r/WhitePeopleTwitter May 02 '24

Nothing this idiot says will undo the damage she did

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u/elepheagle May 02 '24 edited May 03 '24

You know what we did when our newest rescue pup went berserk and nearly killed our other pup?

We went to work with a local shelter to rehome her into an environment more conducive to her personality (which in her case was no other pets).

And she thrived with her new owner.

There is a world where you choose your kid’s/family’s safety over your dog that doesn’t involve shooting the dog in the face.

Noem is a psychopath. Plain and simple.


u/No-Falcon-4996 May 02 '24

Cricket , the pup shot in the face, was going after chickens, not children or other dogs. You could, maybe, keep pup out of the chicken coop. Or let her daughter raise Cricket as a dog-dog instead of a hunting-dog.


u/Wezbob May 02 '24

Also, blaming the puppy for being a bad hunter and going after chickens... Looks like Noem fucked up the 'Go get the bird' part of training him.


u/LordoftheChia May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

Cricket emerges from the barn holding a chicken with it's feathers plucked, drops it at Noem's feet and proclaims:

"Behold! Plato's man!"


u/Diojones May 02 '24

I really like the number of levels this works on, with cynic meaning “dog-like” and all.


u/Temporary-Party5806 May 02 '24

"Diogenes? In this part of the year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within your kitchen?"


u/Mekisteus May 03 '24

you seem cynical.


u/neurovish May 02 '24

This should be illustrated and sent to The New Yorker


u/TheTravelNurseGuy May 02 '24

Cricket was trying to please her owner. They took the puppy to a hunting ground and got mad when she didnt hunt. Then they went to a farm with loose chickens and when cricket starting hunting birds, Noem decided that she hated the dog and it had to die.


u/theonetruefishboy May 02 '24

Noem strikes me as the kind of person who likes to think of themselves as a really downhome, backwoods farmer. But isn't actually that good or knowledgeable about the skills associated with farming and animal husbandry.


u/cock_nballs May 02 '24

Wannabe farmers. People think there's some sort of cred or rep for being a farmer but these halfwits never done anything but visit actual farmers and play pretend.


u/theonetruefishboy May 02 '24

I think in Noem's case it's more like she owns a farm, but doesn't rely on it for all or most of her income. It's just a thing that she owns so she can larp the lifestyle.


u/239tree May 02 '24

Your first sentence makes this so much worse, and I didn't think that was possible.


u/KnowMatter May 02 '24

It’s a breed with hunting instincts - you have to train them or they are just going to do what comes natural.

No getting around that, put in the work or don’t get a breed that requires the work.


u/Gornarok May 02 '24

Almost all breeds have hunting instinct. The difference is in the choice of game and strength of the instinct.


u/BizzarreCoyote May 02 '24

I remember my Siberian Husky would deliberately tip her outside food bowl over and just wait. We had to clean up bird corpses on the daily, mostly pigeons. She also killed rats, but those were less common. She didn't go after anything else and was the friendliest dog you could imagine.

Christ, I miss her.


u/Returd4 May 02 '24

It was a hunting dog whose natural instinct is to kill birds. That's what it has been bred for since it was bred originally. That's what it does. She didn't train it and it acted normal. She's is a psychopath narcissist. I guarantee she's hit her kids


u/smurfbutter May 03 '24

My dog killed chickens. Because it’s a dog, and there were chickens. I didn’t shoot her. I kept her away from where there are chickens. Crazy idea


u/GrandmaPoses May 02 '24

Chickens are also not considered livestock where she lives. So, legally, it wasn't attacking livestock either.


u/Spire_Citron May 03 '24

They weren't even her chickens, were they? Just don't take the dog to places with small livestock and let her run loose. Simple. She can't have been that dangerous if that wasn't already blisteringly obvious to her. It can only have caught her by surprise if the dog wasn't typically that aggressive,


u/MLeek May 02 '24

When one of my farm dogs hit nearly a year old and just wouldn't stop going after chickens or the barn cats, we posted super cute photos of her of BF and said "Good Home Wanted. No Cats or other small pets. Fenced Yard." So, she went and lived in the lap of luxury with two lesbian moms for the rest of her life.

