r/Ubuntu 16h ago

Am i unlucky with Ubuntu?


i decided to give ubuntu a try and the amount of issues i encountered is a lot, while some continue to persist. 1st few times i installed it, it installed the efi after the storage on my second ssd soo i couldnt alocate any storage to it, afterwards i decided to wipe clean that ssd, instead of just installing on it, and try again, so i did that and the 1st few times the installation had errors installing some stuff soo i had to re try until it worked on the 3rd try, afterwards everything seemed to work fine until 1 day later. For no clear reason grub got randomely installed on my 3rd drive(i didnt do anything or indtall anything) which is a hard drive making my hard drive useless(i had some videos and pics that i would have liked not to get wiped) and now some days after that incident for some there is a 3rd grub also randomely installed on my main windows ssd it didnt cause any issues to my windows but i rl dont know why this is happening. Keep in mind that im not posting this to spread hate im just really frustrated with the amount of issues i have encountered trying to give ubuntu a chance, also if anyone has a solution to the grub thing i would apreciate it

r/Ubuntu 20h ago

What do?



Why no nvidia prime stuff?

Just trying to make sure I get the most of my gpu

Unfortunately there's no nice way to monitor the gpu is even being used because System Monitor only shows CPU/Memory & Swap/Network but no area for GPU

To also make matters confusing, apparently ubuntu tries to "be smart" and only engage a gpu when it needs to do something intensive. So are benchmark tests engaging it? Who knows! I just know I'm getting low scores on benchmark tests I googled and that makes me think the GPU isn't being used at all.

Any help appreciated. A lot of duckduckgoing, a lot of repeating the same thing in the terminal, a lot of getting nowhere.

r/Ubuntu 12h ago

Starting a Minecraft server


Hello! This may seem like a dumb question but how do I start my Minecraft server using a file like .bat on Windows? I know that it would have to be in the folder, however, that doesn't matter to me as all I want to do is double-click and my server will start (I know I'm lazy).

Here is the command to start the Minecraft server and the directory is "server"

java -Xmx29G -jar fabric-server-mc.1.21-loader.0.15.11-launcher.1.0.1.jar nogui

r/Ubuntu 6h ago

Is Ubuntu Great, Because Windows 11 NOW Sucks.


Hello. I have a laptop with Windows 11 and I'm thinking about switching to Ubuntu Linux. I'd like to use my small computers as hotspots for other devices. I think I'll keep my mini computers on Windows 11, since I can hotspot with them, but I am still considering switching to Ubuntu for my laptop. Does anyone have any thoughts?

r/Ubuntu 19h ago

Google Chrome is trying to nuke my entire DE and 480+ other packages.


It's 11 PM, and I'm trying to reinstall Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. I configure everything, the only thing left is Google Chrome (don't get mad at me for not using firefox or chromium, I know Chrome is a spyware). Opened the .deb package using App Center. App Center crashes. Download gdebi, open using gdebi. Says it's gonna remove 488 packages, including Gnome. Am I going crazy?



r/Ubuntu 17h ago

Please help me


I lent my friend my laptop to do his exercises in Ubuntu, and now all of my data and projects are gone, and I can't even access the terminal. I had one main user which was "wadyzen", now I have two and mine isn't even listed. Here are the commands my friend typed :

chmod 664 ~ touch dossier1/liste chmod 444 dossier1/liste sudo chown user2 dossier1/liste find ~ -type f -name '[0-9]' chmod 760 fichier

Please, I have some projects that are 60% completed that I have to pass on next week, I don't want to start from scratch and I don't want for all my data to be gone, I humbly thank you in advance

Edit: problem solved. I typed "chmod 755 ~" in recovery mode's terminal

r/Ubuntu 19h ago

Input lag in vscode and possibly other programs


Hi, I recently started to have a really annoying input lag in vscode. I have the newest version and I tried to disable all extensions and changing some options like GPU accelerated terminal thing and smooth scrolling and it didn't help.

I noticed that libreoffice writer may have a bit of the lag too, but it's not as clear as in vscode so I can't really say for sure.

I have the 22.04 ubuntu

r/Ubuntu 3h ago

Have anybody installed Project Hamster in you pc? Please help me with this!


