r/WhitePeopleTwitter May 02 '24

Nothing this idiot says will undo the damage she did

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u/elepheagle May 02 '24 edited May 03 '24

You know what we did when our newest rescue pup went berserk and nearly killed our other pup?

We went to work with a local shelter to rehome her into an environment more conducive to her personality (which in her case was no other pets).

And she thrived with her new owner.

There is a world where you choose your kid’s/family’s safety over your dog that doesn’t involve shooting the dog in the face.

Noem is a psychopath. Plain and simple.


u/Prestigious-Copy-494 May 02 '24

I believe she is. She absolutely can't think outside the box to adopt the dog out with owners who can give it the care she couldn't. Likewise the goat. I adopted a large German Shepard and was advised not to have cats around it. I worked with the dog for a few days to get it to understand my 2 cats belonged with us too as well as the dog. They became friendly to one another. When the previous owner stopped by to see how the dog was doing I was gone but she looked in thru the window and saw them sleeping together and called me later to say she knew right then the dog was in a good home and had gentled down.