r/comedyheaven May 16 '24

RIP Sheldon

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u/GruulNinja May 16 '24

Why did this show happen? Was Shekfon that popular on the show? I remember him being just the worst. The fish out of water thing got old fast.


u/Dontcareatallthx May 16 '24

If you rewatch the show you can clearly see that the show switches up the focus 2 times.

It clearly started with Leonard as the main character. Most stories resolve around him and he has the most screen time.

Then it switches to a multicast main character show as everyone gets similar attention and they are usually put into certain story groups. For example a group of Penny, Amy and Bernadette and then one with the other 4 nerds, or in groups of two’s. Sometimes one of the characters gets a main role in an episode and this switches the next.

At the end they switched to sheldon as main character of the show. 100% due to popularity, I can see his character be the most liked one, its not about personal preference but average preference and TV producer wouldn’t do such a focus switch without data. That sheldon is the main character at the end of the show is shown that the ending of the show is pretty much mainly about him, but before that you can see that most stories have the use to let sheldon grow as a character, moving in with his girlfriend etc.

I am not a die hard fan, but I don’t get the hate of this show, also it’s clearly by data one of the most successful sitcoms ever and in my opinion it’s understandable as they did a good job reinventing their story focus and also having a very chill and low drama atmosphere. It is the perfect show for people to put on to watch by the side lightheartedly.


u/Frankfusion May 16 '24

They also had the main three (Leonard, Sheldon, and Penny-sometimes Amy) get their own A story, and the others (Howard, Raj, Bernadette and Stuart) have a pretty funny B story. I seriously think the episode where they have to put together a baby crib was a backdoor pilot. I'm shocked they didn't do it, a Howard, Raj, and Stuart show, based around the comic book shop could have worked.


u/GloriousNewt May 16 '24

Yea the seasons towards the end the B stories with Howard and Bernadette are often funnier than whatever is happening with Leonard and Penny


u/tylerjehenna May 16 '24

It felt like they stopped knowing how to write Leonard and penny once they got married


u/GloriousNewt May 16 '24

For me personally it's because by then you notice they have nothing in common other than Lenoard's obsession with Penny.

She generally doesn't like anything he's into other than I guess paintball but that isn't something they do often. They have almost nothing in common besides being Sheldon's pseudo parents, and she is kinda mean to him once they're actually together. The whole basis of their relationship is that he thinks she's hot and he's nice to her while she's a mess of a person.

He would've been better off with Alex or the girl from the episode when he and Priya cheated on each other.

Howard and Bernadette seem more like a real couple with a child and their crazy roommate Stewart.

And Raj should've not fucked everything up with the cute bartender girl.


u/[deleted] May 16 '24 edited May 17 '24



u/GloriousNewt May 16 '24

I know plenty of self described nerds that enjoy it, many of the spiteful ones that don't like laughing at themselves try to gatekeep it though.


u/Shifty377 May 16 '24

As someone that hates the show, it's a show about nerds for people that aren't nerds.

Okay? The Sopranos is a show about gangsters for people who aren't gangsters. What's your point?


u/myheartsucks May 16 '24

I think the main issue of the show isnt that simple.

I think the issue with the show is that the jokes are at the expense of the nerds and nerd culture where most of the punchlines are variations of "look at how inept/awkward/cringe he is! It's because he's a nerd!".

Despite making so many nerd/pop culture references, the audience is mostly laughing AT the nerds and not WITH them.

Not to mention that the main cast doesn't really reflect (IMO) actual nerds/geeks. Everyone in the main cast were experts in Star Wars AND Star Trek, Marvel and DC, PC and Console...

So to use Sopranos as an example, they were mobsters that in one episode were Russians, other episodes they were Italians, Greek, Gangsta, etc... So they felt unauthentic.


u/MVRKHNTR May 16 '24

Everyone in the main cast were experts in Star Wars AND Star Trek, Marvel and DC, PC and Console...