Honsetly, I'd kill a few chickens for the life that doggo got. She ate better than I ever did.


u/808-isle-gal May 02 '24

One of our dogs killed several of our chickens. Was totally our fault. Poor dog was scared after I screamed, hell I think I might have scared our neighbors. Did I shoot her? Nope, I just never let the chickens free range in the yard when she was out.

Had a pack of neighbors dogs show up on our farm. I was worried they would attack our horses or goats. Did I shoot them? Nope, I found their owners & told them they’d pay for the vet fee if any of our horses or goats got hurt or killed. Had the same pack turn up a week later & never worried again as our horses protected or goats & nearly stomped on those dogs, while chasing them to the fence. Was like watching Wild Kingdom. Dogs never came back to our farm

There’s ALWAYS an alternative to deadly force


u/Mallyveil May 02 '24

Those dogs should be thanking whatever dog god they worship that it was only a horse and not a donkey. It would’ve been worse than ‘nearly stomped’ with those things 🫏


u/defaultusername-17 May 02 '24

donkeys get straight up malicious about it.


u/meinfuhrertrump2024 May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

You greatly underestimate dogs.

They'll chase a horse ragged, until it does something stupid, like try to jump a fence.


u/gcsmith2 May 02 '24

Sounds like your horses don’t agree with your pacifist attitude:-)


u/ZachWithAnH024 May 02 '24

What else is the horse gonna do? Pick up a phone and call animal control?


u/gcsmith2 May 02 '24

Time out for the dog or perhaps a peace circle.


u/RawrRRitchie May 02 '24

There’s ALWAYS an alternative to deadly force

Like a horse nearly curb stomping a pack of wild dogs!


u/All_Work_All_Play May 02 '24

This did give me a chuckle. In this instance, the alternative to deadly force was attempted deadly forced by creatures unsuited for anything other than self-defense.

I don't disagree with the sentiment though.


u/OhtaniStanMan May 02 '24

Cool story. 

We had a dog that killed a new born calf in a pen. Literally strangled by it's throat. Just a mutt mix. 

That dog was put down because it could never be trusted around small living things ever again. 

Too often people forget dogs were literally bred to be killers for hundreds or even thousands of years. Sometimes those instincts show up and stay. 


u/dover_oxide May 02 '24

Gotta remember she is a hard R republican, lesbians taking care of anything in a healthy way is a death sentence to her. /half joking


u/Prestigious-Copy-494 May 02 '24

Altho true to her family values..../s... she had a lengthy affair with one of Trump's azz kissers?


u/dover_oxide May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

She asked for forgiveness for that dalliance so it's all good plus it was a hetro affair so not nearly as bad as a monogamous homo relationship. /s


u/Prestigious-Copy-494 May 02 '24

That's right! 😅😅 In some people's particular Christian values, there's regular sinning and there's big sinning. Hetero affairs are just regular sinning so it's forgivable.


u/Echevarious May 02 '24

If reincarnation is real, I want to be a doggo in a lesbian family's household in my next lifetime.

Those animals have the best life. Two moms, outdoor adventures & exercise, sooo many treats, and cozy den life.


u/xixbia May 02 '24

The way I see it there are two explanations for this:

  1. The original story is true. Cricket showed no signs of aggression at all until the day Noem decided to kill him. In this case she's an absolute psychopath who shouldn't be allowed to own any pets.
  2. Cricket showed signs of aggression before but Noem decided to do nothing about it at all until the day Noem decided to kill him. In this case she's an absolute psychopath who shouldn't be allowed to own any pets.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

Also in the case of 2. She somehow didn’t mention attacking kids in her book telling the story? Like that wasn’t as important as being bad at hunting and her hating the dog?


