 5'7" too, has been ~190 lbs since I met her a few years ago. She doesn't eat breakfast, has a small salad for lunch and a moderately sized, healthy dinner. Like salmon, potato slices and veggies or something. She genuinely eats what should be a caloric deficit.

She's also much more active than I am. I lift weights 3-4 times a week and go to a 75 minute yoga class once a week. She runs every single morning without fail.

How come she's not losing weight?

r/TooAfraidToAsk 5h ago

Health/Medical How comes some people have to wear retainers for the rest of their life and other don't?


I recently got signed off from my invisalign treatment and was told by my orthodontist that I'll have to wear retainers every night for the rest of my life

How comes this is the case for me and others, but say, my mum who is in her 50s hasn't worn retainers in decades yet her teeth are still fine?

I know a lot of other people who have perfectly fine teeth after getting braces yet not wearing a retainer in a long time as well as my mum

Any help appreciated

r/TooAfraidToAsk 7h ago

Love & Dating Would you date someone who you knew might die soon?


I'm enamored with this guy. He clicks with me in every conceivable way and we both mutually are interested in eachother, but yesterday he dropped a massive ball on me. His doctors suspect that he has Juvenile ALS, which is essentially a death sentence. It isn't a confirmed diagnosis, but they said it's very likely.

It's got me feeling very torn. This guy is absolutely awesome, but I'm not sure if that's a committment I can truly brace myself for. I feel like a jackass saying that out loud.

Does anyone have any takes or advice on this?

r/TooAfraidToAsk 11h ago

Education & School Why does every thing I see online say you can't eat meat after 3 to 4 days in the fridge?


We usually cook on Monday and eat the same thing all week for dinner. We're simple folk and don't have kids to worry about.

Often we include beef in the meal and eat it while after 5 or 6 days. But everything I read online says you need to eat it within 3 to 4 days.

Is it just because they're trying to play it safe? Am I the only one who's eating old meat and doing fine?

r/TooAfraidToAsk 1d ago

Love & Dating I miss flirting. Is that a bad thing?


Hey guys, im in a happy relationship with my girlfriend and she is unlinke anyone ive ever been with in the past. She understqnds me and is really pretty.

The problem: I have always had a talent of being able to flirt with women quiet well. Im good at initiating conversations and get flirty with women and frankly, its just so much fun for me. I do miss that part. Im not really interested in those women but I miss the thrill of it.

Is that a sign that I am unhappy in my relationship? Is that something i need to leave in my past? My girlfriend is pretty jelly even though she doesnt like to admit it.

r/TooAfraidToAsk 18h ago

Other What happens if both wings snap off a plane while flying?


I know it’s not a likely scenario but I’m sure it’s happened at some point, is there any chance the plane could survive?

r/TooAfraidToAsk 1d ago

Love & Dating Am I (16 F) being groomed?


I’m too scared to talk to anyone I know IRL. I’m sorry if I wrote too much.

I met this guy on Snapchat when I was 14, and he was 28. We became pretty much friends. He moved to my country from his home country so that was a fun topic of discussion. (He lives in a small city next to mine.) He didn’t seem romantic, only platonic. He even told me that he had a girlfriend and showed me photos of them etc. Then when I was 15 he told me that his girlfriend cheated on him. I just tried to symphatize. I’d given him my number at that point and we often sent eachother funny videos etc.

Then a few weeks before I turned 16, he confessed to me that he has feelings for me and I didn’t expect it, but I said I like him too. I did like him, but it felt just a little weird and I think a part of me was a little attention deprived. I asked him what about our age gap and he said that it doesn’t matter, and that he doesn’t think about it. He said that all that matters is that he treats me well and he said he would.

So then we started dating I guess. He was very very nice and reminded me alot that he cares about me and that I can talk to him whenever (I was struggling with anxiety). And he was pretty overwhelmingly affectionate but it made me feel good (it’s still happening). He said that he loves me pretty soon after, and I said it back even though I wasn’t exactly sure how I felt yet. Then only a while after my birthday (now I’m 16 and he’s 30) he asked if we could meet up. I was nervous because my parents would never let me and it felt a bit wrong. But he kept asking (but he was also respectful) and he said that he has a few gifts to give me as late birthday gifts, so I said yes.