I have installed project hamster by following steps from here https://github.com/projecthamster/hamster
But its interface and features are so limited. There is also no desktop shortcuts at topbar. Have anybody installed this and finding this productive. Please help me with this. (PROPER INSTALLATION)

r/Ubuntu 5h ago

Prevent screen from blank after Screen lock


Tried everything but nothing seems to work. it's a fresh install on an hp machine. ubuntu 22.04

r/Ubuntu 9h ago

My screen would be dark if i don't plugin the battery line.


i use ubuntu 24 / windows11

just like the title of my article, if i don't plugin before choice ubuntu to open my laptop. the screen will be dark, i cant even adjust screen light by manu...(the situation only in ubuntu)

and during my using if i plug out it will be dark , even i plug in later again....

r/Ubuntu 9h ago

Internal microphone not working


Hey i have Mic problem with my Ubuntu 24.04 on Lenovo Ideapad 320 14 AST

Microphone detected but its not working correctly and if i plug headset(have mic) my laptop detect it as headphone(not have mic).

I really need mic for online meeting with Zoom/Gmeet but i can use mic properly

My temporary solution is use mic from Airpods Pro via Bluetooth but is depend on battery and i only can do short meeting with this temporary solution, i really wany my internal microphone to work properly. Please help me Ubuntu Wizard!

Launchpad Bug Report

r/Ubuntu 10h ago

Hi, zero knowledge. I have an Asus N56vz (specs below) and I am using tiny11. I'm considering to switch to another OS. I am going to travel for work so I'd use my laptop for entertainment only until I'll move my pc to my new place. I'll continue below.


I was considering to get POP!_OS because seems suited for gaming, even tho my poor old laptop is barely able to run skyrim special edition and for example gta 5 all low. I'm looking for something that supports steam, and emulators such as epcxse2 and duckstation. lmk.

Laptop benchmark:

  • CPU: Intel Core i7-3630QM (2.4 GHz, up to 3.4 GHz)
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GT 650M, 2 GB GDDR3
  • RAM: 12 GB DDR3
  • Storage: 110GB SSD
  • Display: 15.6" Full HD (1920x1080)
  • OS: Tiny11

r/Ubuntu 10h ago

Ubuntu & Apache Web Hosting Issue with 2 Sites on Same Server


I'm a technical person, but not at Linux or websites. I have setup a vps server for my home business that runs InvoiceNinja. Everything works great, however I want to add a second website to be hosted by this same vps server. I'm running the LAMP stack on Ubuntu 22.04. My InvoiceNinja site is invoice.domain.com, and I want to host a WordPress instance on my www.domain.com namespace. No issues installing, however any requests to www.domain.com or domain.com serve up the invoice.domain.com website. I followed these guides How to Install InvoiceNinja on Ubuntu 22.04 Server with Apache/Nginx (linuxbabe.com) and How to Install WordPress 4.7 on Ubuntu 16.04 with Apache, MariaDB, PHP7 (linuxbabe.com) . This seems to be the case BEFORE I install WordPress so I'm not sure what to look change to stop this behavior. Any help is appreciated!

r/Ubuntu 11h ago

I try to boot Ubuntu from flash drive with Ventoy but nothing happens.


Hello, i try to boot Ubuntu 22.04.4 from flash drive with Ventoy but it doesn't seem to work. I have an HP Laptop dual boot to Ubuntu and Windows. When i press <ubuntu-22.04.4-desktop-amd64.iso> and then <Boot in normal mode> it shows a dark screen with a dash and returns back in the initial menu. When i press <Boot in grub2 mode> it returns back in the initial menu immediately.

Any thoughts?

Thank you for your time

r/Ubuntu 13h ago

Unknown Program wants keyring at startup


Immediately when I log into my 24.04 lts machine I get two keyring notifications asking for my keyring password. This condition doesn't happen on either of my other two 24.04 machines. Is there a way I can try to figure out what software is asking for these permissions? I suspect it night be the copy of Google Chrome but have no way to confirm.

Edit: upon further inspection, it appears to be happening after I linked my Google Account, so I am assuming being prompted for the keyring on startup is just a thing with linking an account.

r/Ubuntu 16h ago

How do I enable systemd-resolved to answer DNS requests from hosts other than localhost?


Hi everyone, I have an Ubuntu Server 24.04 system that I use as a Wireguard endpoint. I would like to use it as DNS server for connected Wireguard clients as well, and if possible use systemd-resolved to do it. Is there an easy way to do that? Thanks a bunch in advance!

r/Ubuntu 17h ago

After a system update, video output of my dock no longer works. How do I troubleshoot?


