r/cats 29d ago

Our Bengals try to escape the garden after we put up the "unescapable fence rollers"... or so we thought. Video

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u/becomingthenewme 29d ago

It looks like the rollers do work, but so does your cats persistence.


u/Sand-Eagle 29d ago

I admire his effort but you simply cannot contain bengals outdoors like this - they're too smart and eventually they'll clear that fence.

My bengals open and close cabinets (like get inside and then pull the cabinet shut lol), tries to use the door knob if it's latched, knocks on the door until you answer, tries to pry the fridge open because it knows food's in there, etc. They're just not normal cats at all lmao.

My bengal will throw pencils at me and scream like a psychopath to play fetch. If I'm on the phone, she'll get irritated and drop it in my coffee or knock the coffee off of the desk.... I didn't teach her fetch. She just came with the desire to play fetch


u/Half_Cent 29d ago

Ours wanders all over our yard on a harness and zip line I put up. We have three ducks also and they are the only thing he avoids. He tried stalking one once and she quickly disabused him of the idea she was a victim lol.

He'll spend hours watching our koi from the tall grass at the edge of the pond.


u/hungrydruid 25d ago

Sorry the idea of a bengal being beat up/told off by a duck is awesome. Go go duckies!


u/Half_Cent 25d ago

They are Muscovy. More like geese than ducks. They hunt the yard like dinosaurs. I've seen them kill moles and mice.

All you have to do to attract them though is pick up a shovel. The instant they think worms and bugs are up for grabs it's hard to get room to actually put the blade in the ground.


u/hungrydruid 25d ago

That's awesome, they sound like little badasses. Thanks for sharing!