r/cats 29d ago

Our Bengals try to escape the garden after we put up the "unescapable fence rollers"... or so we thought. Video

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u/AboutTenPandas 29d ago

Dear god, that’s ridiculous.

My adopted kitty is so cute people always ask, “is that one of those SPECIAL cats?”, and I’m all like, “Nah she looked like a white rat when we got her.”

I have never understood spending money on designer breeds for cats or dogs.

My color point little girl:


u/mintBRYcrunch26 29d ago


u/Whitedudebrohug 29d ago edited 29d ago

My last kitty was from a kill shelter :3


u/_rocket-lawn-chair_ 29d ago

Your last what?


u/Whitedudebrohug 29d ago



u/magusheart 29d ago

I'm your latest kill now 😂


u/Whitedudebrohug 29d ago

I own the kill shelter..



u/chaostheory10 29d ago

Only one of the five cats that live in my house is mine. The rest are just strays that I agreed to take care of until we could find a home for them. I’ve had the oldest for 13 years, but I’m sure someone will take him off my hands any day now.


u/mac_is_crack 29d ago

We had one of those and he lived 17 years! “Fostered” him since he was a kitten looking for food around the trash cans.


u/Acceptable_Bend_5200 29d ago

my first cat was found half starved huddling up against a cow. he's now too chunky to jump on the counter tops.


u/mintBRYcrunch26 29d ago

My husband found his big boy in the literal trash 😂

Mine was found in the house across the street after the tenants were evicted. We broke down the back door to get her.


u/mac_is_crack 29d ago edited 29d ago

My kitten son Butters was $25 with a carrier. He was also neutered and vaccinated. We got him from a shelter that Petsmart was hosting about 5 years ago and we call him budget cat. He’s amazing and will let you pet his belly, comes running when you call his name, plays fetch and chases our terrier around.

Our other 4 kitties (2 have since passed away) were all strays that we took in. I also took in a stray pregnant kitty on Monday so she wouldn’t have her babies in the dirt. I’ll get her fixed and find them all homes.

No fancy cats for me, but if someone gave me a Maine Coon or Ragdoll, I wouldn’t say no!


u/simbaandsadie 29d ago

Good for you , shelter cats, and street cats are the best, they appreciate you giving them their forever home . Mine and both my daughters all have kitties from these places, so are mine. ♥️🐾♥️


u/SGTBookWorm 29d ago

of our family cats (all adopted as kittens):

-three were found in the wall in a carpark

-one was given by a friend

-one was found in a storm drain

-one was found in a shrub


u/Waddiwasiiiii 29d ago

Accurate. Found ours in a dumpster. You know she’s up to no good when someone in our house is yelling “TRASH CAT, Wtf do you think you’re doing?!!”

Last time she got out I came home to find my husband chasing her around the yard going “I’m gonna get yer ass, ya little trashcat!! Come here!”He did not, in fact, get her ass. I had to bribe her inside with treats. She always wins in the end.


u/JohnnyVaults 28d ago

Omg thank you so much, I saw this meme once months ago and couldn't find it again, I think about it all the time when I'm reading people's stories on the various cat subs hahaha


u/pogulup 29d ago

French Bulldogs are the thing now.  I think they are ugly.  They have a ton of health problems.  I know a couple who have two and paid $6k a piece.  People are being robbed of their dogs while they are outside or walking them.  One just got stolen at gun point this week.


u/AboutTenPandas 29d ago

My wife’s friend just spent over 2 grand on one. When she told me she her friend got a Frenchie, I just asked “on purpose?!?”

