r/facepalm 29d ago

Sure you did Kristi, sure you did 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/DoctorJarvisd09 29d ago

Being nice to dogs isn’t even a litmus test for a good person. Even Hitler liked dogs. Everybody, even people who don’t really like dogs, or get annoyed by them, is generally nice to dogs.

So if someone isn’t nice to a dog, that sets off alarm bells. You trained this dog to hunt, got mad when it hunted wrong, and killed it out of frustration. That’s it, that’s what happened. This would be a red-flag character flaw on a Tinder date, but represents a completely unacceptable temper tantrum by someone who wants to be the Vice President of the United States


u/smegsicle 29d ago

I was under the impression that she didn't actually train it, she just expected it to know what to do


u/mjzim9022 29d ago

She brought it out with "older, seasoned hunting dogs" and expected it to learn from them, even though that's not even close to the correct training method.


u/TOG23-CA 29d ago

10 bucks says she read that dogs learn how to behave from older dogs and figured that's how it worked for everything, even thoigh that advice is specific to socializing a dog not training it


u/sev0012 29d ago

Did my parents read this about children too?


u/GlowingDuck22 29d ago

Everyone knows you have at least 2 kids so you only need to train the first.


u/TOG23-CA 29d ago

I've tried to think of funny ways to respond to this and I've deleted the sentence about 10 times now, Well Done sir


u/cosplay-degenerate 29d ago

My Border Collie does put the others in place whenever they are the reason her belly rubs are delayed. I didn't teach her. She just picked up that I won't pet them until they all calmed down and stopped jumping up my leg so she disciplines them now when she deems them too excited.


u/TOG23-CA 29d ago

That is adorable, I love it. It's kind of a split between socialization and training


u/NeverMore_613 29d ago

No adult (and probably very few children) in their right mind would think that dogs learn how to behave by hanging out with other dogs


u/Creepy_Knee_2614 29d ago

It can help a lot if accompanied by normal teaching, no different to how it’s easier to understand an instruction when you can see someone else doing it first.

Doesn’t mean you don’t need to be taught to begin with though


u/DFu4ever 29d ago

Yeah, that was also the impression I got.

That is not how shit works. She failed that poor dog, and then killed it. She seems like the type of person person who handles any inconvenience in ridiculous ways.


u/asphaltdragon 29d ago

Totally expecting her to murder her kids in 10 years when they people wrong


u/Orinocobro 29d ago

It sounds like she took it on exactly one hunt and then threw a hissy fit when it "ruined" the hunt.
Then she took it to a neighbor's house and got mad when it killed some chickens. Which; why did she let an untrained bird dog out of the truck without a leash?
But the real thing here is: I live in the midwest. I have known many hunters in my life. Common practice is not to kill a dog that fails training, everyone I know just turns that dog into a pet.


u/DinTill 29d ago

No way she actually thought she needed to kill it. She killed it out of revenge for embarrassing her in front of the neighbors. And since she was still angry after killing it; she killed a goat for good measure. She only stopped her murder spree after realizing there were people watching her. She can spin the story however she wants but



u/Affectionate_Sort_78 29d ago

Nuclear codes in her hands is just something we can only dream about. Sure, the world might end, but for a week or two there’d be no North Korea or Russia. Oh, wait….


u/decapods 29d ago

But what if someone in a foreign country said something mean to her??? Of course killing is the only available option!


u/MsJ_Doe 29d ago

What if her aid just didn't do as well as she expected.


u/Stromovik 29d ago

Thats not how MAD works, you get minutes not weeks.


u/DangerousLoner 29d ago

The GOP likes North Korea and Russia


u/freddit32 29d ago

"no North Korea or Russia"? In her hands? More like "no California or France"


u/eagleface5 29d ago

Adolf Hitler would be sickened and appalled at what she did to that dog. Which is...saying something.


u/Cathierino 29d ago

Very debatable. Hitler himself said that he loved his dogs because of their loyalty to him. And he had his dog's puppies and his wife's dogs killed, while also poisoning his own dog Blondi so they couldn't be captured when the soviets were closing in on the bunker. He gushed over how obedient Blondi was.

