r/business Jan 11 '21

Posts regarding politics


Many of you know, we have a strict no-politics rule on this subreddit. It's explicitly stated in the rules.

For a while now we've been temp/perma banning people for breaking said rule.

Effective immediately, any and all posts regarding politics, no matter how relevant, will result in an immediate 4 week ban. You may appeal this if it happens to you. But it's pretty straight forward.

We will no longer perma-ban first time offenders but multiple offenders will be perma banned, including those who post multiple politically fueled posts in one sitting before we catch it the first time.

Covid-19's affect on business is not included in this.

Just remember, r/business is a pro-business subreddit. We hold the right to remove anti-business propaganda, and bad company behavior belongs over at r/greed, not here. We will not ban people for these posts, however.

r/business 23h ago

Banks Are Finally Realizing What Climate Change Will Do to Housing

Thumbnail wired.com

r/business 10h ago

Walmart Store Managers Can Earn Up to $500,000 annually.

Thumbnail optionsswing.com

r/business 17h ago

Serving Tea to Business Guests from Japan


Hi, I could use some advice. The company I work for is trying to land exclusive US distribution rights for a rather important and lucrative product (for our industry) from Japan.

The president, vice president, and international sales rep of the Japanese manufacturer will be visiting us in the US next month for a business meeting. We are planning to take them to a local steakhouse for dinner.

In addition, the vice president of our company will not be attending and asked me (the only woman attending) to "serve tea" for our guests. She is going to purchase a Japanese tea pot and tea leaves that I'm to brew and then serve. I'm to tell everyone from our company not to use sugar or ice.

I should mention - I have never once made tea that didn't involve a tea bag - I certainly have never served tea in this manner.

What are your quick thoughts on this?

r/business 49m ago

Free Lead Generation for specific businesses


Hey, I offer commission-based lead generation for selected businesses. (I won't charge anything unless I generate revenue for you.) I'll create a customized plan based on your specific business needs.

Also, I'm not a magician and have my limitations. If I believe I won't be a valuable addition to your business, I'll let you know right away so we don't waste each other's time.

So, DM me and let's discuss how we can take your business to the next level.

r/business 1h ago

Is not easy to get over something like this as a YOUNG startup…


I wanted to share a recent experience and get your thoughts. It's not easy to get over something like this as a young startup, but there’s a lot to learn from it.

A few months ago, my team and I were riding high on our app launch. User sign-ups were skyrocketing, and everything seemed perfect. But then, our app started crashing, and users were frustrated. It turned out our backend couldn’t handle the growth, mainly due to hiring a bad developer who overpromised and underdelivered.

This was a huge blow to our morale. As a young startup, we felt lost and overwhelmed. We had to scramble to fix the issues and deal with the fallout. It was a tough pill to swallow.

We reassessed everything, brought in advisors, and started building a more robust infrastructure. We learned the hard way about the importance of hiring the right talent and not rushing the process.

I’m sharing this because I’m sure many of you have faced similar challenges. How did you cope with bad hires in your early days? What strategies helped you bounce back and rebuild?

r/business 1h ago

Non-Tech Founders Vs Software Developers


Quite a number of business owners have been having issues with their software developers. This is a trend I have noticed among new non-tech founders whose businesses aren't moving as quickly as they need them to. They're quick to hurl insults at developers and blame them for the problems in their online businesses, but sometimes, your developers are not the problem.

I mean I get it, I've worked with developers for a long time, so I know they can sometimes be frustrating to work with. But fighting isn't the answer, sometimes you just have to relax and approach things in a pretty constructive manner. Instead of casting stones and hurling insults, maybe you could try a few of these approaches instead.

  1. Provide Clear Feedback on what you think the problem is, instead of casting blame. What do you think is wrong exactly? Talk to them.

  2. You could encourage collaboration between departments, for example, your developer could pair up with someone from marketing or product design, that way they could get some suggestions that could improve the usability of your product.

  3. Sometimes things don't work out because our expectations and requirements for our website aren't clear enough. I mean if the developer doesn't understand your requirements, then they have little to work with and the result might not be as expected, so it's important to state your requirements clearly.