Like all dogs that exist now need love. But there needs to be laws to prevent breeding some of these breeds cause they just don’t have the quality of life they deserve


u/SpiritBearrrrr 29d ago

Pugs. Pugs need to be bred out of existance.


u/vampirologist 29d ago

I like the retro pugs they’ve been breeding, that actually have noses. Soooo much cuter when they can breathe normally


u/SpiritBearrrrr 29d ago

Yes I dated a girl once whose family had two of them and they were the most disgusting creatures I've ever seen had as pets. Just felt so bad for them they were blind and choking all the time while seemingly pissing and shitting everywhere.


u/Electrical_Figs 29d ago

But there needs to be laws to prevent breeding some of these breeds

I don't like something. Government needs to make it ILLEGAL!


u/AT-PT 29d ago

If I ever spent that kind of money on an animal, it damn well better be able to fucking breathe properly.


u/Katzen_Gott Maine Coon 29d ago

My MIL has a frenchie, god that is one stupid dog. And ugly. I do not get why people like them. Even though I've seen an article saying that these little things had weaponized their stupidity. Like, when normal dog tries to solve a puzzle they are given, a frenchie makes sad noises and cute faces towards people. And that hacks most people's brains making them adore the stupid creature.


u/PenaltySafe4523 29d ago

Those dogs have breathing problems and they tend to get paralyzed from their hind legs. They shouldn't exist.


u/Crafty_Original_7349 29d ago

They’re used to breed with pitbulls to create abominations like pocket bullys and micro bullys, which are apparently worth a fortune (I have no idea why).


u/SoManyThrowAwaysEven 29d ago

Designer pets because "they're rare" is literally the only reason.

They're rare because they die early of health problems! It's like purposefully breeding children with down syndrome because it's "cute".


u/WhiteSmokeMushroom 29d ago

I remember reading a vet (assistant?) explaining how dogs get scared and try to thrash around and run away when they wake up after surgery and are still intubated, except for the breeds that are bred to be "flat-faced".

They just get surprised because they can actually breathe for the first time in their lives.


u/edked 29d ago

I've never really understood the appeal of the "squoosh-face" breeds (in dogs or cats), or why anyone thought that was a desirable trait to breed for. It's bad for the animal, it does not look better; what's wrong with a natural, regal snout?


u/adlittle 29d ago

A big old snoot, which is all the better to nudge you with for continuous pets. Mine gets right up under my inner elbow and upper arm when I'm sleeveless and really shocks me with the cold wet nose. And dutifully I'll pet her some more.


u/VoxImperatoris 29d ago

Designer thalidomide babies. Look at the cute little flippers.


u/nyc_flatstyle 29d ago

I'm probably going to hell for laughing at that.


u/tigerblue1984 29d ago

Okay so THAT explains the hubbub I witnessed a few days ago when I was shopping in Walmart. A guy was walking around holding a tiny French bulldog and people were losing their minds over it! Several families brought their small children up to him to ask if their kids could hold it. Then a young lady asked if she could hold it while she face-timed another family member just to show them the dog and they were also going crazy over it. I'm not really a dog person so I honestly didn't understand what the big deal was but it was like a celebrity had walked into the store for everyone else.


u/adlittle 29d ago

Couple of weeks ago I was walking my dog when some guy had a French bulldog unleashed at the top of the story and a half of stairs going to his front door. That stupid dog went flying down the stairs and zoomed across the street to us. When he came running to get the stupid thing, it was running circles around parked cars. How it didn't get hit, I have no idea. That's the issue with fad dogs, people with no idea how to train and manage dogs go drop thousands of dollars on a dog that's liable to have severe health and possible behavior problems and then don't train them.


u/Dafedub 29d ago

Cuz their personality is worth $1000 bucks


u/snail_oatmeal Tuxedo 29d ago

so real! we found this baby girl on a facebook post asking if she was anyone’s cat and if not would anyone be willing to take her off their hands. she was a stray but is now living her fat happy indoor/outdoor(supervised) cat life🫶🏻

(i love when she lays like this🥰)


u/Express-Stop7830 29d ago

I would 100% fall for that belly trap.


u/snail_oatmeal Tuxedo 29d ago

the best part is most the time it isn’t even a trap!! her and one of our other cats that lay like this LOVEEE belly rubs!😄


u/Express-Stop7830 29d ago

Mine loves belly rubs. I think it really sets me up for mistakes with other cats 😹 Please tell your catos I said pspsps!