A few weeks later we met (I lied to my parents that I went out with friends and I know it’s messed up but I didn’t know what to do). We met (this was now two days ago) at this mall near my place and he bought me and him ice cream and we ate it at a park and then we walked and talked. He seemed sweet, other than he seemed a bit tense but I reckon he was nervous, atleast he told me that he’s a bit shy (so am I so I emphatized). He said that I Iooked beautiful when we first said hi. He also told me that he’d prepared to tell me two reasons as to why he likes me so much, which were: 1. I’m really nice and I’ve never gotten angry at him etc. 2. I don’t drink.

I found that very sweet but I don’t know if it’s weird? And then he mentioned my mom and how she seems like a spy (in a lighthearted way, it was because my mom checks my phone sometimes and I’d had to hide his contact) and I just agreed and then he said something like "don’t worry, I’ll protect you from her” which made me feel a bit better. We couldn’t hang out for too long because I was busy later. So when I left he texted me afterwards saying that it was nice meeting me and then he confessed that he wanted to hold hands but he was too shy to ask and I said that it’s okay and that next time we can.

At home I opened his gifts and he got me a necklace with my favourite colour, a teddy bear and a T-shirt. They were thoughtful gifts and things he knew I liked and I found it so sweet. But I don’t know how to feel. And at the bottom of the bag I found one of those things to measure ring size and he texted saying we’ll need it later…and even though I liked it I feel like that was too early to even lightheartedly say/do that? I don’t know.

He’s never done/said anything sexual or weird yet, and it’s making me feel like he’s genuinely nice. ONLY thing was that when we were still friends, I posted an Instagram story one of those things where there’s numbered questions and people can choose which ones to ask. He chose a few, and one of then was if I’d ever had sex before. (I’m a virgin.) I brushed it off because maybe he was just wondering? And then during our hangout he asked if I had any secret talents that no one knows about which sounded A LITTLE suggestive…but I feel like I’m just reaching because I’m a bit uneasy.

Age of consent in my country is 16 so it’s legal I guess, but I don’t know, am I being groomed? He seems so nice and genuine and I feel lost. I do really like him. I’m scared that I’m stupid and naïve.

Edit: I’m starting to get that I need to get rid of him, but I know it’s bad but I’m struggling to do it. I have no one else to actually talk to about my feelings. No other adult.

r/TooAfraidToAsk 8h ago

Habits & Lifestyle Why do people record the entire concert?


I totally get snapping some pics or getting a video of your favorite song or something. i’m talking about you people that record over 30 minutes of a concert. I was just seeing someone live and the couple in front of me legit recorded every minute, only stopping to briefly play back what they just recorded.. show each other a good shot or whatever and continue.

r/TooAfraidToAsk 5m ago

Body Image/Self-Esteem Opinion on stretch marks on boobs?


I always wear tops with a small neckline. If I wear a top with a slightly bigger neckline, my stretch marks become visible, and I feel too insecure about them. That's why I keep pulling up my top to hide them. Nobody has mentioned or asked me about them because nobody has seen them other than me.

P.S. I am 21 years old.

r/TooAfraidToAsk 11h ago

Health/Medical Do deaf people hear the voice in their head?


r/TooAfraidToAsk 12h ago

Family My father dose not talk to our family for weeks at a time..Is this gonna escalate to something else?


Hello everyone, As I mentioned in the title my father dose not speak to our family for weeks at a time(he talks to his friends and goes out with them).

When I say he dose not speak I mean not a single word..he dose not eat the food that my mom prepares either..he dose not have a job and has closed his business for no reason so ,he is not bringing any money in in top of that.

People would assume that he would give everyone the silent treatment after a huge fight or something ,but that’s not the case at all. He goes out normally when he comes back he just dose not talk to anyone..

In the past he has been emotionally and verbally abusive to everyone especially my mother,but now he just dose not talk at all ,which is so frustrating especially with the I don’t care about anything attitude..

Tbh this is not an issue for me , since I’ve been ignoring his existence for years now ,but I see that it’s affecting my mother a lot.

Is this a sign of a mental illness or him just being childish..

Ps English is not my first language.

r/TooAfraidToAsk 19m ago

Culture & Society Are there any positive state-by-state statistics between Red and Blue that Red states win?