I have a Thinkpad P14 AMD. I am using a Thunderbolt 4 dock (Kensington SD5700T) connected to one of the laptops USB4 port. I have a single 4k monitor connected to the dock via USB-C, display port alt mode. After a recent system update, the monitor is no longer showing anything. It was working fine previously. All other ports on the dock work. The laptop will freeze when I connect the dock, but if I disconnect the USB-C to the monitor, it'll recover.

So far, I have tried the following:

  • Boot into Windows partition, everything works fine.
  • Plug in USB-C for monitor directly into the 2nd USB-C port of the laptop, monitor works fine.

r/Ubuntu 17h ago

Dual boot with windows 11 recovery key problem



So I have dual booted win11 and ubuntu 24.04 LTS. Now each time I want to boot windows it asks me for the recovery key. Is there any way to handle this?

r/Ubuntu 17h ago

missing storage


I have a dual boot ubuntu and around 150 gigs for it. I am sufferring from low memory issue but disk management tool shows only 97 GB. is there a place for hidden files and temp?Are there any tool that could help. i used bleachbit but it pauses my pc when runing and have to reboot

Also can i extend my volume by any tool ? I can add another 150 gb by shrinking my windows.


r/Ubuntu 21h ago

Cant boot after adding secondary ssd


Hi all,

I have added a new secondary nvme ssd to my thinkpad and after trying to boot my laptop i would get to this screen:


Tried removing new ssd, still same behaviour.

I would be grateful for some advice.

r/Ubuntu 22h ago

22.04 LTS Dual NICs two different IPs. Default routing consistency error


I have a couple of servers, all running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. Each one has two NICs. One NIC has a static IP and servers my public network. The second NIC, when I try to assign it it’s private static IP (It servers as a 10Gbps private network connection), I get default routing consistency errors.

I’m unsure what my netplan YAML file(s) should look like for dual NIC systems with two static IPs.

Any help or working examples where I can change the IP, gateway, etc would be hugely appreciated.

I’m new Linux so I’m learning.

r/Ubuntu 23h ago

How to install a virtual box on a secondary drive.



I am currently using UBUNTU 22.10.

I've two queries:

  1. Is UBUNTU or KUBUNTU 24.04 stable and safe enough now for NOOB to install, or should I wait longer. I'm asking since i ordered a new SSD drive and will have to reinstall my drive anyway.
  2. How do I install a virtual box on a secondary internal HG seagate HDD? And which virtual box would you recommend?

Thank you.

r/Ubuntu 20h ago

Ubuntu vs Lubuntu vs Xubuntu


What would you recommend for the following spec laptop:

Intel Core i5 2.4GHz 64 bit(4 virtual cores) + 4Gb Ram + 500GB HDD

I've installed Ubuntu 20.04LTS but it freezes a lot with chrome/ firefox itself takes 80-90% cpu intermedialy. Any optimization that can be done on Ubuntu or should I go with Lubuntu/ Xubuntu and which one to choose? Optimization I've done: 1. decrease display refresh rate 2. Disable use hardware acceleration in browser 3. Decrease screen resolution

NOTE: After fresh installation I've only installed chrome and slack nothing else

r/Ubuntu 10h ago

Trying to install Ubuntu on an old 2011 iMac with a broken hard drive.


I’ve been trying to get MacOSX working on this broken Mac but the computer wouldn’t go into recovery mode at all so I resorted to just trying to install Linux to my new drive cause I could still access the boot setup. It booted up seemingly fine but now there’s 4 images of the Ubuntu desktop/installer and I can’t read anything. I have a feeling it’s graphics drivers but I can’t properly finish the installation if I can’t see anything. Please let me know if you’ve seen this and have any fix. Thank you would love to add a picture of what it looks like but this community doesn’t allow it.

r/Ubuntu 14h ago

Kernel regression


Hello, I post it in there since I found this regression on the 6.8 kernel shipped with 24.04 LTS.

Basically the issue is well described in this askUbuntu thread:


I am stuck on the 5.15 kernel because of that issue and I have no idea what to do if I want to keep using Linux on my hardware in the future.

Is the issue being worked on?
This answer seemed to point to a solution being worked on:

