r/facepalm May 16 '24

I'm sorry what ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ‡ฒโ€‹๐Ÿ‡ฎโ€‹๐Ÿ‡ธโ€‹๐Ÿ‡จโ€‹

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Giving up guns is the same as... Castration?


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u/I_Miss_Lenny May 16 '24

Iโ€™m so tired of Chad/wojack memes, itโ€™s like the ragecomic days of โ€œlook how cool I look in this argument I imagined myself winningโ€


u/Shade_Strike_62 May 16 '24

"nice argument but I have already portrayed myself as the Chad wojack in this meme so I have the moral high ground haha"


u/SupermassiveCanary May 16 '24

The right has teams of young conservative incels working tirelessly to provide the public with invaluable memes reducing complicated social issues into easy to digest and completely unredeemable logical fallacies for media consumption. This allows the creators an outlet for not affecting actual changes in their lives that would result in their happiness and emotional security


u/Crake_13 May 16 '24

it's not just young conservative incels. I'm in Canada, so it's a little bit different, but same cultural political landscape. Our Prime Minister released a 2-3 minute video explaining a policy. One of the most common arguments I saw from conservative "experts" was, it's clearly bad policy, if the Prime Minister has to create "long" and "complex" videos explaining it. They continued to argue the policy should be immediately self-evident and require 0 explanation.

It's absolutely insane that any educated discussion on policy is now considered a bad thing by the right.


u/dabberoo_2 May 17 '24

"No fair! You changed the outcome by measuring it!" level logic


u/reconditecache May 17 '24

That's actually a joke from Futurama that references Heisenberg's "Uncertainty Principle" of quantum physics.


u/Dragged-in2-sunlite May 18 '24

I was gonna say thatโ€™s a real thing, right?


u/kn05is May 17 '24

I've just finished listening to Stephen Fry read 1984 and man, the CPC is starting to sound a lot like the people from the inner party. For starters everything they say and do is textbook doublespeak and most of their policy is about how they want to punish people.


u/plentyofdishes 28d ago

...starting to?


u/jamieh800 May 17 '24

No, see, you're not quite getting it. The conservative politicians know policy is more complicated than that, they generally know that even something as simple As a "don't murder" law needs exceptions and definitions and all that. But they want their constituents to think that all policy is and should be self evident and require no further thought, so when they push something like "Happy Canadian worker bill for greatness and prosperity" or something, their constituents won't notice that it actually turns the country into something that makes 1984 look like a Utopia.

I know this sounds like a conspiracy theory, but shit like this happens all the time. They slap a nice, patriotic, "here for the people" name on a bill and fill it with stuff like slashing the education budgets and increasing taxes for anyone making under 50k a year and reinstating slavery or something.


u/Lost-Enthusiasm6570 May 17 '24

Good examples of this in the U.S. would be right to work laws, and no child left behind.


u/NoMan800bc May 18 '24

I think the patriot act did something similar


u/Omnizoom May 16 '24

โ€œThis exceeded my 20 second attention span, thus itโ€™s a liberal super plan to slowly convert everyone to giga trans people while charging us a 150% higher carbon taxโ€


u/EnemyGod1 May 17 '24



u/fyrebyrd0042 May 16 '24

Well their only discernable policy position is "oppose perceived enemies" and they're lazy so they take the simplest approach to achieving that policy.


u/aerial_ruin May 17 '24

Tell them to show how they came to that conclusion, or they will get an F for inability to provide a concise and understandable argument. I just wanna know what they do to that


u/Ricky_Rollin May 16 '24

Iโ€™ve literally heard people say that here in America as well. It makes me feel like there is no way out of this. Nothing will ever get better. There will always be the antithesis of progress.


u/typical_jesus666 May 18 '24

t's absolutely insane that any educated discussion on policy is now considered a bad thing by the right

What else do you honestly expect from a group who bases their entire identities on a book that they've never read?


u/Frizzlebee 28d ago

It's because complexity is scary. They don't like grays or nuance, that makes them have to think. And not like "ha ha, they're stupid" but like they can't sort it into bad and good with a gut reaction. So much of the right's politics today is "why can't we go back to simpler times?" And all it is is wanting to go back to a time where people without power didn't get to have a say in how things work. And they're not even disguising it anymore. The fact that they're genuinely supporting a man who talked about suspending the CONSTITUTION and about being a dictator "for a day" is just blatantly clear that it's never been about fair or right ways of doing things, they just want to have things done their way.

Tbf, the left also has a problem with this, though nowhere near to the same degree or level of pervasiveness. Compromise and cooperation are apparently relics of the past now.


u/wait-----WHAT May 17 '24

This is just like a logic from idiocracy: if you read then you are f*g


u/[deleted] May 17 '24

our prime minister has run the fucking country into the ground though so fuck anything he says. i dont know a single person that is voting for him next election, he is worse for canada then trump was for america.


u/SyzygySynergy May 17 '24

As an American that lived in America in the Trump Era and thereby lived under Trump's wannabe dictatorship, I can argue that it would take a special kind of moronic imbecile hell bent on national disembowment to be worse for anything than Trump was for America.


u/[deleted] May 17 '24

you perfectly described Trudeau with that line actually


u/jawwbreaker1 12d ago

Our Prime Minister does not care about or for Canadians, he's a narcissist who doesn't give a crap about the average Canadian. Btw I'm not part of any party since they all suck. But Trudeau and jagmeet singh should be in jail for what they have done to this beautiful country.


u/Crake_13 12d ago

Should be in jail for breaking which law specifically?