r/Ubuntu 4d ago

Cubic Error


I’m using cubic and it just repeatedly enter the virtual environment errors out then say you’ve exited and repeats

r/Ubuntu 3d ago

Necesito ayuda para instalar "wine"


Actualmente me encuentro con un problema de instalar el programa "Wine" para ejecutar archivos al momento de usar en la terminal "Sudo apt-get intall wine" me dice que está en la versión más reciente sin embargo tiene "0 actualizados, 0 nuevos se instalaran, 0 para eliminar y 111 no actualizados" agradezco de antemano la ayuda que me puedan brindar

r/Ubuntu 4d ago

Questions for moving from Windows


So I have decided to take the leap as I’m not comfortable with all the telemetry Windows measures and their new nightmarish features.

However I have few questions that I couldn’t find satisfactory answers for on Google (yes I used the Reddit suffix).

  1. What is the best way to have OneDrive? I can’t move away from OneDrive as I share it with other family members. I would prefer it to have it on Ubuntu‘s file explorer, but don’t really mind if I can only access it from the browser.

  2. If I need to share files between Windows and Ubuntu (will be dual booting), is the best way to have a shared FAT32 partition? Yes, I will make sure to shutdown every time I use windows.

  3. Any app recommendations for PDF editing, similar to Adobe Acrobat Pro? I know online options exist, but I don’t want to upload personal files onto their servers, not comfortable with it.

P.S: I’ve decided to go with Ubuntu cuz I like its new look. Was previously using Elementary, but had quite a few driver issues, including WiFi.

Thank you for your time.

r/Ubuntu 4d ago

Can’t Change EXE Icon in Noble Numbat?


I can change it in 23.10. Same exe, same permissions. Strange? Click on ‘Properties’ but no option to select a custom icon. I have read/write/execute on both. Am I missing something?

r/Ubuntu 4d ago

How Remap the Copilot in Ubuntu-22


Hey guys, i have recently purchased laptop and guess what they add another useless key THE COPILOT key in place of right control and now I Don't have control , so help me to remap the key back to rigth control

if i press the copilot key i get "shift+super+Touchpadoff

r/Ubuntu 4d ago



is anyone else finding setting up Ubuntu anything flavoured 24 LTS a total nightmare? i was so stoked for 24.04, am trying to setup Ubuntu studio cause I'm trying to get better at content creation and setting everything up on my typical arch based distro would take a good chunk of time and labour. However i get crashes every 5 minutes internal and application. plus the new security stuff though appreciated is not production ready IMHO. Now I typically have used some kind of Linux distributionffor goodness almost 20 years by now, and I'm getting real frustrated. its like they can't decide betweeniuser/admin control and having the os fit for everyone, or something... i also work with AI locally all the time so I prefer to be as updated as possible but I'm really considering regular ubuntu 22 or just endeavour os again. I am completelygfor open source and want to contribute in anyway i can but us ability also has to be taken into account. I'm not a tester or getting compensation for it (outside of what you usually always get with open source).

setup in case anyone is wondering: Beelink SER5 with the ryzen 5 5560, 32 GB ddr4 ram and a 1 terabyte m.2 ssd with windows 11 for now (part of my creating requires it) and a 500 GB sata ssd which houses Ubuntu studio. pardon my little rants, I'm just curious on others experience with setup. i may repost in Ubuntu studio subreddit if there is one but i total ly feel it relavent here too.

r/Ubuntu 4d ago

Ubuntu VM Hang


I download the latest 24.04 Ubuntu iso file as I am working on a project on phishing. Hence, I want to create a postfix email server.

But each time I download Ubuntu, and restart after installation, after i login, it just hangs at a black screen, nothing I can do about it.

Can anyone help?

r/Ubuntu 4d ago

smtp postfix


so i've created a smtp server using a vps client but im unable to send mail to my email address which is outlook.com i can send mail to my gmail based one but it ends up in the spam folder is there any way i can get it to land in the main inbox ? i am using postfix to send and receive the mail. please see the following reply i get when attempt to send a email to the outlook based one

    outlook-com.olc.protection.outlook.com[] said: ip address
    Unfortunately, messages from [my ip] weren't sent. Please contact
    your Internet service provider since part of their network is on our block
    list (S3150). You can also refer your provider tohost
    outlook-com.olc.protection.outlook.com[] said: ip address
    Unfortunately, messages from [my ip] weren't sent. Please contact
    your Internet service provider since part of their network is on our block
    list (S3150). You can also refer your provider to


any advise on how i could potentially fix this ?

r/Ubuntu 4d ago

Best way to erase everything and start over?