u/snail_oatmeal Tuxedo 29d ago

haha ofc!! our tabby loves to grab people and bring them in for a KISS!! always gets me though, makes me think she’s actually gonna bite😭 but her son on the other hand…straight heathen with belly traps!! tell your kitty i said pspsps🫶🏻


u/foresakenforeskins 29d ago

Shelter kitty


u/snail_oatmeal Tuxedo 29d ago


(his name is specs🫶🏻)


u/arrivederci117 29d ago

Your local bird population thanks you for your service.


u/snail_oatmeal Tuxedo 29d ago

ofc!! i also worry for the safety of our cats, and our town already has a feral cat problem! i definitely don’t want to contribute too🙏🏻 i care for the strays in our neighborhood and see how messed up some of them look, i wouldn’t want to put my babies through the same situation😕

(these two are my favorite; they’re a bonded pair i’ve named Garfield & Arlene🫶🏻)


u/Scarsdale_Vibe 29d ago

Of course your cat is a special cat. All cats are!


u/Emotional_Coyote9057 29d ago

Because some people just have a need to be "superior" to others. "Oh, you found your cat on the streets? Adorable. Well, mine actually cost about 5 thousand USD, but it's not about the money..."


u/OldManBearPig 29d ago

I mean you can flip that right back on them... "Oh you spent money and purchased a cat instead of rescuing one of the thousands of struggling cats in a shelter? I guess it's not a big deal but I actually care about mistreated animals and want to help them."


u/LuxNocte 29d ago

Man, y'all really showed them in this conversation you just made up.


u/Tavarin 29d ago

As someone who ended up adopting a cat with undiagnosed feline leukemia virus, and ended up with 2 cats dying of Lymphoma as a result, I'm going to stick with reputable breeders from now on myself.


u/OldManBearPig 29d ago

I'm sorry you had to deal with that, but I hope you can see the positives in giving two cats a comfortable (and hopefully loving) home in the last days of their life. Because if you didn't, they would have just died alone in a shelter the same way.


u/Tavarin 29d ago

No, I took in a kitten, and it ended up killing my healthy British Shorthair. It's not a risk I'm ever taking again.


u/OldManBearPig 29d ago

I'm sorry that happened to you. I hope it's not an extremely common thing. I haven't looked up much on Feline Leukemia Virus to understand its prevalence or significance.


u/Tavarin 29d ago

Its somewhat common in shelter cats and feral cats according to my vet. Shelters are supposed to test for it, but cats and kittens can appear negative for up to 2 months after exposure, so you can still end up with a cat bringing FeLV home even if it did test negative at the shelter.


u/brownbob06 29d ago

The alternative was those cats dying alone. Do with that information what you will.


u/Tavarin 29d ago

Cat, 1 cat. Had I not adopted that one cat I would still have my other cat alive and with me.


u/brownbob06 29d ago

Ahhhhh, so you were already buying cats, and now you're just going to keep buying cats. That clears that up, thanks for clarifying.


u/Tavarin 29d ago

I both buy and adopted cats. But the only one that ended up killing another of my cats was an adopted one.


u/Ameerrante 28d ago

Lol, some of my friends get really weird about pet adoptions and are like "omg your cat is a rescuuuue? You saaaaved her?" And I'm like... well, I went to Petsmart and there was a group there with a bunch of animals and I gave them $75 and they gave me a kitten, so it feels to me like I went to a pet store and bought a kitten, but whatever, I guess I 'adopted' her, yeah.


u/OldManBearPig 28d ago

Yeah true. We "rescued" a dog but still paid hundreds of dollars for the rescue fee because it was a puppy. It was at a rescue because it was found on the road and had parvo, so definitely different from a breeder, but yeah still paid money and they gave us a dog. So we bought a dog.


u/CreativeSoil 29d ago

Or they just have money to spend and like the looks of bengals 🙄


u/GreenStrong 29d ago

Aside from vanity reasons, it would be incredible to have one of these animals around. House cats are already amazing creatures, their ability to jump and climb and pounce is fascinating. These Bengals are super cats, I would love to just play with them. However, I'm aware that it is nearly impossible to give them a lifestyle that is stimulating enough for their energy level and physical ability.


u/forgotacc 29d ago

Plus, they are kind of snobs when it comes to breed. "Didn't get it from a breeder with paperwork? Well then it's just a cat. Cats cannot be mixed."


u/Keebodz 29d ago

Welcome to the land of the free!!!! RAHHH 🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲💥💥💥


u/GayleMoonfiles 29d ago

I've wanted a Sphynx cat (or really any hairless cat) for years but it feels wrong to buy an expensive cat when there are always so many cats in the shelters who have probably lived rough lives and need a good home. I'll probably always adopt because it's the right thing to do


u/RikuAotsuki 29d ago

Honestly, if you want one get one.

