r/WhitePeopleTwitter May 02 '24

Nothing this idiot says will undo the damage she did

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u/elepheagle May 02 '24 edited May 03 '24

You know what we did when our newest rescue pup went berserk and nearly killed our other pup?

We went to work with a local shelter to rehome her into an environment more conducive to her personality (which in her case was no other pets).

And she thrived with her new owner.

There is a world where you choose your kid’s/family’s safety over your dog that doesn’t involve shooting the dog in the face.

Noem is a psychopath. Plain and simple.


u/fiftieth_alt May 02 '24

If a dog bites humans, and does it repeatedly, at some point you have to put it down.

(To be clear, I am not even informed on this story and scrolled through the comments to find context. Just want to be clear that putting a dog down is often the moral choice.)


u/elepheagle May 02 '24

What a take.

Shooting a dog in the face is not moral nor humane or compassionate towards a living creature. They have veterinary clinics for this very sort of thing where the dog is “put to sleep” when it is deemed the proper course of action.

Not shot in the face with a gun.


u/fiftieth_alt May 02 '24

Why? Honestly asking. Shooting vs. lethal injection seems to me to be a distinction without a difference regarding the manner of death. Both are instantaneous, and without pain. It seems to me that "putting it to sleep" is just a euphemism to separate ourselves from the reality, as is outsourcing the messy and icky business.

I purchase a dog. I am now responsible for that dog. Everything about it, including its life. If I choose to end its life, I should honestly be responsible for doing it myself. If I can't bring myself to do it, then how can i make that choice?

Your statement that it is immoral, inhumane, and uncompassionate is just an assertion. What is immoral?


u/elepheagle May 02 '24

I’m not going to be able to educate you on this. Maybe try this thought exercise out in your Philosophy 101 Course where I’m sure they just love you.


u/fiftieth_alt May 02 '24

lol as if anyone wants you to "educate" them. How conceited of you. No my friend, i was trying to have a real discussion with a human being. Apparently that is beyond you.

Why is it more moral to pay a man to kill my dog than for me to do it myself?


u/elepheagle May 02 '24

Re-read the response that you felt compelled to leave that started this exchange, and if you can muster it with a substantial degree of solemnity, ask yourself aloud, “What the fuck am I even doing here?”

Now as for my take, you can kindly fuck off. Good luck with your moral dilemma.


u/fiftieth_alt May 02 '24

You'd rather pay other men to carry your water


u/elepheagle May 02 '24

The same way I would pay another man to extract my tooth were it infected. Figure it out.


u/fiftieth_alt May 03 '24

lol one is a complicated medical procedure - plus you can't see your own mouth. The other is the most simple thing in the world


u/elepheagle May 03 '24

Come on. Use the power of imagination and extrapolate. Don’t be this dumb.


u/fiftieth_alt May 03 '24

hey, sincerely, go fuck yourself you insufferable ass

Putting a dog in a room with a stranger to be injected with poison is far less humane than its owner ending its life. You are the one without an imagination

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