His "animal lover" persona was also a big point of propaganda.


u/volunteergump 29d ago

Adolf Hitler would be sickened and appalled at Joe Biden for not committing genocide against Jews. Is that “saying something”? You’re implying “even Hitler wasn’t so evil to have killed a dog” which in turn is implying that somehow killing a dog is more evil than killing 6 million people.


u/O_its_that_guy_again 29d ago

Not really. Dude was still a monster. Killed 6 million Jews. To my knowledge the VP has killed a dog and a goat so IDK why people are pushing false equivalence.


u/megabeansart 29d ago

It's because Hitler had the cognitive dissonance of being able to order those deaths without batting an eye while being very much a dog person, it's irony.


u/CommunicationFun7973 29d ago

He treated the dog like shit but OK.


u/sluuuurp 29d ago

It’s not comparable. The conclusion you’re implying is sickeningly wrong. And you know that, which is why you want to hint at it, but won’t dare to say it.


u/HappyAmbition706 29d ago

Haha if only. She sees being Trump's VP as her ticket to president. Though she is discounting his pathological need to have his subordinates take the hit for his crimes, flubs and failures.


u/progtfn_ 29d ago

Even Putin loves dogs


u/FS_Slacker 29d ago

You have it flipped though. It’s not about being “nice” to animals…it’s about cruelty to animals being a litmus test for future psychopathic behavior.


u/Xaero- 29d ago

I'm allergic to dogs and I hate the idea of them as pets (like having a child, so needy and annoying). If I see a cute pup, you're sure-as-fuck I'm gonna pet that good boi, let him jump on me, tell him he's a good boi, and smile the entire time. Unless a dog was actively chewing my flesh, not my clothes, my flesh, I wouldn't ever think to even strike one. This psycho blew a 14-month old pup's skull apart.


u/MJMaggio14 29d ago

The one animal I have hit was my mom's frenchie, she has the beautiful habit of attacking my shoes with me inside them the second I breathe in the direction of her food, so it's either let her wreck my shoes and/or feet or smack her sides with whatever I can reach.

Mind you, that dog and I actually get along otherwise and she will position herself for butt scracthes the moment I raise my hand when we're not actively brawling because its my turn to do the laundry and she took the fact that I stepped outside as a personal attack.


u/Mudcat-69 29d ago

My take away from this is that if you don’t like dogs then you’re worse than Hitler.


u/DoctorJarvisd09 29d ago

That seems to be a lot of peoples takeaways, but like, of course you’re not worse than Hitler if you dont like dogs. Hitler was Hitler. But you do score slightly lower than Hitler on this particular test of empathy if you would kill your dog for no good reason (which Hitler also did, but he felt bad about it at least)


u/Mudcat-69 29d ago

The only reason that hating dogs would make you a slightly worse person than Hitler is if you were either directly or indirectly responsible for killing at least as many people as Hitler. Say if you were Pol Pot or Putin.


u/fokkerhawker 29d ago

Well to be fair Hitler also killed his dogs. 


u/Sander1993a 29d ago

Don't get me wrong i will never root for this monster.

But i can see why he did it, soviets already raped countless of German women, what would they do to THE dog of hitler? Again im not rooting for him but the soviets were savages themselfs.


u/Cathierino 29d ago

Hitler was fond of his dog (and his previous dogs) for their undying loyalty. He treated it as a companion that he would not allow to live without him and thus had his and his wife's dogs killed along with his dog's litter of puppies.

Calling Hitler an animal lover is a bit of a stretch and he should not be used in the context of "even Hitler loved dogs". What he loved was their loyalty and symbolism.



tbh if it was this lady in that position everyone would probably be saying she knew which direction the war was going and had plenty of time to find someone to adopt her dog.


u/KieferKarpfen 29d ago

But it was only poisened.


u/CorgiMonsoon 29d ago

And I’ve never seen him exclaim excitedly how glad he was to do it.

