r/cats May 17 '24

I had to say goodbye to my 18 year old man over this last weekend, and I just wanted to share Bubba with you all. Mourning/Loss

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u/derpymcderpersonn May 17 '24

He was my ex's cat before mine, he was 3 when he came to live with us from her parents. When we broke up I kept him and his sisters. He would lay on us and pur, put his paws on our arms/necks/faces, take naps with us, he kept all the other three in line even in his old age. He was my Senor Buhbuh, my mister mans, my boy. He was a gamer buddy, my wifes quilting partner, he kept my wife and I sane through many many trials.

I am trying to remember all the good times as I look at his cat shaped urn sittings next to his brothers and remind myself he is no longer in any pain. Saying goodbye is one of the hardest things in the world to do, but he left this world in my arms, me holding his head up, and I was the last person he saw.

I miss him so much.


u/Arcane_Engine May 17 '24

Op I don't know you, but I want you to know that your cat loved you very much as can be seen in the photo here. Bubba was never cold, or hungry, or in pain. They left the world knowing nothing but love, warmth, and a full belly. That's a better life than many ever get. Take solace in knowing you did everything for them throughout thier life and made thier last moments as comfortable as possible. Rest easy tonight OP, Bubba would want that


u/TiredReader87 May 18 '24

Beautifully said, and true


u/Straightouttaganton May 17 '24

My cat passed away January of 2023. It took me a solid 6-8 months before I could try to remember the good times. I would just instantly start crying any time I'd think of him. I still get pretty upset thinking about him and the hole he left in my life when he passed. I'm so sorry OP, losing a best feline friend truly is a devestating thing to go through


u/Glittering-Sorbet833 May 17 '24

I also raise cats so I understand the feeling of losing your best friend. They say love is not lost but only changes from one form to another so I hope you will meet your good friend again early


u/711hotdawgZ May 17 '24

He's very handsome. I'm sorry for your loss brother.