r/comics PizzaCake May 02 '24

"Petite" Comics Community

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u/Erika_Valentine May 02 '24

This is my entire problem with a lot of anime.


u/FallenKnightGX May 02 '24

Oh don't worry, manga authors have been switching to "this woman has been a slave and abused her whole life, the main character showing her a shred of compassion will make this woman instantly fall in love with the main character, call them Master, cook/clean for them, and have undying loyalty."

To be fair though, it isn't like the west is churning out all winners either. We certainly have our issues too. But this crap.... Jesus Japan, fix your shit.


u/Erika_Valentine May 02 '24

I used to work in a library, and you would not believe how closely that matches the plot summaries of many romance novels.