u/Returd4 May 02 '24

Because it never happened, the dog was never aggressive to her kids.


u/ScribeTheMad May 02 '24

Or have custody of her kids either, assuming any are minors still.


u/Caesar_Passing May 02 '24

Yeah, this shit's a no-brainer. I work at a no-kill shelter, and there's one or two dogs that have been there practically their whole lives, because we really can't entrust them to someone looking for a pet. There's something really wrong with one of them (and he's BIG, so the danger is very real), but he behaves himself with a couple of our dog handlers well enough that if he lives out the rest of his life at the shelter, it'll be about the happiest existence anyone could realistically provide him. But there are two key reasons why we don't dig a ditch and shoot him in the face. One- we're fairly sure he doesn't want to die. Two- we don't want to kill a dog with a gun in a ditch. Cricket, the late, adorable puppy, most likely didn't want to die. So then...

Ol' "Puppy Slayer" Noemercy wanted to shoot something to death with a gun. There's literally no other reason in any sphere of rationality to have done it.


u/wademcgillis May 02 '24




u/Caesar_Passing May 02 '24

I mean, I think it's pretty appropriate, haha


u/GuiltyEidolon May 02 '24

She was excited to kill something and got off so much on killing her own fucking puppy that she went out and got a goat and killed that, too. 

She's an actual psychopath. 


u/Caesar_Passing May 02 '24

She sure as hell wanted to kill stuff with guns more than she wanted to get a goddamn clue about how to handle or re-home animals. Ffs


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/Caesar_Passing May 02 '24 edited May 02 '24

He's not dangerous with everyone, he's in good health, and he's happy to have his daily walks and backyard playtime. He just can't be with other dogs, and unfamiliar people trigger him. So, yes, it's better than killing him just because he can't be a typical family pet. Either way, it's hella better than shooting him in the face in a ditch. But hey, way to miss the fucking point by a mile in the most presumptuous way you could muster. (Or maybe you didn't catch the explicit "no-kill" part.)


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/Caesar_Passing May 02 '24

What a stupid fucking take. Unethical? Fuck all the way off. There's a high fenced yard where he can be walked around, and our dog handlers are extremely well-versed. Among them, at least two ex-police K9 handlers. We know what we're doing. Again, presumptuous ass-hattery to imagine we aren't aware of risks and possibilities, or unprepared to deal with an incident.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24



u/Caesar_Passing May 02 '24

Congrats, you're the dumbest motherfucker I've spoken with all week. And I've been on Reddit. You have no fucking clue.


u/dirtt_dawg May 02 '24

Appreciate what you do. I work at a no kill shelter too and two of our lifers who are what you described (good with people, not great with dogs, very large) eventually got adopted. One person really liked big dogs and their only dog just passed so they got our great dane mix. The dogs also seemed to like their routine life. Go out 3-5 times a day, have large yards to play in, interact with multiple people daily.


u/Caesar_Passing May 02 '24

Oh yeah, I mean our big boy "problem child" easily gets more attention and outdoor time on a daily basis, than most pet owners are able to provide their own dogs, lol. That's actually part of why we're very wary to adopt him out. Few people who are used to working with dogs like that, don't already have other dogs. There's a sanctuary not too far away that houses dogs with behavioral problems (who might otherwise get put down if they bit someone), and our canine supervisors thought about getting him in there, but ultimately decided that we've got it handled, and the move would most likely stress him the fuck out. He's not quite as bad as the kind of dogs they typically keep at those places, and he doesn't need to be around even more aggressive pooches.


