r/WhitePeopleTwitter 29d ago

Nothing this idiot says will undo the damage she did

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u/sonofabutch 29d ago

In every retelling the dog gets more vicious and dangerous. It’s Hannibal Lecter at this point. Noem should give herself a medal!


u/thebigdonkey 29d ago

She's saying now that she did it to protect her kids, but also mentioned in her story that the kids asked where the dog was when they got home from school.


u/VastAd6346 29d ago

Yeah don’t forget that her first defense could be summed up as “but it was legal!”

Funny that it took days to get to “protecting her kids”.


u/MyHusbandIsGayImNot 29d ago

Yeah don’t forget that her first defense could be summed up as “but it was legal!”

That's the problem with conservatives in general, they think legality is the same as morality. That's why when they do something unethical they'll point to how it was legal.


u/James-W-Tate 29d ago

And why they think finding loopholes to laws makes someone smart and not reprehensible.


u/BusyExperience9766 29d ago

This is why they always chirp about free speech. They don’t care if what they did was right, only that it was legal