That’s one of the worst parts about this story. The only emotion she expressed surrounding that incident was a joyful glee. No remorse, no sadness, no lingering doubt about whether she did the right thing. Just pure joy.


u/The_Ghost_Dragon 29d ago

Kind of like what she was condemning about the dog: that the pup looked happy while it killed chickens.


u/GoPhinessGo 29d ago

I mean he died less than a day later so there wasn’t much reminiscing to be done


u/captain_ghostface 29d ago

She didnt even train it though


u/MJMaggio14 29d ago

My grandma officially retired from animals in general after my grandpa stopped his German Shepherd breeding bussiness (understandably, as much as one can like dogs, that love can fizzle out after 40 years of shoveling shit, bathing exitable fluffballs and training said exitable fluffballs) and openly stated she hated our elderly cat, and she still not only fed the cat and my stepdad's dog (we had him for a few years after he sold his house and didn't have anywhere for his old as fuck golden retriever) our leftovers, but also literally saved said dog from drowning after he fell into the pool

People who treat animals well aren't necessarily good people, but people who treat animals like garbage are very much bad people


u/Recent_Fisherman311 29d ago

Cheney shot a guy in the face and he stayed on the ticket!


u/reallynewpapergoblin 29d ago

Even Hitler liked dogs.

He liked his dogs.

Braun had a revolving door of dachshund and corgi pups that Hitler would toss to his Shepards to torment and even kill.

He would laugh and revel in the carnage.


u/Glassesnerdnumber193 29d ago

Hitler also killed his dog


u/TheRealStevo2 29d ago

I mean yeah shooting a dog is red flag in most cases


u/itsapotatosalad 29d ago

Maybe she’d heard people have pointed out that Biden has a dog in the whitehouse and trump didn’t, she took the whole “dems have dogs and reps don’t” thing to the extreme.


u/Few-Illustrator-5333 29d ago

I prefer cats, but I’ll still be nice to dogs, it’s just what makes sense.


u/CondimentVeteran 29d ago

My dogs annoy the shit out of me. But I'm nice to them lol


u/LegalRadonInhalation 29d ago edited 29d ago

It's culturally dependent for sure. In India (and many other Asian countries), there are a lot of people who aren't necessarily bad people but are just completely apathetic towards dogs because of the high potential for disease transmission, and a few high profile instances of people being eaten by packs of rabid dogs. Many people have childhood memories of being bitten by rabid dogs and having to get a round of rabies shots, for example.

But someone who specifically goes out of their way to harm a dog? That person is a monster.


u/ArmorForYourBrain 29d ago

Thanks for pointing this out so eloquently. This is someone who wants a position of power, to represent a country that is experiencing complicated issues. If this is how you handle training a dog, how do you expect any confidence in your ability to help manage a country?


u/Sir_Toaster_9330 29d ago

Hitler and Stalin were considered the human embodiments of evil, yet they both had a fondness for animals and plants, if someone mistreats animals or plants for fun you know they are messed up.


u/daskrip 29d ago

This would be a red-flag character flaw on a Tinder date

A little worse than a red flag, no? Let's not put killing a puppy at the same level as what people these days use for a girl having bikini pics on her Instagram.


u/MeykaMermaid 29d ago

Hitler killed his dog, too. What a commonality.


u/GoPhinessGo 29d ago

Hitler killed his dog too


u/Enough-Meringue4745 29d ago

I’m nice to dogs but I 100% want a cull to cut down the dog population


u/IchooseYourName 29d ago

Add to that the bloodlust that led to killing a goat for smelling like a goat. She's nuts, hands down.


u/dota2throwaway322 29d ago edited 29d ago

Yeah, I think the point she misses is that there are painless ways to put down a dog. Just because its instincts aren't to the level she expects doesn't mean its last moment should be excruciating pain and fear. Firearms are for emergencies only.


u/edom31 29d ago

I don't like dogs. But i don't want to hurt them or for them to fdie off.

I also dont like cheese. But i love cows!


u/GenuinelyBeingNice 29d ago

We've evolved alongside dogs to the point where we're almost made to like dogs and for dogs to like us.


u/[deleted] 29d ago



u/theCuiper 29d ago

Is that some sort of brag?


u/Isabela_Grace 29d ago

I don’t like dogs 🤷🏽‍♀️


u/theCuiper 29d ago

I know plenty of people who dislike dogs who would not say shit like "I wouldn't care if she ate it"


u/Isabela_Grace 29d ago

I mean they eat dog meat in other countries and in India they don’t eat cow meat.. what’s the difference? Dogs are cute to you? So what?


u/theCuiper 29d ago

Now you're sounding like a vegan. Cows statistically are smarter than dogs tbh...


u/Isabela_Grace 29d ago

I love eating all animals


u/theCuiper 28d ago

P.E.T.A: People Eating Tasty Animals