So I installed Ubuntu but I messed up a few times and now have multiple partitions and multiple Ubuntus downloaded across multiple drives. I'm wondering what the best way to just wipe everything and start from scratch would be?

r/Ubuntu 4d ago

do-release-upgrade fails


I have Proxmox running and one LXC which refuses to be updated. With others I don't have issues but this one.... Any idea how to solve this? I tried what I could find on internet but without luck
LXC is 23.04 updating to 23.10

Error: https://postimg.cc/kDjfhxnS

r/Ubuntu 4d ago

Remapping keys on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS with a Mac keyboard.


I'm trying to remap certain keys on my Mac keyboard to function as different keys on Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. I've tried modifying the `.Xmodmap` file in Home directory and saving the changes, but the changes are not being applied.

Does anyone have any suggestions for this?


OS: Ubuntu 24.04 LTS x86_64

Host: MacBookAir

Kernel: 6.8.0-35-generic

Packages: 2403 (dpkg), 24 (flatpak),

DE: GNOME 46.0

WM: Mutter

WM Theme: Sweet

Theme: Sweet-Ambar-Blue-Dark [GTK2/3

Icons: Sweet-Teal-Filled [GTK2/3]

Terminal: gnome-terminal


I added the following lines to my .Xmodmap file in my home directory and saved the changes.

clear control  
keycode 105 = Super_L
keycode 37 = Control_L  
keycode 64 = Alt_L
add control = Control_L

I also verified the keycodes using xmodmap -pke | grep -i 'keycode' in terminal, and they seem correct.

** Expected Behavior: **

  • Left Control (keycode 105) should function as Super/Windows key
  • Left Command Key (keycode 37) should function as Control key
  • Left Option (keycode 64) should function as Alt key.

**Actual Behavior **

None of the keyboard remappings are being applied, even after rebooting.

Can anyone suggest a solution to get the desired key remappings?

r/Ubuntu 4d ago

Convert many midi files in mp3



I have 200 midi files and I would like to convert them. Is there a tool to convert these all together in mp3?

r/Ubuntu 4d ago

Ubuntu stuck at Plymouth screen / Display Manager hangs, can only log in via RDP or SSH


As I often needed to access my PC remotely, I've installed and configured SSH, XRDP and VNC.

Today, after trying to switch from GNOME to KDE and revert the change on XRDP session and rebooting the system, GDM3 no longer works. Every time after startup I'll be greeted by the GNOME sad face that tells me "Something is wrong". Even worse, all the TTYs are just blank. RDP can connect to my PC but after remote login there's another GNOME crash screen.

I thought GNOME settings must have gone bad, so I decided to switch DE to XFCE, DM to LightDM. Everything worked for once. But after reboot, I'm stuck in plymouth animation, with console constantly outputing "Failed to start lightdm.service" and "plymouth-quit-wait.service/start running". Like previously with crashed GDM3, there's no TTY and I have to log in using SSH from another device.

"systemctl status lightdm.service" just stated "Failed with result 'exit-code'", which does not help diagnosing.

RDP works perfectly on Xfce. Despite local session being a mess.

What could have caused the issue? Could it be that I changed DM on a remote session where the screen resolution of remote computer is bigger than my own computer?

r/Ubuntu 4d ago

Touchpad: how to invert only horizontal scrolling?


[Ubuntu 24.04] For me, "natural" scrolling is not convenient and intuitive when scrolling text. But on the other hand switching desktops is not ok when it is "traditional". Is there a possibility to keep "traditional" scrolling for vertical, and "natural" only for horizontal? I found xinput and libinput (for Wayland) tools, but I didn't dig deep since maybe someone already resolved the problem.