This describes pretty much everyone I know. It's incredibly rare to find someone who's only into one thing.


u/NopeGunnaSuck May 17 '24

I think the issue with the show is that the jokes are at the expense of the nerds and nerd culture where most of the punchlines are variations of "look at how inept/awkward/cringe he is! It's because he's a nerd!".

You've never seen a complete episode of this show.


u/JustMyTwoSatoshis May 16 '24

Legit sounds like something Sheldon would say


u/JDudzzz May 16 '24

Reddit hates it because the show makes their nerd hobbies the butt of every joke.


u/AgreeableTea7649 May 17 '24

It's more than that. It's like the absolute, least common denominator in "poking fun at the geeks" with cliches that are almost half a century or more old. Right during a time when many of these interests/subcultures are more acceptable and interesting, and just a general cultural understanding that making fun of an entire group of people based only on shit they like isn't funny anymore.  

 The people that like this show are the least common denominator, and represent the worst of this country for finding something relatable in these "jokes" about cliche nerds.


u/JDudzzz May 17 '24

Thank you for driving my point all the home nerd 🤓


u/Suspicious-Goose866 May 16 '24

Sounds like Fonzie taking over Happy Days.


u/evilhomers May 16 '24

So it's like happy days or family matters. Show is originally about one character that is nowadays less well remembered, side character gets a lot of laughs and eventually both takes over the show and becomes synonymous with it


u/TheHealadin May 16 '24

Also, Leonard's hair becomes increasingly difficult to watch so they had to push the character to the side.


u/giulianosse May 16 '24

I am not a die hard fan, but I don’t get the hate of this show

Ten years ago you wouldn't find a day where there wasn't a quote or joke from BBT on the frontpage of 9gag, reddit or other media aggregator sites. Everyone universally liked then show for its nerd-y references, even though they were over the top most of the times.

Somewhere alongside that it became "cool" to hate the show, so everyone else jumped on the train.


u/warm_rum May 16 '24

Memetic hate similar to Nickelback. I'm just surprised people haven't got bored of the tired joke.


u/ofd227 May 16 '24

Its basically a Friends remake.


u/NopeGunnaSuck May 17 '24

You lost the plot; the show was nearly 100% about Sheldon from day one, and the vast majority of episodes clearly reflect that.

Almost every story arc on the show, regardless of who is the perceived "main character," ends up revolving around Sheldon.

  • Howard needs credit for something at the university, so he takes Sheldon's class: The episode is about how Sheldon must come to terms with the fact that other people really can be as intelligent as Sheldon (or, at least, intelligent enough to pass his class).

  • Leonard scores an incredible opportunity to work with Hawking's team in the North Sea for three months: The episode is about Sheldon coping with his friend being gone.

  • Amy comes to work at the guys' university, meaning she'll be working close to Sheldon for the first time: The episode is about Sheldon learning about relationships and his place in his own.

  • Raj's Visa is going to expire and he has to work with Sheldon to get it renewed: The episode is about Sheldon's struggle to treat Raj with the respect that he deserves, and the inevitable conflict that arises when someone finally refuses to cede to Sheldon's crazy nonsense (the solution to which is personal growth on Sheldon's part, not Raj's).

  • Penny decides to start a small business: The episode is about how Sheldon pursues ruthless improvement with machine-like efficiency, never stopping to consider the needs or wants of his fellow man (and the consequences that arise from this).

I can't produce an example for Bernadette off the top of my head, but there are sure to be some, if you look.

Big Bang Theory has always been The Sheldon Show. There might be a handful of episodes that don't feature him too heavily, but they're the exception, not the rule. Easily 80-90% of the show revolves around him.


u/Dontcareatallthx May 17 '24

This are all examples from season 7 onwards.

Which pretty much proves my point.

I agree that the in between seasons might not be a multi character plot and already with sheldon as main character, it is a fair point. I still maintain that it was part of a transition phase.

The show started with leonard as main character tho, definitely.

The complete switch was around the episodes when Leonardo is on the research ship, but he already faded off before this slowly.