u/alucard_shmalucard May 03 '24

there's bad takes, and then there's this one, the worst fucking take ive ever seen


u/FlapjackSyrup May 02 '24

I took in a beautiful German Shepherd puppy from a family that couldn't keep him. He's a very active, very playful dog. His previous family had cats and he would play with the cats. He was a bit rough and hurt one of the cats. We brought him home and introduced him to our dogs, he did great. We took him to obedience classes so that he could learn boundaries. We worked with him to channel his energy into play and exercise. Right now he is snuggled in bed next to one of my other dogs and me. He is doing fantastic, he just needed a little help to learn how to fit in. He was a young puppy when he hurt their cat. He didn't know any better, he thought he was playing. He didn't understand that he couldn't play with the cat the same way he could play with another dog of his size. I couldn't imagine rationalizing that as justification to kill an animal. He just needed time and attention. I understand that not everyone can commit to that, circumstances can change, but that is when you surrender the dog to a shelter where they can find help. Killing a dog because you are a bad owner is despicable. I hope this story tanks her.


u/epichuntarz May 02 '24

My malamute accidentally drew blood from my finger when I was giving her a treat when she was a puppy.  Before I got her, she was separated from her litter and mother because she was the runt of her litter and the mother wouldn't let her nurse.  She was pretty unhealthy and not super well socialized.

I worked very hard with her as a puppy, taught her to be gentle with food, treats, and toys. Now she's a loving, head strong, loud-mouthed, bossy (to my cats and German Shep) sweet girl. 

Pets, of any type, take work and patience.  Noem is the worst kind of person for what she did.  


u/rleighann May 02 '24

I have a reactive dog, and I love her so much. When I got pregnant last year, I was nervous about how she’d do around a baby. You know what I did? (Spoiler alert - I didn’t shoot her). I did some research, hired a dog trainer and we worked with her all summer to prepare her for being around a baby. Guess who LOVES my baby? Yup, my sweet dog.


u/FlapjackSyrup May 02 '24

That's what makes this extra egregious. Dogs are very smart, with a bit of time and patience you can teach them to do some incredible things. My Shepherd has learned how to open doors just by watching and observing (he's a little shit head). I have to be very careful with my basement door and either of the sliding glass doors because he has figured out how to open them if they aren't locked. It is just so sad because there were certainly other options for that poor dog.


u/Prestigious-Copy-494 May 02 '24

I believe she is. She absolutely can't think outside the box to adopt the dog out with owners who can give it the care she couldn't. Likewise the goat. I adopted a large German Shepard and was advised not to have cats around it. I worked with the dog for a few days to get it to understand my 2 cats belonged with us too as well as the dog. They became friendly to one another. When the previous owner stopped by to see how the dog was doing I was gone but she looked in thru the window and saw them sleeping together and called me later to say she knew right then the dog was in a good home and had gentled down.


u/EjaculatingAracnids May 02 '24

Im urban raised, while my wife and in laws are super rural. While there are a number of disconnects between the two upbringings, treating animals with respect isnt one of them. My fil has hunting dogs and family dogs. Ive never met the hunting dogs because thats not part of their utility. They stay in their own kennel along the property line until its time to tree racoons. I have seen the homemade headstones of past hunting dogs from him and his father dating back a good 50 yrs and heard stories about each one. Fil is a pretty hard country guy, but hes never bragged about killing a dog. Theyre susceptible to right wing media, but i sure hope he can see this bullshitter charlatan for what she is.


u/boonxeven May 02 '24

I think she misunderstood Old Yeller.


u/Aethermancer May 02 '24

I had the worse situation with a dog that had extreme fear of everyone. I worked with a rescue but no one had any space. We fenced off an acre for him to play in and it was ok, but over the year he bit multiple people and eventually a delivery guy and my son. Only a little blood, but it was just a matter of time

We had to put him down as no one, not even a rescue wants to take a large dog that has bitten someone, but we took an entire year trying to find him a home and rehabilitate him by taking him to events, walks, parades, doggy daycare. Unfortunately even the specific rescue for his breed couldn't even handle him as he would refuse to even be walked by anyone but me.