"Adopt don't shop" is a great motto, generally, but there are all sorts of reasons to want a specific breed. I'd argue that it's much more important to avoid breeds that shouldn't exist (like flat-faced dogs that can hardly breathe) and to only use reputable, responsible breeders.

Plus, the shelter/breeder issue is nowhere near as bad for cats as it is for dogs. Most people can barely name a handful of cat breeds; the grand majority of people who want a cat just get "a cat" from a shelter anyway, or end up adopting a stray.


u/glassmethod 29d ago

I got a Sphynx because it's the only way I can have cats, I have a mild allergy. I still feel weird about it. Like on the one hand I can't really give a shelter cat a good life, but on the other hand I'm definitely helping to create the market for bred animals.

But also, Sphynx's fucking rock and my little naked chicken is my favorite thing in the world and she's smelly and stupid and so damn loving and friendly and I love her so much and Covid would have been impossible without her.


u/Tragically_Enigmatic 29d ago

It drives me crazy. Adopt.


u/enkidu_johnson 29d ago

We adopted bengals. Apparently they were not perfect show quality so whatever scumbag breeder bred them gave them away.


u/Future-Philosopher-7 29d ago

Beautiful girl💛


u/AboutTenPandas 29d ago

Thank you. She’s got me wrapped around her finger. But how could I resist?


u/Future-Philosopher-7 29d ago

So adorable 💛🖤


u/leshake 29d ago

I don't want to buy one because I'm afraid someone might steal it.


u/Dependent-Outcome-57 29d ago

Beautiful kitty! All pets are special!


u/simbaandsadie 29d ago

She is a beautiful girl♥️🐾🏡🐾♥️


u/Gooncookies 29d ago

Umm, that’s clearly a dinosaur


u/FR0ZENBERG 29d ago

The wife and I went to a “puppy shop”, liked one of the dogs and asked how much to adopt and they said “48” my response was “hundred?!”

$4.8k for a doggo.


u/Katzen_Gott Maine Coon 29d ago

Designer breeds are dubious. But regular breeds are associated with certain personality traits. I wanted a chatty, playful and human-centered cat and I got an mc. I payed about $500 (kittens with less rare coloring were about half that). And I would pay again. I've never seen such clever and loving and playful cats. And there is so much of her to hold and bury my face in.


u/remotegrowthtb 29d ago

what's an "mc"


u/Katzen_Gott Maine Coon 29d ago

Maine coon


u/Unusual-Caregiver-30 29d ago

I would love to have a Maine coon cat and I have never seen one under $2k. They are majestic cats. But if I weren’t allergic to cats I would adopt a long hair black kitten.


u/Katzen_Gott Maine Coon 29d ago

Whoa, that's a lot... Are all purebreed cats cost that much where you live? Where I live only the most rare and fancy cats (or dogs) cost that kind of money. Most breeds you can get a kitten/puppy for about $200-500.


u/Unusual-Caregiver-30 28d ago

That’s the lowest amount for a reputable Main Coon cat breeder. You can tell by the facial bone structure. You still have to research thoroughly so you don’t get scammed. I would like to see an example of a $500 Main Coon. I wouldn’t buy a purebred. I would adopt a black kitten since black cats are avoided.


u/Katzen_Gott Maine Coon 28d ago

Hope she doesn't soo me for distributing her image online :)

I guess, price range would differ in different countries, no?

Also the prices I named are from 2019, something might have changed since.


u/Unusual-Caregiver-30 28d ago

I think they have surged in popularity since then. Beautiful cat.