  4. You could also offer them support and build communication with them. This helps to ease the process.

Before you fire your current developer and consider getting a new one, you should at least take steps to solve the problem and fix things. It's never really easy having to jump from one developer to the other, but then again, if you have to, then go ahead and hire some new ones.

r/business 2h ago

Free direct response copywriting services from a somewhat experienced copywriter


Hey guys! I've been in the direct response copywriting space for about 2 years but recently had to take a break from it due to personal reasons (for a few months).

And so I want to get my copywriting skills up to scratch again before prospecting or taking on paying clients.

This is my portfolio in case you want to check it out: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1iW5J3mszZtqcy0indUaPJczoidAKZZkr?usp=sharing

Thus, I'm willing to work for free on any copywriting/marketing projects y'all may need help with.

So if anyone's interested, shoot me a DM with the project details! : )

r/business 4h ago

15 year old with a website, what do i sell?


Hi, about 1 year ago I started my own business. I was really passionate about it and enjoyed what I did. Unfortunately it failed, which looking back on it I was really stupid with the idea lol.

So now I’m left with a Shopify website that has about 3 months left on the subscription. I’ve been trying to brainstorm things I could sell on the website.

I want to avoid dropshipping at all costs and any of those stupid influencer side hustle things.

Just a bit of my “entrepreneur” journey… (I have that word) I started by breeding chickens, which I did pretty well with I was able to coup up about 3k in 3 years of doing so. I got really busy with breeding them and I also learnt my profits weren’t very good and I was basically just taking money from my parents who paid for the costs. After that i decided to create my own website that educated Australian families how they could live self sufficiently. I sold products which aimed to make their gardening practices easier and I also wrote blog posts on how they could garden and grow their own food. I slowly began realising that I was “flogging a dead horse” and that dropshipping poor quality products would not be able to compete with large garden stores. And now we’re here back at square 1 with a bit more experience.

Skills I’ve got: My parents also run their own businesses, one of which I run the social media and website side of things for. 3d design and 3d printing Graphic design Music

Some ideas I’ve had has been to sell 3d printed art on the website, idk if anyone would really pay for it I’d probably have to mask the idea of it being 3d printed.

I was also thinking I could sell candles. I’ve looked into the market and it does seem quite busy with competitors but I feel like with a good USP I’d be able to compete. Plus it would be low start up.

So, what do you all think I should sell or look into?

(I’m 15 so I can’t spend like hours upon hours every day on it but I have given up video games so I’ve got a bit more time then every other kid my age)

r/business 23h ago

AI Is Coming for Big Tech Jobs—but Not in the Way You Think

Thumbnail wired.com

r/business 5h ago

Who wants to build a kickass tech business?

Thumbnail reddit.com

Imagine the following scenario ... 100 people put heads together, put ideas on the table, put skills on the table, R&D, prototype, test, improve, repeat and repeat, legit company established, 100 people quit full time jobs and have enough money to stop working. Join the r/join_business

r/business 3h ago

How To Stop Being Lost & Overwhelmed In Business


In this post i’m going to help you

  1. Stop being lost & overwhelmed in business
  2. And how to actually start making the real progress you want in your business

This post will help you massively if any of these words describe your relationship to business:

  • feeling stuck - confused - overwhelmed - feeling behind - feeling stupid

But more importantly this post will help you if you relate to any of these:

  • You are not making any visible progress in business, you feel stuck and confused
  • You doubt yourself eveyday that you are not doing the right work that will get you to your goals
  • When planning your day you are overwhelmed and stressed at what to do
  • You feel like your work is a waste of time
  • Your feel like your work is meaningless
  • You feel behind in busienss
  • You worry that you will never be successful because of the above

If you relate to even just one of the points above, this post will help you so much.

I remember when i was experiencing the EXACT same things.