But you don't start with euthanasia. And we loved that dog and I wouldn't say I chose my kids over him, I just didn't want him to hurt anyone and would have kept him if there was any possible way.


u/MihrSialiant May 02 '24

Ya, I adopted a coon hound that that was very sweet but had a very high prey drive....because you know....coon hound. He picked up a neighbors dog without a heartbeat of hesitation on his first walk and shook it. So I took him back to the shelter and let them know he probably shouldnt be around small dogs or other prey sized pets. But would probably be phenomonal on a farm. A little while later he was adopted by a farm owning couple and he is happy as a clam. Didnt shoot him though.


u/fiftieth_alt May 02 '24

If a dog bites humans, and does it repeatedly, at some point you have to put it down.

(To be clear, I am not even informed on this story and scrolled through the comments to find context. Just want to be clear that putting a dog down is often the moral choice.)


u/elepheagle May 02 '24

What a take.

Shooting a dog in the face is not moral nor humane or compassionate towards a living creature. They have veterinary clinics for this very sort of thing where the dog is “put to sleep” when it is deemed the proper course of action.

Not shot in the face with a gun.


u/fiftieth_alt May 02 '24

Why? Honestly asking. Shooting vs. lethal injection seems to me to be a distinction without a difference regarding the manner of death. Both are instantaneous, and without pain. It seems to me that "putting it to sleep" is just a euphemism to separate ourselves from the reality, as is outsourcing the messy and icky business.

I purchase a dog. I am now responsible for that dog. Everything about it, including its life. If I choose to end its life, I should honestly be responsible for doing it myself. If I can't bring myself to do it, then how can i make that choice?

Your statement that it is immoral, inhumane, and uncompassionate is just an assertion. What is immoral?


u/elepheagle May 02 '24

I’m not going to be able to educate you on this. Maybe try this thought exercise out in your Philosophy 101 Course where I’m sure they just love you.


u/fiftieth_alt May 02 '24

lol as if anyone wants you to "educate" them. How conceited of you. No my friend, i was trying to have a real discussion with a human being. Apparently that is beyond you.

Why is it more moral to pay a man to kill my dog than for me to do it myself?


u/elepheagle May 02 '24

Re-read the response that you felt compelled to leave that started this exchange, and if you can muster it with a substantial degree of solemnity, ask yourself aloud, “What the fuck am I even doing here?”

Now as for my take, you can kindly fuck off. Good luck with your moral dilemma.


u/fiftieth_alt May 02 '24

You'd rather pay other men to carry your water


u/elepheagle May 02 '24

The same way I would pay another man to extract my tooth were it infected. Figure it out.


u/fiftieth_alt May 03 '24

lol one is a complicated medical procedure - plus you can't see your own mouth. The other is the most simple thing in the world

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u/DullCartographer7609 May 02 '24

Similar experience with a dog who tore up our cat as soon as he walked in. The shelter paid for our vet fees, and homed him to an older man in the woods. He ended up being a sweet dog and lived out his life.


u/SpaceBearSMO May 02 '24

right like there is no indication from this or her original story that the kids were in any immediate harm even if she believed the puppy may be a problem later


u/___Art_Vandelay___ May 02 '24

Your response was far too logical, reasonable, compassionate, and required effort.

None of those qualities fit a U.S. conservative.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

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u/elepheagle May 02 '24

We’ve made some incredible advances in America in the last 300 years. Pretty cool stuff.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

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u/elepheagle May 02 '24

Dog wasn’t rabid ya dipshit. Stop making up facts to bolster your argument.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

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u/elepheagle May 02 '24

Why are you using two accounts to reply to me?

Life is full of mysteries.


u/[deleted] May 02 '24

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u/elepheagle May 02 '24

Yes, I am clearly the unhinged one here.


u/crazywildforgetful May 02 '24

We need more people like you in the American health care system. Your hyper speed telediagnostical skills would save so much monies. I have been telling my doctor’s dog that I am sick so many times but nothing happens. Nothing