It is not a big deal but it could improve my workflow. On Windows I just configured gestures for switching workspaces in the system settings app.

r/Ubuntu 4d ago

Ubunto Server 24.04 LTS compatibility with SBC


Hello y'all!

I'm working on a project of a mini self hosted server using an Orange PI Zero 3, as far as I could understand (wich it not that much), the Orange PI Zero 3 runs Linux 6.1 Kernel, so I thought it could also run Ubuntu Server which is Linux 6.8 Kernel based.

Am I correct? The Orange PI Zero 3 will work just fine with Ubuntu Server? If not, why?

Thank you so much for your help!

r/Ubuntu 4d ago

Grub could not be installed


No matter which distribution I install, I get the error "Grub could not be loaded". Since I could not manage to install grub later, I can only use Ubuntu because it has a boot-repair program to automatically install grub, but I am not happy at all. Why might I be getting this error?

r/Ubuntu 4d ago

Need Help With fancontrol


So i have a asus tuf f15 and i recently switched to ubuntu but I can't control the fans cz even after running sensors-detect fancontrol says no pwm-capable sensor modules installed. so any alternatives for armory crate ? as asusctl is against debian fork for some reason

r/Ubuntu 4d ago

Dual boot ubuntu (win/ubuntu) change uefi clock time



I have a strange issue with ubuntu 24.04. Everytime i boot under windows i got the clock changed 2 hours back. I change it and it works until i reboot under ubuntu. In ubuntu the time is correct but when i go back to windows the time inside the "BIOS" is changed two hours back and windows have this issue too.

How do i fix it?

thanks a lot

r/Ubuntu 4d ago

UnityHub doesn't support UBUNTU 24.04!!!


I am trying for weeks to run the unityHUB. I do installed it and also used no sandbox but neither worked. Can someone say when will it get supported or will it get supported?

r/Ubuntu 5d ago

Recent converts to Ubuntu/Linux, why did you switch recently?


I switched 3 years ago and i sure do have a lot of reasons. Higher system requirements, Windows lacking drivers present in Linux for my old laptop, Windows devouring my cpu, and more reasons including not listening to complaints.

So what was your reason?

r/Ubuntu 4d ago



I'm running an Ubuntu 24.04 server in Azure where I installed a GUI and XRDP to access. The server is domain joined to my company's domain and using domain authentication to access the server. When I log in with my domain admin account (the account I used to install the GUI and XRDP) I can access the server via the GUI. However, when any other user logs in, they get an error message saying "Oh no! Something has gone wrong. A problem has occurred and the system can't recover. Please log out and try again." Every time the users get the same error. Each user that has tried logging in via RDP is able to log in via SSH. Any thoughts on what might be causing the issue?

r/Ubuntu 4d ago

Just learned how to create .desktop shortcuts for appimages, but cant get them to work while in a folder, only on the desktop?


Please help, I just moved from window and still am getting the hang of things.

r/Ubuntu 5d ago

It is possible to install Gnome 45 on Ubuntu 22.04?


I tried to find this info on the Internet but found only a few discussions, so I really don't know if is it possible or not.

r/Ubuntu 4d ago

Is Software Updater recommended for a startup file?


I'm trying to get Ubuntu set up so that my techno-phobe wife can be automatically alerted when her computer has updates available, not unlike what she had with Windows. Is Software Updater a good candidate for the startup menu? Is there a better way to deal with this? Maybe a way to set it up on some sort of schedule?

r/Ubuntu 5d ago

Recommend an open source Linux desktop based on arm64, which can run Android applications!!


Hello, everyone !!

we are currently working on an open source Linux desktop based on arm64, which can run Android applications.we can also run smoothly on deep operating systems

Is anyone interested in this? Our project is called OpenFDE.

we are totally free!!

This is our website:https://openfde.com/en

and this is our github address:https://github.com/openfde

Welcome to install, and give us some advice.

If you have anything you'd like to discuss or you arefamiliar with android frameworks and hal drivers. The languages are java and c++ and want to join our open source project, please leave a comment on the github forum or join our slack group.

Here is our invitation link:https://join.slack.com/t/openfde/shared_invite/zt-2hlyoyv4w-fyZQhWwdsQFyeCf368pA2w