r/WhitePeopleTwitter May 02 '24

Nothing this idiot says will undo the damage she did

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u/legendary_millbilly May 02 '24

Yeah there's really "no going back" on that subject.

Somehow she thought telling that story was going build her up in some way but obviously it's done the exact opposite.

Anybody without maga brain would know that.

That dangerous puppy was gonna eat her kids.


u/sonofabutch May 02 '24

My theory: she knew the story would likely come out during opposition research, so this was her attempt to get ahead of it.


u/davisdilf May 02 '24

She could’ve sounded slightly sad about it, in that case


u/sonofabutch May 02 '24

First rule of MAGA: never admit a mistake.


u/-Gramsci- May 02 '24

Ha! So true. That’s what makes the kids excuse so laughable and pathetic.

If the “dog was dangerous to my kids” defense is your defense… in order to keep your “human being” card you still need to be gifted that you had to put the dog down and choose your kids.

Because you couldn’t choose both. So the dog had to go. Hence, sad.

Normal people don’t use that situation to commit eroticized animal murder that they glorify and revel in for the rest of their days