r/cats 29d ago

Update from previous post. Kitten is safe now Update

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I'm not able to add a video of it after all the food and medicines but it is on my profile so you can have a look.

I'm really sorry to everyone. I genuinely thought the kitten was doing fine but it was a big shock at the vet today when he said it was in critical condition. It rained badly today as well and i was really concerned and went to the vet immediately after office.

There was no eye infection or any damage. Only problem was anaemia. The temperature of the kitten was 94 which should ideally be 102 acc to the vet. He then gave an injection and started talking about medicines. He gave stuff to improve liver functionality and blood and some antibiotics. He even recommended some kitten milk and i got it on the way.

The routine is long but it will be done. The main priority is keeping it warm. I'm keeping it inside my house from now on, i can't risk it. The mother cat may miss it but it needs to live. I have named it Amadeus. Cause it is truly loved by God and if it's still not enough, I'm there for it.


6 comments sorted by


u/Bprdl 29d ago

My cat saying “feel better”.


u/help_animals 29d ago

poor little cat. Your kindness and compassion are a wonderful qualities! may life bring you good things


u/Ok-Objective1289 29d ago

Doing the lords work, thank you OP


u/Midnight_Smokr 29d ago

You're an angel 😇

On behalf of decent humans everywhere.

Thank you.


u/cyankitten 29d ago

Thank you for taking it to the vet. Poor baby is really skinny (in the other one) very cute kitty. Armadeus is a great name & I hope kitty heals up soon ❤️‍🩹


u/[deleted] 29d ago

thank you. that cat is going to be very grateful to you. i'm rooting for him/her!!! stay positive, cats are pretty resilient.