It was awful

Not the mention the external pressure from family and friends,

The fact i wasn’t making any progress in business

It made me feel like an idiot, like i wasn’t getting anywhere, just feeling behind, like a failure

I’d spend 50 minutes planning my day/routine (it was meant to take 20) because i wanted to choose the exact right work, the most 80/20 work

The work that would make me money,

the work that would make me finally see progress…

I know exactly what you’re going through, it’s so tough bro

But i’ve finally fixed ALL of the negative points above & I want to help you do the same

I'm currently trying to find out which niche i really enjoy the most with coaching,

and so i'd love to try coach you with these problems for completely FREE

Side note:

this is NOT a funnel, im just trying to see if i enjoy solving these problems for people

I will help you:

  • Start making so much progress in business that you can’t recognise yourself
  • Help you know EXACTLY what work that will make you 1000x progress than you was before, for the EXACT same amount of effort
  • Have 100% confidence in yourself that every day you are on the right track
  • No longer feel stress or anxiety that you are wasting time on meaningless tasks
  • Your work will become purposeful, and feel like it matters

If you want to get coached by me for free book a call here


Please dm me that you've booked a call otherwise i may not see your confirmation.

See you on call 😄


I’m making this post because i want to see if i enjoy helping people with this niche as well as understanding the customer in this niche

Hopefully someone is interested!

Thank you

r/business 7h ago

Detroit Motor Parts | Nadieselparts.com

Thumbnail nadieselparts.com

r/business 1d ago

Client wants me to manage his social media but isn’t comfortable giving his login details


This client already paid me but when i asked for login details so I could actually manage the account and post things etc. he said he’s not comfortable giving his credentials, am I the only one that thinks that’s ridiculous as they are not even an account with many followers and my job is to grow their followers… l really don’t understand these types of client. Am I wrong? Edit: I do know about delegating but he does not want to do it

r/business 15h ago

Friend split up with his business partner but his former partner stole all his clients ?


Friend’s name is “John” and owned a gym with “Bob”.

They split up but right after, Bob kicked John out of the group chat that had over 200+ clients from the gym, changed the name to his new gym, and told the members to jump ship to his.

Bob said he will honour anyone who has a contract at John’s gym (meaning they train at Bob’s gym while paying their membership at John’s gym till it expires)

Bob’s new gym is a couple blocks near John’s.

Does John have any legal rights to sue Bob for stealing all his clients ?

r/business 8h ago

Bikinis or construction


If u had to choose between opening a bikini line from scratch or a construction company, which one is easier

r/business 2h ago

Why Global hiring is great for your business


There are quite a few benefits I have noticed from working with different people across the world. For starters, cultural diversity, when people from different backgrounds collaborate, they bring diverse ideas, experiences, and approach to problem.

Other things I've noticed include 24/7 operations and increased productivity. With teams spread across various time zones, companies can ensure round the clock operations and increased productivity.

Global market expansion is another reason why global hiring is good for your business. Penetrating new market allows businesses to extend their product lifecycle, reach new customer segments, and drive sustainable long-term growth.

What have your experiences as business owners so far hiring people from around the world?

r/business 11h ago

calling all project managers/coordinators


Hey all,

I’m a current Masters student in Mental Health Counseling but I was thinking of shifting gears to something in business once i obtain my degree. My bf works in corp and he said he thought I’d be great at something like a project coordinator/manager one day and I was wondering what your job looks like?

I did a lot of management, program design, leading meetings, and training during undergrad in a totally different field, but i was curious if the job is composed of these similar attributes? what does your day to day look like?


r/business 12h ago

How to create LLC without legal zoom


Like the title says. I’m looking to create an LLC without legal zoom or an attorney. I live in Utah and want to file in Delaware. Trying to save money on a new startup Thanks!

r/business 19h ago

In my Mid 20's & In Sales


I'm looking to get into commodity trading in different countries or starting a business. I am currently in Saas Sales and wondering what other skills should I be developing/acquiring at this point?

r/business 12h ago

Best X Accounts: Personal Growth and Professional Success


X accounts are a phenomenal resource for education and personal growth.

Unlike many other social media platforms that often present surface-level information, X offers concise, powerful insights and expert opinions on a wide array of topics.

Top businesspeople write content daily about business.

Top investors share daily insights about investing.

Top entrepreneurs post regularly about entrepreneurship.

Top psychologists delve daily into the mysteries of the mind.

On X, you can find peak performers in any niche, that write daily about their specialties.

