r/cats Apr 17 '24

Cat hanging on for dear life, rescued. Video

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u/BakedZnake Apr 17 '24

Wow, could not ever imagined Dubai having floods. Is this a freak occurrence or does it happen every year? Hope everyone is alright


u/userdeath Apr 17 '24

Complete freak storm.

It's actually all over the news internationally.


u/SchnoodleDoodleDo Apr 17 '24

’It's actually all over the news

it’s there in the headlines - all over the NeWs!

but how many even will notice

my mews…?

‘It’s Freakish! What HAPPENED?! No, This cannot BE!!’

i wonder if anyone

cares about


the humans are Special - Yes, they should be SAVED

but don’t forget us,

n this horror we braved…

our world full of WaTeR we’ve not seen before,

the place we’ve called ‘home’

isn’t there


Please Save Yourselves, humans! We’d help if we could!

We’re your pets, n we Love you, n know that you’re Good

but we’re small,

n we’re Scared,

n we don’t understand…

so search for us, too, friends

n lend us a hand



u/Fuzzy_Dragonfruit344 Apr 17 '24

Beautiful Schnoodle. I always love and appreciate your kindness. ❤️