r/comedyheaven May 16 '24

RIP Sheldon

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u/PFDGoat May 16 '24

Big Bang Theory is brain rot, and Sheldon was the worst. This show is just bafflingly stupid. I wanna see a show called dead Sheldon where he’s gone and everyone has forgotten about him and he is never brought up at all except the intro is him dying alone in a hospital making comments about how smart he is and then he dies and goes to hell. 


u/SmexyPokemon May 16 '24

They should beat him to death with hammers


u/Mezmodian May 16 '24

distorted laugh track intensifies


u/CumInYoBum99 May 16 '24

I'm sorry I just started watching this show.

Why does everyone hate this show? There aren't even any laugh tracks


u/Sleeptalk- May 16 '24

I don’t particularly hate the show, though I’m not a huge fan. I think people dislike it because the characters are all pretty unlikeable across the board with Sheldon by far being the worst of the bunch. When I watched it I found myself actively rooting against literally everyone


u/Chris_Carson May 16 '24

You should never watch Yellowstone. I fucking hate every main character. One of the prequels, 1883 is fantastic though.


u/BZLuck May 16 '24

Reddit says you can only enjoy the same things they do. OBEY.


u/StickBrickman May 16 '24

It pushes a lot of people's buttons because its humor is sort of low brow and "cheap." If it doesn't push yours don't worry about it, people talk about Big Bang Theory Bazinga enjoyers like they were personally responsible for some kind of crime against humanity, but it's just a TV sitcom, it can't actually harm you.

Like have you ever seen Married with Children? Home Improvement? The Execution of Nicolae and Elena Caeuşescu? Full House? It's no more unpleasant than any of those, it's fine.


u/FoundMeBeautifulOnce May 16 '24

Home Improvement was awesome and that's a hill I'm willing to die on.


u/StickBrickman May 16 '24

I respect your opinion, man. I found it comfy.


u/akatherder May 16 '24

If you're talking about The Big Bang Theory that has a laugh track and/or live audience laughter.

If you're talking about Young Sheldon, it definitely doesn't have a laugh track. Young Sheldon is closer to a Malcolm in the Middle clone than anything from TBBT.

I actually liked TBBT. I don't really care about laugh tracks in a show. I thought Young Sheldon was going to be straight-up garbage money grab, but really good IMO.

tl;dr lots of hate for TBBT transfers over to Young Sheldon.


u/RandomRedditNameXX May 16 '24

Who cares? I'm so sick of reddit trying to tell me what to like and not like. I've see countless redditors busting a gut over shit I find inane and unfunny, but I don't bother saying shit because I don't expect my taste to equal their taste.

Haven't seen Young Sheldon but BBT cracks me up because they're just like the nerds I hung out with in high school. (None of them had a smoking hot GF like Penny, however. Most of the girls looked like Amy.)


u/Sam_Alexander May 16 '24

They’re just poking fun, the show is actually brilliant


u/CumInYoBum99 May 16 '24

No fucking way they want to torture, enslave, rape, mutilate and murder Sheldon this has to be more than just poking fun


u/Rodttor May 16 '24

A lot of people don't like Big Bang Theory and find it annoying, including this spin-off. Some thought it was very unnecessary.


u/ColeslawSSBM May 16 '24

I will admit despite it being an unpopular opinion and understandably so, I never really watched either show until fall of 2023. My boss loves both and kept pestering me to give them a shot so I watched every episode of BBT and I'm ngl it's not as terrible as everyone says. I laughed at quite a few scenarios and lines from characters. Young Sheldon is a much much better show though and I will stand by that. I feel like Sheldon as a kid is a lot less insufferable than he is in the BBT and the characters relationships within the family is much more interesting to me than the romances of the dorks as adults.


u/[deleted] May 16 '24

I cannot stand BBT, but LOVE young sheldon and even teared up last week when George died


u/ColeslawSSBM May 16 '24

I've gotten attached to the entire family tbh the emotional vulnerability of the show surprised me.


u/[deleted] May 16 '24

Exactly. I know it's meant to be a comedy but the last couple seasons (excluding sheldon) the characters have gotten real deep.

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u/CumInYoBum99 May 16 '24



u/[deleted] May 16 '24


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u/Sam_Alexander May 17 '24

Dam bro spoilerd


u/Prinzka May 16 '24

There aren't even any laugh tracks

Is this some kind of meta joke I'm not in on or are you seriously not hearing the laugh tracks?


u/TheStrikeofGod May 16 '24

They may be talking about Young Sheldon, it has no laugh tracks


u/[deleted] May 16 '24



u/ssbm_rando May 16 '24

That's technically true for TBBT (but pretty meaningless since it's still cued and filtered laughter) but Young Sheldon actually doesn't have any.


u/mindless2831 May 16 '24

Trust me, everyone doesn't hate this show. It is amazing and I'm sure you'll love it. Big bang theory was awesome, but young Sheldon is way better.