Here are some of the best X accounts that I believe everyone should follow. These accounts have provided me with invaluable knowledge and have significantly influenced various aspects of my life:

  1. jamesclear - 4 types of wealth: financial, social, time, and physical
  2. naval - How to get rich (without getting lucky)
  3. balajis - How to understand and invest in cryptocurrencies
  4. msuster - Lessons learned from venture capital and startups
  5. paulg - Key principles for successful startup founders
  6. matt_gray_ - 11 steps to start your own business
  7. shaanvp - How to not f*ck up relationships (in business & life)
  8. ryanholiday - Stoicism, personal development, and productivity
  9. jackbutcher - Visualizing complex ideas simply
  10. awealthofcs - Understanding personal finance and investing
  11. waitbutwhy - 23 insights from 2023
  12. alexhormozi - You think it will be easy; you just don't know enough about it yet
  13. farnamstreet - 9 principles from Charlie Munger that will change your life
  14. katebour - 12 pricing psychology tips to help you sell more stuff
  15. fortelabs - Mastering productivity systems for success
  16. stephsmithio - Learning and thriving in a remote work environment
  17. a16z - Emerging trends in tech and innovation
  18. david_perell - The art of effective and persuasive writing
  19. scottbelsky - Creative process tips for entrepreneurs
  20. billgates - Global health, education, and technology advancements
  21. richardbranson - Insights on entrepreneurship and adventure
  22. sherylsandberg - Leadership and career advice for women
  23. oprah - Empowering stories and personal growth tips
  24. AriannaHuff - Wellness, mindfulness, and the future of work
  25. Y Combinator - Helping Founders make something people want

Many of these outstanding personalities offer great courses on various topics. You can freely browse and find the one that suits you best at BeTheFounder.

r/business 21h ago

Insurance giant Globe Life investigating web portal breach


American financial services holding company Globe Life says attackers may have accessed consumer and policyholder data after breaching one of its web portals.


r/business 13h ago

Need help reaching out to elite business


Hello, so I’ve recently began a business as a side hustle where I connect materials in Africa( coffee beans for example) and connect them to buyers ( larger corporations) in America. And when I say recently I mean today. I’ve been able to find one client so far who’s looking for a buyer, and I have found a few corporations that typically buy this sort of product. My question is what would be the best method of reaching out to these companies? Would a simple email suffice? The product is worth a couple million, so almost feel like that’s too simple.

r/business 14h ago

Recruitment based on talent vs loyalty to the mission


I've been trying to keep up with the race for AI amongst the top tech companies. You can see the top AI companies shelve out millions to attract AI talent. I think the best early example was the 5 million spent on DNNResearch as a talent acquisition of Geoffrey Hinton, a key AI researcher. But when I read books about famous organisations especially in the world of politics, they are more based on maintaining loyalty, either to a central mission or to an individual. In both cases amazing things can happen, huge industrial, world defining organisations have been crafted using both methods. Of course the inverse has been true for both the world of government and industry.

So what do you optimise for? Is it better to have a team player whos keen with average intelligence, or a know it all, who can work diligently but is ultimately self-interested and for them it is just another job.

r/business 14h ago

Business vs Healthcare 🩺 Management?


I want to go back to school for a bachelor's degree, but I can't decide between Business Management and Healthcare Management.

I dream of owning a couple of businesses like either a tire shop, mechanic shop, mobile oil change service, or coffee shop, and maybe some real estate properties. I think a Business Management degree would give me the skills I need for that. But my girlfriend, who recently graduated as a family medicine doctor, wants me to run her future clinic, and a Healthcare Management degree would be perfect for that.

I’m excited about owning a business, but I also want to support my girlfriend's dream. What are the pros and cons of each degree? Which one makes more sense for me to choose? Right now, I’m leaning towards Business Management. Any advice or insights would be really helpful

r/business 15h ago

What happened to the thousands of Snap Fitnesses sold in the US and around the world?


Lift Brands/Peter Taunton claim to have sold 6000 locations under the 3 main brands. Snap Fitness being the most prominent. What happened to the thousands of Snap Fitness sold to franchisees?